
Showing posts from February 25, 2024


Chapter 2 Just when the sharp nails were about to touch Gu Xiaoxiao's throat, Ayu heard a soft sigh, filled with helplessness and pity. The woman in front of her said calmly: "Hanging upside down for a long time can easily cause cerebral congestion. If you move randomly, it is likely to cause blood vessels to rupture, which can kill you in minutes. At work, there is no need to be so heartbroken. Your boss will not reimburse you for hospitalization if you are injured. Why bother?" "???" Maybe the shock in Ayu's eyes was too strong, Gu Xiaoxiao further added: "Listen to sister's advice, eat well, sleep well and be in good health, which is the greatest wealth in life. Don't be brainwashed by the unscrupulous boss's hard work theory, be diligent and responsible. People will be slaughtered, and in the end they end up with the tragic ending of death from overwork.” "??!" Ayu was completely stunned. Gu Xiaoxiao took this opportunity and w


Chapter 1 "Hiss, hiss..." The radio interference in her ears made Gu Xiaoxiao frown. An angry male voice followed closely and shouted: "Gu Xiaoxiao, get up, stop pretending to be dead like this, hurry up and complete the task without delay!" Gu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes with difficulty and found herself lying on the cold tile floor. The cold white light above the head was brightly extinguished, and she could barely see that she was in the bathroom. There were closed stalls on the left and right sides, and a passage in the middle ran through to the end. There was a hint of gloom in the dilapidation. Gu Xiaoxiao slowly sat up, her chest tightening, and an unfounded fear suddenly surged into her heart, causing her heart to beat wildly. She touched her chest impatiently, her eyes filled with confusion. Where am I? Why is the heartbeat so fast? Perhaps the doubts were too strong, and a memory that did not belong to her suddenly entered her mind. It turned out that she had


Title: The Mournful Female Supporting Role Became Popular in the Haunted House Variety Show  丧系女配在鬼屋综艺爆红 Author: Mian Mianli 棉花躺 Completed: 2023 Introduction: Human fear and screams have always been an important source of energy to maintain the operation of the underworld. The haunted house full of terrifying legends is an infrastructure project that the underworld is proud of, until they met Gu Xiaoxiao. "I have scared others for many years. This is the first time I have encountered someone who is not afraid of death. My career has suffered an unprecedented blow." "When others see ghosts, they scream and feel full of fear, but she is better off. She just makes our colleagues autistic, which is outrageous!" "Brothers have been demoralized by her. If this continues, the end of the underworld is not far away." The Ghost King had dark circles under his eyes and gave up resistance: "Lie down, don't struggle anymore, my heart is tired." The gold