Chapter 4

As soon as Qi Yan's words came out, everyone was startled and looked around in confusion and astonishment.

"Wasn't she standing next to me just now? I thought I ran away and she would follow!" Lin Yao looked confused.

"She must have been caught by the NPC." Jin Sui'an felt pessimistic when he thought of the wall eating people before.

Qi Yan stood up, holding on to the wall beside him and looking out. However, his vision was limited and he could see nothing except the dense basketballs on the ground.

"Uuuuuuuuu It's my fault for not dragging her with me. I was so scared at the time that running away was completely instinctive." Yue Xinran sobbed in frustration with a hoarse voice.

Shen Weiyue on the side was very happy, but she still pretended to be worried and said softly: "Since Xiaoxiao can successfully get the mission card from the first NPC, it means that she is not a simple-minded person. Maybe she has already thought of a countermeasure and is working on it."

This was said in a reasonable way. While recognizing Gu Xiaoxiao's strength, she also did not forget to drop a hint that the other party was good at being in the limelight. No matter whether Gu Xiaoxiao succeeded or failed, her actions would make everyone unhappy.

Qi Yan frowned slightly when he heard this.

Lin Yao said bluntly: "That's right, she loves to show off her strength so much, she will definitely not hide with us."

Jin Sui'an: "We are trapped here, how can we find the mission card?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at their feet. The basketball had occupied the entire classroom floor, without even a place to stay.

Qi Yan thought for a moment and came up with a plan: "We can use the bench instead of feet and move like stilts, as long as the body does not touch the ball."

Lin Yao glanced at the girls: "It's a good idea, but it consumes physical strength. Girls can't do this kind of work."

"Then let's go find the mission card. They can wait here." Jin Sui'an concluded his speech.

This plan fully demonstrated the gentleman's demeanor and also alleviated the girls' worries about being frightened by NPCs. No one objected.

After finalizing the plan, the three began to find tools to bind their feet.

[Wow, brother Yan is still awesome, he can always think of countermeasures immediately]

[I would like to call Brother Yan the backbone of the team]

[Brother Yan is the best and will not accept refutation]

[Want to know what the disappeared Gu Xiaoxiao is doing? Come to her personal live broadcast room, there will definitely be a big surprise]

The word "become a monster" instantly reminded everyone of what Gu Xiaoxiao had done in the previous level. While the props were being moved here, the audience moved their positions one after another.

"Adventure Horror House" is played online in the form of a live broadcast, which is divided into a main live broadcast room and a personal live broadcast room. The large-screen mode is dominated by the main live broadcast room.

But in order to make it easier for fans to support their idols, the program team also introduced a frequency division mode, which can cut into three screens at the same time.

When the plot in the main live broadcast room is not so thrilling, everyone will open the personal live broadcast room to cheer for their favorite idols, buy gifts, and increase popularity.

From the day Gu Xiaoxiao debuted, she was always criticized for everything she did. No matter how hard she worked, she was ridiculed by the crowd, and her character was completely criticized.

This time she was able to participate in a variety show with a large number of popular celebrities, and it was all thanks to black fans. As soon as the show officially announced the guest list, Gu Xiaoxiao’s black fans directly scolded her and made her a hot search topic. Even "Adventure Horror House" also has been at the top of the list for several days without falling.

However, after the recording started, the number of people in her personal live broadcast room was always low, and the only viewers were all negative fans who came to scold her.

Gu Xiaoxiao, who came through the book, had no idea that she had a black body. She only knew that the entertainment industry was not for people with her personality.

She planned to quit the industry after recording this episode, find a paradise, and sit back leisurely and wait for time to pass, so that she would live up to the adventure of being reborn.

Therefore, Gu Xiaoxiao was really at peace when faced with a colleague she was so familiar with.

For example, right now, the NPC standing on the stairs was facing her hanging on the handrail of the stairs, staring at each other in the distance.

One's eyes showed confusion, the other's expression was magnanimous.

[Hahahaha, the NPC is obviously evil and scary, but the scene where the big eyes stare at the small eyes is really funny.]

[Hahaha, Gu Xiaoxiao deserves to be you, you even thought of hanging yourself up the stairs behind the ghost, awesome]

[Begging for the NPC’s psychological shadow area at this moment]

[NPC: Everyone else is running for their lives, but you are right behind me, you old man]

[I just saw the NPC shaking when he found Gu Xiaoxiao behind him]

[I testify that Gu Xiaoxiao really frightened him!]

[Hahaha, I can’t stop laughing, I plan to stay in her live broadcast room and never leave]

[Me too!]

NPC Long Wei looked coldly at the woman who had frightened him like a cat that appeared behind him, feeling ashamed and confused.

Judging from the other people screaming and running away, as well as the black air of fear that quickly filled the space, the terrifying atmosphere he created was already very mature, but how could this fish behind him become so good?

She must have been frightened, but she still climbed up the stairs steadily and looked at him calmly.

As for her paddling, she really thought of a way and did not do anything illegal.

Provocative! She must be provoking him!

Long Wei tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and asked coldly: "What are you doing?"

"Dodge the ball."

Long Wei choked and asked again: "Why don't you run?"

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't answer but asked: "Can you let me come down first? My arms are sore."

Long Wei: "······"

"If you say anything to me, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Long Wei: "?!"

After Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she climbed over from the outside of the stairs and stood on the same step as the NPC.

The sudden approach made Long Wei subconsciously take a few steps back, and there was a trace of emotional cracks on his sinister face.

[Hahaha, is the NPC scared?]

[Afraid of host attacking ghost]

Gu Xiaoxiao patted the gray layer on her palms, looked up at Long Wei's cold and sinister eyes, and answered the question seriously: "Because I can't run."


Long Wei was stunned for a moment, then realized that this person was answering the question just now, and couldn't help but grit his teeth at her calmness.

"And as far as I know, the more I run away, the more excited you become. This can be seen from the way you just looked at the crowd fleeing in panic and laughed wildly. So, why should I be your entertainment?"

Long Wei: "······"

Gu Xiaoxiao raised her chin and asked him, "Do you have any more questions?"

[Hahahaha, Gu Xiaoxiao is so strong, even her chin lifting up is so funny]

[So, who said she is timid? How many of the guests dare to confront NPCs like her?]

[Not only just now, she also makes ghosts anxious]

[I testify, the NPC clenched his fist!]

Long Wei clenched his hands silently. As a ghost who is well-known in the underworld and specializes in curing children's cries at night, he would be despised by a yellow-haired girl today. If this spreads out, how will he be a ghost in the future!

In order to fight for his breath, he released the scream energy he had finally absorbed, turning it into visible black mist and lifting the person up by Gu Xiaoxiao's arm.

The basketballs that were originally rolling around seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and they all rushed towards her, hanging in the air and encircling her in the center, with a strong deterrent force of "if you dare to move, I will crush you to death".

[Fuck, what kind of special effect is this? It’s so realistic]

[Compared to basketball, I am more afraid of that black energy, it looks so evil]

Gu Xiaoxiao observed the black mist and the basketball with slight surprise. The cold breath swept through her body instantly and penetrated into her body through the tiny pores, making her shiver with cold.

Seeing her trembling, Long Wei felt happy and threatened: "If you get hit by a basketball, you will be pulled into the wall and never come out. Are you really not afraid?"

The tone without any ups and downs was filled with indescribable gloom.

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head calmly, "These are all special effects, but they are made more realistic."

Long Wei was furious in his heart, but his face remained calm. He only turned his voice into an evil roar: "This is not a special effect, this is my spell!"

It’s the screaming energy that I collected so hard! ! ! !

Gu Xiaoxiao gave a thumbs up: "Yeah, magic, good magic!"

Faced with the dedication of her peers, she felt the need to support him.

Long Wei: "..." The villain in my heart began to kneel down and pull his hair.

[Look, the NPC’s mouth is twitching]

[Hahaha, serious ridicule, laugh to death]

Long Wei closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his sinister face slowly became bloodshot, covering his entire face like a vine growing wildly, and even his pupils were red.

The originally pale skin became almost transparent, and the red blood threads swelled under the skin little by little, and they were about to burst out when they opened and closed. The strong smell of blood instantly poured into Gu Xiaoxiao's nasal cavity.

Gu Xiaoxiao, who was watching the entire transformation process at close range, took a deep breath and her pupils dilated slightly with excitement.

This, this special effect is amazing!

Gu Xiaoxiao's astonished expression fell into Long Wei's eyes and turned into pure fear, which finally gave him a sense of accomplishment. It was worthwhile for him to bear the risk of exhausting his energy and suppress the death state at the bottom of the box, just to offer it up to scare her.

She should have run away screaming now.

The result—

She didn't scream, nor did she become frightened. What waited was Gu Xiaoxiao's small hands that had long been unable to restrain themselves. They tremblingly touched his face, gently rubbing along the bulging blood vessels. Her eyes were even filled with unconcealed amazement and appreciation.

"I'll go, your makeup is amazing, your blood vessels can really move!"

"This is not makeup, this is real!" Long Wei's voice sounded like a roar, echoing in the empty corridor, strange and sinister.

[Um...I kind of believe that this is not the work of the makeup artist]

[Me, me too, he seems to be a real ghost, those blood vessels are obviously real]

[Ah ah ah, so the rumors about Linglan School being haunted are true]

[Will the anchor die?]

[How could it be true? The design of the blood vessels was inspired by varicose veins]

[If it was a real ghost, the program crew would have been scared away long ago. Who would dare to risk their lives to make money?]

[People like Gu Xiaoxiao, who will do whatever it takes to become popular, will try to increase their presence whenever they get the chance. Don’t be fooled]

Faced with the NPC's hoarse voice, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that he was too involved in the drama to cause trouble, so she could only continue to support him: "Hmm, it's not the special effects, it's your real face. It's so scary!"

Faced with her blatant perfunctory treatment, Long Wei was so angry that he wanted to pull his hair out.

He was very irritated and at a loss. How could this woman not get scared enough of it?

His energy can't sustain his pretense for too long.
