FVB - 054

Chapter 54 Mr. Que, mother loves you

"Oh my God, I actually saw Mr. Que smiling."

"When Mr. Que smiles, the fried chicken looks so good, I want to pass out with happiness."
"Master Que, mother loves you!"
A group of teenage girls became crazy mother fans and screamed like crazy.
Jiang Jin's ears were almost deafened by the noise.
She glanced at the time and saw that it was almost ten o'clock at night. Usually at this time, the two children had already rested.
She took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Xichen's number again.
She put the phone to her ear, and her eyes fell through the crowd on Li Xichen's face in the restaurant.
She saw Li Xichen put down his knife and fork, glanced at the mobile phone on the edge of the table, and then picked it up.
She thought the call would be answered this time.
Li Nanque, who was sitting opposite, suddenly reached out and took away Li Xichen's cell phone and turned it off directly.
"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."
Jiang Jin slowly lowered her hand.
She lowered her head and glanced at the curtain cloth wrapped around her body, and suddenly felt very ridiculous.
Before this moment, she really thought that the two children and Li Nanque were too engrossed in eating and forgot to answer her phone.
But this is not the case at all.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao deliberately didn't answer her call.

Why don't they answer?
Just because she asked them to buy a dress?
She was indeed wrong. How could she, an adult, let two children buy dresses?
"Wow, Master Que is laughing again."
"Where did these two children come from? They can make Master Que laugh so many times."
"I really want to sneak in and listen to what they are saying."
Jiang Jin raised her head and looked at the window. The three children were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.
Her numerous calls were hung up on.
She and them were on opposite sides, and she actually wanted to work hard to be a good mother.
She wants to be a good mother, but these children may not be willing to do so yet.
Suddenly, she felt a little sad.
It's not the kind of heartbreaking sadness, nor the emotion of anger and sorrow, but the deepest part of my heart, the softest chest, the heart, there is some vague dull pain, not sharp, not stinging, spreading little by little to the limbs and bones.

Western restaurant...
"So, dad will wake up in three months?"

The corners of Li Nanque's lips were slightly raised, light slowly poured out of his dark eyes, and he was obviously in a good mood.
Li Xichen nodded: "Absolutely, it won't be more than half a year anyway."
"When I'm done with this period of time, I'll go back and see dad." Li Nanque curled his lips, "When dad wakes up, your nightmare should be over."
Li Beixiao pursed his lips and said seriously: "Second brother, I have told you many times that she has changed and has never abused us again."
"These are all illusions." Li Nanque sneered, "She is just trying to make you relax your vigilance."

Li Beixiao picked up the mobile phone on the table: "Forget it if the second brother doesn't believe it. I don't want to say anything more. I'll give her a call."

"No calling!"
Li Nanque's face darkened.
He couldn't help but snatch Li Beixiao's cell phone away, and said in a very cold voice, "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to play with your cell phone when you are having dinner with me?"
Li Xichen leaned back on the chair with a lazy expression: "Second brother, I asked you to help deliver a dress to her, did you not deliver it?"
Li Nanque sneered: "If you are so smart, why are you being played around by that woman?"
As soon as he finished speaking, Li Beixiao pushed away the chair and stood up.
The little face was full of sullenness: "Second brother, why didn't you tell me earlier that you didn't send her a dress? She must still be trapped in the lounge now."
Li Xichen also stood up: "Xiao Bei, let's go together."
Li Nanque's dark eyes showed a trace of ridicule.
He leaned back on the chair, playing with his mobile phone leisurely, and said slowly: "Now go over, I don't guarantee that you will see any scenes that are inappropriate for children."
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao both stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you think a busy man like me takes time out to eat Western food with you here?"
Li Nanque said word by word, "My agent saw that woman cuddling with a strange man. Her clothes must have been torn by that man."
"She used you two brats as a cover to have trysts with other wild men."
"You actually think she's gotten better. It's really ridiculous."
Li Beixiao and Li Xichen were stunned, their eyes filled with disbelief.
Wei Liu came over and lowered his voice: "This is the surveillance I called up. It only captured the footage in the corridor."

The footage was very clear. After Jiang Jin and a man met in the corridor, they entered the lounge next to them...
Li Beixiao had seen this man before.
He had personally seen this man go to the Li family to find the woman, and the two behaved very intimately.
Just a few dozen seconds of monitoring was like a basin of cold water pouring on Li Beixiao's head. He felt the coldness spreading from the soles of his feet little by little.
He sat weakly on the chair.
Li Xichen kicked the chair over in annoyance.
He went out of his way to check this man named Lin Yichi and found that he did have a good relationship with that woman.

He also found out that the woman had transferred at least more than 30 million yuan to Lin Yichi's account...
It was as if an invisible hand was pinching Li Xichen's neck. His throat was a little dry and hoarse, and he couldn't say a word.
The night is getting deeper and deeper.
Jiang Jin didn't even know how she got home.
She felt a little weak all over and collapsed on the sofa as soon as she got home. After lying there for about ten minutes, she regained some strength.
She kicked off her high heels and walked upstairs to wash up.
When passing the master bedroom, she opened the door habitually and glanced into the room.
Just this look made her break into a cold sweat.
That big bed was actually empty!
Where is Li Yunting?!
She was so frightened that she immediately took out her cell phone and called Zhang Ma.
"The old man arranged for someone to take Mr. to the hospital for a comprehensive examination an hour ago. Madam, don't worry."

"I'm not worried."
Jiang Jin hung up the phone immediately.

She sat on the edge of Li Yunting's bed and suddenly laughed at herself.
She was worried that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao would be abducted by human traffickers, and she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but the two boys and Li Nanque were eating leisurely.
She was worried that something would happen to Li Yunting, but the old man arranged for the man to go to the hospital for examination.
She was the mother of several children and Li Yunting's wife, but she didn't seem to have any qualifications to interfere with their whereabouts.
She seemed a little out of place with this family.

Jiang Jin pinched her eyebrows, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After washing up, it was already eleven o'clock and the night was getting darker, but the two children had not come back yet.
If they don't come back, Jiang Jin won't be able to sleep peacefully.

She took a thin blanket and went to lie on the sofa in the living room to check her phone...
