FVB - 004

Chapter 4 Call him by his nickname gently

Li Beixiao clutched the phone tightly.

He stood up holding on to the stairs, stepped on the steps and looked level with Jiang Jin's eyes.

Those eyes as dark as obsidian radiated strong disgust and hatred, and the small thin lips showed stubbornness: "I won't give it!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Jin raised her hand.

Completely out of instinct, he shrank his neck and closed his eyes in resignation, waiting for the violence like a violent storm.

A full minute passed, but the expected pain did not come.

Li Beixiao was astonished and opened his eyes a little.

Jiang Jin crossed her arms and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Afraid that I'll hit you?" Jiang Jin raised her lips, "If you're so afraid, why do you have to go against me?"

Li Beixiao felt humiliated by being teased. He tightened his small jaw and gritted his teeth and said, "You go ahead, I'm not afraid!"

Jiang Jin stretched out her hand and said coldly: "I won't say it again, hand over the things."

"I won't hand it over, even if you beat me to death, I won't hand it over."

The little thing's eyes were full of hatred, his back was straight and stubborn, and his little body seemed to have the ability to destroy everything.

However, this kid does have such ability.

Fifteen years later, didn't Li Beixiao become a feared demon in the entire Yuncheng by virtue of his own power?

She vaguely remembered that Li Beixiao had at least ten lives on his hands...

Such a top villain, how else could he be killed before he became a big deal?

Jiang Jin was startled as soon as this terrible thought came out of her mind.

She sat on the sofa, crossed her legs, and said casually: "You must have taken a photo of me and Lin Yichi together just now, right? What do you plan to keep these photos for?"

Li Beixiao turned his head and said, "None of your business!"

Jiang Jin fiddled with her fingers and also laughed: "I guess you have two purposes. Either you are waiting for your biological father to wake up and tell him that he has been cuckolded. Or, you are showing it to your grandpa. He is old, has heart disease, and has high blood pressure. Do you think if he knew that his daughter-in-law was getting involved with a wild man, would he be so angry that he would be hospitalized?"

Li Beixiao's face turned pale, and then he said angrily: "Don't curse my grandpa!"

"I'm just talking, but you really want to kill the old man." Jiang Jin said coldly, "If you don't believe what I said, just send the photo just now to your grandpa, and we'll see."

Li Beixiao clenched his fingers, and the phone was almost crushed by him.

"Be good, give me your phone and I'll delete it for you."

She didn't want to be exposed to the scandal of marital infidelity by her own son in the future, and she didn't want to have anything to do with that scumbag Lin Yichi!

Jiang Jin smiled like a fox and successfully got the phone.

She clicked on the photo album on her phone and saw several sets of pictures of her and Lin Yichi together.

The shooting angle is very tricky, it looks like she and Lin Yichi are hugging each other and kissing...

This damn kid wants to kill her!

Jiang Jin deleted the photos with a sullen face, only to find that... the photo album on this phone was full of her photos!

And! All of them are ugly photos!

In the past few years, she has beaten four children frequently, and similarly, the four children have also taken revenge on her.

Every scene of her being retaliated against was captured by this dead child... There was the look of her being splashed with water on her feet, the look of her falling down after stepping on a marble, the look of her skirt exploding, the look of her facial allergies...

Jiang Jin looked up with dark lines on her face.

Li Beixiao took a cautious step back.

He suddenly realized that he had been careless and handed over the mobile phone he carried with him.

It seems too late to get it back now.

His hand was hidden behind his back, holding a small paper bag containing chili powder.

Jiang Jin said coldly: "You take these pictures..."

In the middle of her words, she suddenly paused.

There was a band-aid on the little guy's brow bone, but it was crooked, revealing a bloody mark that hurt.

This injury should have been caused by the original owner, the mother.

The original owner frequently beat several children, and the children just played some pranks in revenge, which was nothing in comparison.

Why is she angry with a five-year-old child?

Jiang Jin threw the phone aside and waved: "Xiao Bei, come here."

Li Beixiao was stunned.


This woman actually called him Xiaobei affectionately...

He once imagined how his mother would look like, calling him by his nickname like this and looking at him with eyes as gentle as water...

Is this a dream?

Seeing the boy standing still, Jiang Jin simply walked over and squatted down in front of Li Beixiao.

She raised her hand to tear off the band-aid on his forehead and reattached it to his brow bone, blocking the scar that was deeply visible to the bone.

Her movements were very gentle, like feathers falling on his forehead, like moonlight falling on his heart...

Li Beixiao was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, what are you holding in your hand?"

Jiang Jin suddenly picked up his right hand and spread his fingers.

Li Beixiao was afraid that she would find out that he had hidden the "hidden weapon", so he quickly pulled his hand out, but Jiang Jin instinctively held him back.

The packet of chili powder just spilled out, and when blown by the wind outside the window, it instantly got into Jiang Jin's mouth and nose, causing her tears to flow down.

"It's none of your business." The joy of successful revenge flashed in Li Beixiao's eyes, and he quickly took a step back, "I'm going to take piano lessons!"

After he finished speaking, he ran out of the house quickly.

"You brat, stop!"

"Ah sneeze!"

Jiang Jin was stimulated by the chili powder and had a lot of tears and runny nose.

She suddenly felt so miserable.

She has lived for twenty-eight years without even holding a man's hand, and now she has four more sons.

If he is a good son, she can still accept being a mother, but these boys are all villains with moral turpitude. It is really impossible to live this life...
