
Showing posts from March 5, 2024

FVB - 005

Chapter 5 Slap yourself in the face Jiang Jin washed her face and finally felt a little better. She returned to the living room and watched Zhang Ma busily making dinner. This villa was the wedding house prepared by Mr. Li ten years ago. She and Li Yunting lived here after they got married. Zhang Ma would come every day to give Li Yunting medicine, wash, clean, and prepare breakfast and dinner, as she had for ten years. Everything that should be the responsibility of her wife was done by Zhang Ma. When the four children were still young, they hired full-time nannies to take care of them. As a biological mother, she basically didn’t put in any energy. "Mama Zhang, stop being busy and come over and sit for a while." Jiang Jin said with a slight smile, trying her best to appear kind. Zhang Ma's hand holding the rag paused and said dryly: "Young madam, there is a lot of work today, so I won't sit down. If you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."