FVB - 005

Chapter 5 Slap yourself in the face

Jiang Jin washed her face and finally felt a little better.

She returned to the living room and watched Zhang Ma busily making dinner.

This villa was the wedding house prepared by Mr. Li ten years ago. She and Li Yunting lived here after they got married. Zhang Ma would come every day to give Li Yunting medicine, wash, clean, and prepare breakfast and dinner, as she had for ten years.

Everything that should be the responsibility of her wife was done by Zhang Ma.

When the four children were still young, they hired full-time nannies to take care of them. As a biological mother, she basically didn’t put in any energy.

"Mama Zhang, stop being busy and come over and sit for a while."

Jiang Jin said with a slight smile, trying her best to appear kind.

Zhang Ma's hand holding the rag paused and said dryly: "Young madam, there is a lot of work today, so I won't sit down. If you have anything to do, just give me your instructions."

Zhang Ma has been working here for ten years and knows this young lady very well.

Tasty and lazy, sarcastic, violent, dissolute and ridiculous!

If this woman hadn't been born with all Yin characters, how could the old man have allowed an uneducated orphan girl to be the young lady of the Li family!

If this poisonous woman hadn't given birth to four young masters in the Li family, how could the old man tolerate this woman becoming more and more ridiculous every day!

Zhang Ma wiped the table angrily and almost made a hole in the table.

Jiang Jin twitched the corners of her lips.

The original owner's disgraceful image was too deeply rooted in people's hearts, so she decided not to irritate Zhang Ma anymore.

She got up and walked to the master bedroom on the second floor.

The man on the bed was still lying silently, and even though his face was pale, he still showed a bit of sharpness.

Who would have thought that this man who had been lying in bed for ten years would wake up after three months.

After he woke up, the Li family, which had been in decline for the past ten years, turned around in just three months and became the leading family in Yuncheng, with everyone looking up to them.

Therefore, before Li Yunting wakes up, she must not make the relationship with the Li family too tense.

Even if they want a divorce, they have to wait until Li Yunting wakes up.

After all, their marriage was in name only and had no emotional basis. It was not difficult to get divorced.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jin's thinking finally became clearer.

In this case, she will repair her relationship with the Li family within these three months. And, slowly guide the children onto the right path.

When Li Yunting wakes up, he will definitely thank her for giving birth to four children for the Li family. When the time comes to divorce, she will be able to escape unscathed.

Then it’s decided!

At this time, Jiang Jin's phone vibrated.

She glanced at the content of the message, her vision went dark, and she almost died on the spot.

"All your Li's Group shares on this exchange have been sold..."

Li's Group's stocks... Jiang Jin's heart was bleeding.

After she gave birth to four sons for the Li family, Mr. Li generously transferred 10% of the equity to her.

Even though the Li Group is in decline now, the market value of these shares has reached tens of millions.

The original owner was planning a divorce during this period and planned to pack up and run away. In order to sell it as soon as possible, he sold it at a low price of 20 million.

Just like this, the stock price rose a little bit. If I want to buy back the 10% equity, 20 million is simply not enough...

When Li Yunting woke up three months later, Li's company turned against the wind and the stock price skyrocketed. Ten percent was an incalculable huge fortune!

Jiang Jin couldn't hold it back and slapped herself in the face.

Is this mind full of shit? How could it do such an incredible thing?

Money is not a big issue. The most important thing is that if Mr. Li finds out that she has sold the group's shares privately, he will probably kill her...

Jiang Jin shrank her neck and quickly checked her account.

The 50 million given by Mr. Li before was squandered until less than 1 million was left.

After successfully selling the stock today, she gained 20 million yuan... But she was afraid that she would lose her life...

She remembered clearly that in the end the original owner was personally sent to prison by her ex-husband and four sons...


Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in her ear.

Jiang Jin turned to look at the big bed and saw Li Yunting's lips seemed to move.

She was startled.

Could this man have woken up early?

If he wakes up at this time, she will definitely die!

She rushed over in one stride and whispered softly, holding her breath: "What did you just say?"

There was no sound except the man's shallow breathing.

"Scared me……"

Jiang Jin exhaled a long breath.

Before she could fully exhale, the voice sounded again.


The clear and hoarse breath sound penetrated the eardrums, Jiang Jin's nerves tensed up, and she stared at the person lying on the bed again.

Please, please don't wake up, otherwise according to the current chaotic plot, she won't be able to clean herself up even if she jumps into the Yellow River...

She quickly poured a glass of warm water, sat on the edge of the bed and carefully fed Li Yunting to drink it.

But the man pursed his lips tightly, and before the water even entered, it flowed down the corners of his beautiful lips and wet the pillow.

"You need to drink water, but I feed you but don't drink. It's really troublesome."

Jiang Jin complained softly, wanting to give up the job.


She really couldn't bear to see such a handsome guy lying pitifully on the bed, unable to even drink a sip of water.

Anyway, they are a couple and they have four children, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to give him water mouth-to-mouth...

Jiang Jin lowered her head and took a sip of water, then leaned over the man.

She fixed the man's head with both hands, and her crimson lips slowly and little by little came closer to the man's pale and dry lips.
