DSHSN - 21

Gu Yiyi had this matter in his mind all day long, which caused him to not concentrate too much in class that day.

On this day, many people were talking about his stepmother, and some even came to ask in person.

"Gu Yiyi, I heard that your stepmother is very young. Is she twenty-five years old? Is your dad like a tiger eating young grass? Hehe!"

Gu Yiyi: "She is about the same age as my dad."

"Your stepmother and your father have a daughter. Will your sister compete with you for the family property in the future?"

Gu Yiyi: "Even if my dad gives me a piece of fingernail, I will get more than you."

"Gu Yiyi, does your stepmother treat you badly?"

Gu Yiyi: "It's none of your business."

"Gu Yiyi, it is said that you broke up with Shen Ruyue because of your stepmother?"

Gu Yiyi: "Ask her yourself if she is."

After school, Gu Yiyi suddenly didn't want to go home and wanted to go to an Internet cafe.

But when he turned to the entrance of the Internet cafe, he felt bored again. At this moment, Gu Heng called him and asked him: "Where are you?"

The Internet cafe is on the street behind the school.

Gu Yiyi's hands trembled and he opened his mouth: "I'm in the bookstore behind the school."

Gu Heng was away from home a lot, but that didn't mean that he didn't know what Gu Yiyi was doing. With his virtue, where else could he go behind the school besides going to the Internet cafe?

However, Gu Heng didn't say much, he just said: "I'll wait for you at the school gate."

Gu Yiyi grabbed the book strap and ran forward.

Not long after, he saw his father's car on the road in front of the school.

He walked over, opened the car door, and saw that there was no one in the back seat of the car. He was slightly surprised and asked, "Where are we going?"

His father rarely comes to pick him up, usually because something is wrong.

Gu Heng looked back at him and said, "Let's go eat."

"Is it just us?" Gu Yiyi thought it was impossible, but he still asked such a stupid question.

"Pick up your sister and her mother."

"How about them, where are they?"


"You didn't go play with them?"

Gu Heng turned around, his side face stern, and he glanced at him inexplicably: "I don't have to work?"

Gu Yiyi shut his mouth and sat in the back seat without saying a word.

Gu Heng probably noticed his little thoughts, and said in a cold voice: "Stop your nonsense."

Gu Yiyi sat in the back and remained silent until they reached the shopping mall where the mother and daughter were.

Yan Li is buying candied haws with her child.

The ruddy little hawthorn made the greedy child drool. Yan Li didn't really want the child to eat so many sweets, but she couldn't resist this little thing. If she didn't buy it, she would be jealous. The child looked at her, looking extremely pitiful. She had no choice but to indulge her.

After buying the candied haws, she received a call from Gu Heng.

"I'm already at the entrance of the mall."

The child next to her was licking the candied haws, her eyes wide open and bright, like jet-black gems.

Delicious food will make Yan Beibei feel better.

Yan Li said hello, then turned to Yan Beibei and said, "Dad is here, let's go have dinner."

The little guy licked the candied haws and looked up at her with pink and tender face: "What are we going to do?"

Yan Li lowered her head and looked at her gently: "What do you want to eat?"

"I can eat anything." The little guy's eyes were crooked, like a little fox.

"Then let's go."

Yan Beibei didn't move, looked back at the shop selling candied haws on a stick, and reminded her mother: "Mom, brother might also want candied haws on a stick."

Yan Li felt that a child as big as Gu Yiyi would not be so childish like her, so she said, "Your brother won't eat."

Yan Beibei reminded in a low voice: "Mom... the puppy."


After a moment, she understood her daughter's intention and sighed: "Okay, if you want to please him, then buy it."

The little guy’s eyes immediately brightened up.

She defended in a low voice: "Mom, I'm not trying to please him... I have to respect my brother's opinion."

Yan Li teased the child: "Oh? Then if your brother doesn't agree with you raising a dog, will you stop raising it?"

The little guy immediately whispered: "I... can keep the little dog in the garden, not in the living room."

Yan Li raised a smile on her lips, bought a candied haws, and took her outside the mall.

When they arrived at the place where the father and son parked, Yan Li knocked on the car door and motioned to Gu Yiyi to open the window.

The young man sat in the car with his eyes lowered and waited. When he heard the noise, he immediately raised his eyes, looked at her in confusion, and rolled down the window.

Then, Yan Li handed him a candied haws, and said lazily: "Yan Beibei insisted on buying it for you."

Gu Yiyi looked at the child outside. She was biting the candied haws covered in red syrup, licking it so deliciously that her eyes narrowed into thin slits.

Is it that delicious?

He felt it was too childish and refused: "I don't want it."

Yan Li also knew that he was unlikely to want it, so she nodded and said, "Okay, you don't want it, then I'll eat it myself."

Tear off the outer wrapping paper and start putting it in your mouth.

Gu Yiyi looked at the way this woman bit quickly and felt that she was really childish.

He looked at her beautiful appearance, which looked like she was in her twenties, and thought: She really doesn't look like she is in her mid-thirties.

Of course, his dad didn't look like his age either.

Both of them are people who have been favored by time. If they dress a little younger, no one can guess their true age.

Yan Li was outside and refused to come up. Gu Heng lowered the window and asked, "Aren't you going to get in the car?"

Yan Li devoured the candied haws of sugarcane. She hadn't eaten this for many years and it was so sweet that it stuck to her teeth.

She said: "I'll finish eating first and drive my own car later."

She was standing on the roadside, wearing a long green dress, eating candied haws with big mouthfuls. Her long hair was swaying, the butterflies in the hairpins on her hair were flying, and the baby collar on her neckline also looked like butterfly wings. The picture was quite good, so beautiful.

Gu Heng felt as if something had scratched his heart.

He said: "You just get in the car and wait for someone to come and drive."

Yan Li glanced at the candied haws in her hand. Although she ate it very quickly, the candied haws was quite heavy and she couldn't finish it in a while. She didn't want to waste it, and she was standing here. It feels a little strange to eat like this next to the road.

She opened the car door, picked up the child with one hand, threw it into Gu Yiyi's arms, and said, "Sit inside."

This was the first time for Gu Yiyi to hold this girl. She was quite soft, like a glazed doll, which made him a little worried that if he used too much force, the girl would be broken. He moved lightly and moved his body to the other side to make room for Yan Li.

Yan Li got into the car, closed the door, and took Yan Beibei back.

Mother and daughter, one big and one small, each nibbled on their own candied haws. He didn’t know if it’s because he was in a good mood after eating, but Gu Yiyi felt that Yan Beibei looked less timid than usual today, and she naturally had to discuss it with Yan Li in the car. Pick up the candied haws they both ate.

The little guy has red lips, her pink and tender face, and her eyes seem to be soaked in water. She is chatting with Yan Li: "Mom, isn't this candied haws on a stick particularly sweet?"

Yan Li took a bite and nodded while chewing: "Yes."

The little guy rolled her eyes and continued eating: "It's very delicious."


Two childish ghosts.

Gu Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore and looked out the window.
