
Showing posts from May 20, 2024

FVB - 081

Chapter 81 A woman obsessed with career Twenty minutes later, there were more than a dozen people sitting in the office.    This publicity team was formed temporarily. Except for three or four old employees, the others are interns.    Jiang Jin sat in the main seat and said quietly: "Who made the first draft of the publicity plan?" The girl wearing glasses at the front stood up: "Ms. Jiang, I wrote this first draft, because the total cost is only two million, so I can only plan according to two million.    Two road shows cost 400,000 yuan, and major clients recommend 1.6 million yuan. As for variety shows... Director Zhao can only use his personal connections to persuade those popular variety shows to invite cast members..."    Jiang Jin shook her head.    She pointed her finger on the table and said quietly: "So you think the most important things for movie promotion are road shows, client promotions and variety shows, right?"    Everyone present nodded.