
Showing posts from April 23, 2024

FVB - 054

Chapter 54 Mr. Que, mother loves you "Oh my God, I actually saw Mr. Que smiling." "When Mr. Que smiles, the fried chicken looks so good, I want to pass out with happiness."    "Master Que, mother loves you!"    A group of teenage girls became crazy mother fans and screamed like crazy.    Jiang Jin's ears were almost deafened by the noise.    She glanced at the time and saw that it was almost ten o'clock at night. Usually at this time, the two children had already rested.    She took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Xichen's number again.    She put the phone to her ear, and her eyes fell through the crowd on Li Xichen's face in the restaurant.    She saw Li Xichen put down his knife and fork, glanced at the mobile phone on the edge of the table, and then picked it up.    She thought the call would be answered this time.    Li Nanque, who was sitting opposite, suddenly reached out and took away Li Xichen's cell phone and turned it off