FVB - 053

Chapter 53 Two children are lost

Jiang Jin leaned on the sofa, covered with a thin blanket.

She kept scrolling through the news of tonight's Starlight Conference with her mobile phone. Seeing Li Nanque standing at the highest place accepting the honor, she suddenly felt a sense of honor.
This is her son.
It will also be her pride.
Time passed by, the night gradually darkened, and the Starlight Conference slowly came to an end.
Jiang Jin's brows furrowed tightly.
It's just asking that kid to buy a random piece of clothing. Is it so difficult?
It's been almost an hour.
She pursed her lips and called Li Xichen.
"Sorry, the number you dialed is not answered."
Jiang Jin jumped up and sat up straight on the sofa.
She called Li Beixiao again, but no one answered.

These two children would carry their mobile phones with them wherever they went. It was impossible not to answer the phone. Could something have happened?
Jiang Jin suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.
No matter how smart and precocious those two poor children are, they are only five years old.
In other families, five-year-old children are still being carried around by their parents. How could she ask such a young child to help go to the mall to buy dresses?
If... if Xiaoxi and Xiaobei are really lost...
Then she will never forgive herself in this life!
Jiang Jin can no longer care so much.
She pulled down the curtains in the lounge and draped them over her shoulders, then rushed outside with her high heels on.
The awards party has ended, the crowd gradually dispersed, and scattered staff were cleaning up the venue...
"Auntie, what's going on with you?"
Director Zhao was just about to leave when he turned around and saw Jiang Jin running around the venue with a curtain wrapped around her. Her abnormal behavior attracted the attention of many people.
"Director Zhao, my sons are missing!"
As soon as Jiang Jin finished speaking, her eyes suddenly turned red.
She always felt that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were powerful villains, so she rarely treated them like five-year-old children.
But they are indeed only five years old.
How could she instruct these two children to buy her a dress.
The mall is so big and there are so many people. Will they be abducted by bad guys...
"Ms. Jiang, don't be anxious first..."
Director Zhao comforted her, "I'll take you to find some clothes to change into first, and then I'll look for the child..."

"There's no time to change clothes!" Jiang Jin said in a hoarse voice, "Director Zhao, you know a lot of people, help me think of a solution quickly."
The two children have been missing for less than an hour. Even if they call the police, the police will not intervene...
Director Zhao could understand the mood of a mother at this moment. He quickly said: "I know the organizer. You can go directly to the backstage to watch the live surveillance. Miss Jiang, I will take you there."
Jiang Jin wrapped the curtains tightly and followed Director Zhao to the backstage studio with empty steps.
There are two staff here who have been watching the surveillance. As soon as they heard their question, the staff said: "Are they two boys about four or five years old? One is wearing a denim jacket and the other is wearing a sweater. They look like twins. Yeah?"
"Yes, yes!" Jiang Jin's eyes lit up, "Did you see them?"
"Half an hour ago, these two children followed Mr. Que and left through the back door of the venue." The staff called up the surveillance video, "Are they these two children?"
Seeing Li Xichen and Li Beixiao in the picture, the big stone hanging in Jiang Jin's heart finally fell to the ground.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "Is there surveillance outside the back door?"
She wanted to know where Li Nanque took these two little brats.
"There is no surveillance, but there are fans who have already posted photos of the encounter on Mr. Que's Weibo Chaohua."
The staff were obviously fans of Mr. Que. On the screen of the mobile phone was a super chat interface, "Master Que took these two children to a five-star hotel opposite the venue for a late-night snack. He happened to be sitting by the window. Many fans were there, watching on the side of the road.”
Jiang Jin took out her phone and glanced at Weibo. Li Nanque's photo was accompanied by two guys, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao.

The three children all wore peaked caps, only half of their faces were exposed, and even the clearest photos couldn't be seen clearly.
"Thank you all."
After Jiang Jin thanked the staff, she wrapped the curtains tightly and walked outside.
It's getting late now. The two children have to go to school tomorrow. They should go back to bed at this time.
"Hey, Miss Jiang." Director Zhao said with a suspicious look on his face, "Are the two boys eating with Mr. Que really your sons?"
Jiang Jin nodded: "As a biological mother, how can I admit that my sons are wrong?"
"Why do your two sons have dinner with Mr. Que?"
Director Zhao opened his lips with difficulty, "I dealt with Mr. Que a few years ago. He was only six years old at the time. He was extremely arrogant and indifferent to everyone.
If it weren't for his good acting skills, he would have been stepped down long ago with his arrogance. How could such a person know your son?"
Jiang Jin's eyes swept over her coolly: "Director Zhao seems to have a strong opinion against Mr. Que?"
Director Zhao nodded: "It's better to be humble as a person, especially for such a young child. He shouldn't be so arrogant. Learning to be low-key is also a skill.
I really don’t know how this child’s parents teach him, why they can’t suppress this child’s impetuous heart..."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Forget about stepping on that boy Li Nanque, why would he let her be innocently shot?
She said angrily: "No matter how incompetent the parents are, they still teach him to be a movie star. The child can win awards in the entertainment industry. How about you, Director Zhao? It seems you haven't won the Best Director Award yet?"
After she finished speaking, she stepped out.

Director Zhao's head was full of questions.

No, no, no, Miss Jiang is still chasing stars at such an old age?
He mentioned that Mr. Que has a bad personality and was ridiculed by Miss Jiang. She must be a top fan, right?
Jiang Jin walked out of the venue and knew where those boys were without looking at the map.
There were circles of fans outside the five-star hotel, most of them teenage girls, and everyone's face was filled with excitement and madness.
"Ah ah ah, my brother has descended to earth."
"I'm so envious of those two kids. Why are they so lucky to have dinner with Mr. Que?"
"Woooooooo, I really want to transform into the chopsticks in Master Que's hands..."
"Master Que, I love you!"
The fans were excited and attracted security guards, who tried their best to maintain order.
Jiang Jin was taller than these female fans. Standing in the crowd, she could easily see the three people sitting at the second-floor window.
Li Nanque wore a peaked cap on his head, his eyes were covered, and there was a faint smile on the corners of his lips.

It was this smile that made the fans at the scene go crazy.
The two boys, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, also wore hats. They lowered their heads to cut the steak and put the steak into their mouths gracefully.

Jiang Jin saw Li Beixiao raise his head slightly and say something to Li Nanque across from him. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, which seemed to have a sense of peace and quiet in the past.
