
Showing posts from April 5, 2024

DSHSN - 22

"What do you want to eat?" As the car drove forward, Yan Li heard Gu Heng ask. Yan Li asked her child: "Baby, is there anything in particular you want to eat?" Yan Beibei thought for a while, pursed her lips, and said, "I can eat anything." Not picky about food, that's good. Gu Heng asked Gu Yiyi: "What about you? Is there anything you want to eat?" Gu Yiyi also had a very casual attitude: "I can do anything." The choice suddenly came to Gu Heng's side, and he said, "Then let's go to Mingyuan Huafu." Mingyuan Washington, a restaurant with an average of 5,000 per capita. If you want to go, you have to make an appointment in advance. Gu Heng saw that it was a last-minute decision. As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, a dedicated person took them to the second floor where the view was best. There was a row of rooms on the second floor that were not reserved for outsiders. They only found out about this after fo

DSHSN - 21

Gu Yiyi had this matter in his mind all day long, which caused him to not concentrate too much in class that day. On this day, many people were talking about his stepmother, and some even came to ask in person. "Gu Yiyi, I heard that your stepmother is very young. Is she twenty-five years old? Is your dad like a tiger eating young grass? Hehe!" Gu Yiyi: "She is about the same age as my dad." "Your stepmother and your father have a daughter. Will your sister compete with you for the family property in the future?" Gu Yiyi: "Even if my dad gives me a piece of fingernail, I will get more than you." "Gu Yiyi, does your stepmother treat you badly?" Gu Yiyi: "It's none of your business." "Gu Yiyi, it is said that you broke up with Shen Ruyue because of your stepmother?" Gu Yiyi: "Ask her yourself if she is." … After school, Gu Yiyi suddenly didn't want to go home and wanted to go to an Internet cafe. But

FVB - 036

Chapter 36 He is not a good boy The night is dark. Jiang Jin tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.    Over and over in her mind was the scene of Mu Yingxuan holding Li Yunting's hand, preparing to kiss it.    Li Yunting was Mu Yingxuan's fiancé before he got into a car accident, but when he woke up after ten years of coma, the wife next to him was her instead. If Li Yunting still had feelings for Mu Yingxuan, he would definitely kick her out without hesitation and then marry Mu Yingxuan.    At that point, should she agree to a divorce?    Jiang Jin thought about this all night, and got up the next day with a pair of panda eyes. It was getting late, and she yawned and walked into the kitchen.    "Young madam, why are you up so early?" Zhang Ma, who was busy, asked in surprise.    "Let me make breakfast today." Jiang Jin snatched the kitchen knife from Zhang Ma's hand, "How are you going to cook this ham after cutting it?"    The corners of