Chapter 2

Just when the sharp nails were about to touch Gu Xiaoxiao's throat, Ayu heard a soft sigh, filled with helplessness and pity.

The woman in front of her said calmly: "Hanging upside down for a long time can easily cause cerebral congestion. If you move randomly, it is likely to cause blood vessels to rupture, which can kill you in minutes. At work, there is no need to be so heartbroken. Your boss will not reimburse you for hospitalization if you are injured. Why bother?"


Maybe the shock in Ayu's eyes was too strong, Gu Xiaoxiao further added: "Listen to sister's advice, eat well, sleep well and be in good health, which is the greatest wealth in life. Don't be brainwashed by the unscrupulous boss's hard work theory, be diligent and responsible. People will be slaughtered, and in the end they end up with the tragic ending of death from overwork.”

"??!" Ayu was completely stunned.

Gu Xiaoxiao took this opportunity and walked out of the cubicle calmly.

[Pfft hahaha, what kind of trend is this? Does the world really understand her confusing the NPC?]

[Originally, I was afraid that the anchor would be choked, but in the end she gave me a show like Chicken Soup for the Soul. This is clearly a comedian variety show]

[Next time I go to an escape room, I will also fool NPCs like this (no)]

[Srds, since the mission card is a clue to the main plot, the NPC may not let the anchor succeed so easily]

After Gu Xiaoxiao walked out of the cubicle, she walked leisurely towards the exit. As soon as she touched the door handle with her palm and was about to twist it, she heard a soft "dong" sound and a head slowly rolled to her feet.

The NPC, which had been hanging upside down before, arrived half a meter behind her in the blink of an eye, standing with its back straight and facing her, with an empty head.

After Ayu came back to her senses, she was shocked to realize that she had been tricked. Although she did not absorb the fear value, she still used her last bit of strength to take off her head.

She must get the first scream value tonight!

The audience who saw this scene from another perspective were all frightened and jumped up in place.

[Ah ah ah, have you opened your mouth in front? The NPC is angry, anchor pills]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo more...]

[Have you ever had the feeling of being monitored by an NPC? :)]

[Shut up, those in front, Dawei Tianlong! retreat! retreat! retreat!]

[How on earth did she go from hanging upside down to upright and then turn around in the blink of an eye?]

[Confused by the same style? Shocked my whole family]

[The special effects of the program team are really awesome]

[The NPCs have reached this point. It seems that they are really annoyed by Gu Xiaoxiao. She is dead]

[Scream, you are weird, hahaha! ! ! !]

Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes and glanced at the head at her feet. Although the head was separated from the body, the mouth was proudly opened in a ferocious arc, and the eyes as black as ink stared directly at Gu Xiaoxiao, looking up at her.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked back at the motionless body behind her, and sighed with a bit of resignation: "Okay, I admit your dedication, but I won't pick it up for you." 

You don't want me to interact with you.

After saying that, she turned around and continued to twist the door lock.

Ayu was provoked repeatedly by the other party. She was angry and annoyed. She gritted her back molars and used the remaining energy to hold the door. She cried out in a high-pitched and gloomy voice: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I have no head, I am so pitiful!”

Ayu floated behind Gu Xiaoxiao while crying, and landed on her back in the blink of an eye.

The barrage instantly collapsed in a chorus of ah ah ah ahs.

Gu Xiaoxiao was about to say a few words of comfort to the NPC's bloody and tearful head, when the sudden body pressing against her and the chill that invaded her bone marrow left her speechless.

This looks like a newbie who has just entered the industry. She regards work as the cornerstone to the peak of life. She feels that hard work will be rewarded, and she can be promoted, get a raise, buy a house and a car. In fact, it is nothing, just being bullied by unscrupulous people. The boss is taking advantage of you without even realizing it.

"Ooooooo, I have no head, I'm so miserable, help me~" Ayu continued to threaten.

The sound clearly came from the head on the ground, but Gu Xiaoxiao always felt that the sound was right next to her ears, an indescribable response.

Thin goosebumps appeared on her body again, and Gu Xiaoxiao's patience was exhausted.

She exhaled helplessly, bent over, picked up the head, and put it on her head thoughtfully.

Ayu: "???" That's fucking outrageous!

Just when Ayu opened her mouth in shock, Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at her breasts first, then at her own, and said expressionlessly: "Uuuuuuuu I have no breasts, I'm worse than you."

Ayu: "······"

Inner OS: Nani! ! ! I ***, you ***, ah! ! ! !

At this moment, she wanted to tear her apart with her hands, but with all her energy exhausted, she could only watch Gu Xiaoxiao's arrogant back drift away until she disappeared behind the door.


Ayu could no longer support her body and staggered to the ground, her figure becoming lighter and fainter until she completely disappeared.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was immediately swept by hahaha.

[Fuck, hahahaha, the anchor is really brave, compared with NPC, how can 10,000 points of critical hit be enough?]

[I reminded myself again and again that this is a horror reality show, but the host can manipulate my emotions at all times. After being extremely frightened, I burst into crazy laughter, which made my stomach hurt from laughing.]

[While screaming and being scared, at the same time being amused by the anchor’s sexy moves, I was testing the edge of perfection]

[The program team must have given Gu Xiaoxiao a hard time, why should she get the mission card]

[That’s why she is the only one who can pick up NPCs when other artists haven’t met them]

[This is a good saying, why can the anchor meet? Isn't it intentional by the program team? Even if the anchor misses something, it is based on her ability. The NPC is very dedicated, okay? 】

[That’s it, these sunspots are really everywhere, retreat, retreat!]

The moment Gu Xiaoxiao walked out of the door, a sudden prompt sounded in the empty corridor: "Congratulations to Gu Xiaoxiao for receiving the first mission card and unlocking the second random mission."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the clock on the wall started counting down to three minutes.

The guests who were busy looking for mission cards everywhere were stunned when they heard the news, as if they did not expect such an ending.

Gu Xiaoxiao is the artist with the lowest ranking among all the guests and the worst reputation. Everyone knows the purpose of inviting her to the show. Even if the show team intends to let things go, the target will never be her.

Either she was just lucky, or she acted illegally without fear of death.

No matter what the situation is, it makes everyone present uncomfortable.

This move shows that Gu Xiaoxiao is not only a bad character, but also very ambitious. She clearly wants to steal everyone's limelight.

"Damn! How many random tasks are accompanied by one main mission?" Lin Yao's irritable voice sounded at the end of the corridor.

"Let's go and see what the mission card says." Qi Yan just walked up behind him, his handsome face covered with a layer of frost. He was not the first person to find the mission card.

Jin Sui'an, who came out of another classroom, followed closely behind the two of them and asked them as he walked: "Have you met the NPC?"

Qi Yan shook his head.

Lin Yao complained: "I didn't even touch half of the ghosts."

Jin Sui'an nodded with understanding and glanced at Shen Weiyue and Yue Xinran who were walking out of the aisle directly in front of them. He asked the same question again.

The two shook their heads at the same time, and Jin Sui'an concluded: "So, maybe the mission card is hidden on the NPC."

Yue Xinran said: "That means that only Xiaoxiao met the NPC?"

"It's possible." Jin Sui'an said, looking at the slender figure not far ahead, and sighed: "I don't think she is quite brave."

Shen Weiyue tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart and said softly: "It seems that the rumors cannot be believed. Xiaoxiao doesn't seem to be timid at all."

Gu Xiaoxiao should have screamed for her to go to the location of the mission card, and used her weakness and incompetence to set off her calmness and wisdom, helping her to become famous in this haunted house variety show, but she actually came out with the mission card herself. How on earth does the director of the program team do his job!

"Tch, I'd like to call it bullshit luck, or ulterior motives." Lin Yao sneered coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

How could a well-known coward not make any noise when meeting an NPC? The title of screamer is not for nothing, there must be something fishy about it!

While talking, a group of people walked up to Gu Xiaoxiao. Yue Xinran asked first, "Xiaoxiao, was the mission card found on the NPC?"

Gu Xiaoxiao said truthfully: "It's not on her body, it's on the water tank behind her."

Yue Xinran: "Is the NPC male or female? Did he chase you or suddenly pop up to scare you?"

"The woman didn't chase me or jump around. She just hung on the roof. Then she suddenly turned around and asked me to pick her head up."

Yue Xinran imagined the scene as she described it, and couldn't help but gasp, "Aren't you afraid? If it were me, I would have screamed loudly."

"Hey~ When encountering this kind of situation, the more you call them, the more excited they become. They will chase you even if they don't want to." Gu Xiaoxiao slowly spoke from experience.

"Hmph, you're talking like you're an NPC. Why are you showing off?" Lin Yao muttered, looking unconvinced.

As the most popular new idol, he wanted to perform well and come out on top, but he was overtaken by Gu Xiaoxiao, a weirdo, and he felt aggrieved and embarrassed.

Gu Xiaoxiao spread her hands: "It's just a suggestion. There's no need to show off this little trick."

"You!" Lin Yao was heartbroken by her.

"Miss Gu, can you show us the task card?" Jin Sui'an suggested warmly.

Gu Xiaoxiao handed the card to him without any hesitation.

Qi Yan frowned after reading the two blood-red words "candidates" and said softly: "The main task should be related to the exam."

The others nodded in agreement, and Shen Weiyue said, "Then we should split up next?"

"Nonsense, there's not enough time if we don't separate. I don't want to stay in this place all night." Lin Yao said while looking around, feeling the coolness surrounding him like a shadow.

[Don’t be afraid, my dear, my mother is praying for you online]

[Brother, hurry up and recite the mighty Heavenly Dragon silently, demons and evil spirits have no taboos]

[If I were him, I would follow Gu Xiaoxiao closely. After all, she is in charge of comedy. No matter how cruel the NPC is, he will be autistic when he encounters her.]

[I feel the same, and suddenly I am looking forward to Gu Xiaoxiao’s performance in the next level]

[Just wait and see, Gu Xiaoxiao will never get lucky again, sooner or later the situation will overturn and make you cry]

[Black powder rolled thickly]

Shen Weiyue looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with a smile and suddenly extended an olive branch: "If Xiaoxiao doesn't mind, I want to be with you. It's too scary to be alone."

Since the program team had nothing to do with her, she had no choice but to go on her own and always remind Gu Xiaoxiao of the terms of the contract that she should fulfill.

"I also want to be with you. This place is eerie and scary. I'm too afraid of being frightened by the NPC that suddenly pops up. When people are extremely frightened, they will really make a fool of themselves."

[Hahaha, even now, the little fairy Ranbao still pays so much attention to image management, she is so dedicated]

[I also think it’s better for girls to form a team, so they can take care of each other]

[Three women screamed together, doubly sour]

[Yes, yes, a woman’s scream is contagious]

"I have no problem." Gu Xiaoxiao looked calm.

The more readily she agreed, the more angry Shen Weiyue felt at being provoked. She silently clenched her palms, trying to make Gu Xiaoxiao understand who was the protagonist.
