DSHSN - 22

"What do you want to eat?"

As the car drove forward, Yan Li heard Gu Heng ask.

Yan Li asked her child: "Baby, is there anything in particular you want to eat?"

Yan Beibei thought for a while, pursed her lips, and said, "I can eat anything."

Not picky about food, that's good.

Gu Heng asked Gu Yiyi: "What about you? Is there anything you want to eat?"

Gu Yiyi also had a very casual attitude: "I can do anything."

The choice suddenly came to Gu Heng's side, and he said, "Then let's go to Mingyuan Huafu."

Mingyuan Washington, a restaurant with an average of 5,000 per capita. If you want to go, you have to make an appointment in advance. Gu Heng saw that it was a last-minute decision.

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, a dedicated person took them to the second floor where the view was best. There was a row of rooms on the second floor that were not reserved for outsiders. They only found out about this after following them here today, and their private room uses another private chef.

Yan Li's own conditions were not bad. She was an individual and had a dedicated person to help her look after the store. Her annual income was hundreds of thousands. Before Gu Heng came to find her, she didn't feel the connection between people. The gap is so big.

Soon, someone brought the menu. There are many dishes on the menu, and there are no prices.

Yan Li felt a little strange and asked: "Isn't there a price on the menu?"

She has been to this restaurant once or twice, and the menu is different from the ones outside.

Gu Heng was used to it: "It's okay, you can order whatever you want to eat. If what you want to eat is not on the menu, you can also ask them to make it."

Yan Li: "???"

Make an ignorant sound.

"How can I order it without a price?"

"This is a VIP seat. You have to pay a membership fee to come here. The membership fee is much more expensive than this." Of course, the conditions for becoming a member here are quite demanding, and you must be on good terms with the boss here. It goes without saying in terms of strength.

This money is mainly spent on connections, not just on food.

Yan Li quickly understood.

She glanced at Gu Yiyi and sighed: As expected of the male protagonist, he already knows a lot at a young age.

"Oh, okay." Since he asked her to do whatever she wanted, she would do whatever she wanted. She wasn't the one spending the money.

The little one likes to eat shrimp, so Yanli ordered coconut curry shrimp, boiled fish, and Dongpo pork elbow for her. Then the menu was given to Gu Yiyi. Gu Yiyi likes spicy food, so he ordered a fish head with chopped pepper and spicy stir-fried pork. Gu Heng added another meat and another vegetable.

They didn't order dessert, but the store sent them dessert. The child liked it and ate a lot of it before the food was served.

The efficiency of serving food was also very high. Before long, all the dishes were neatly placed on the table.

Yan Li first picked up vegetables for the child.

Gu Heng rarely picks up food for Gu Yiyi, so when he saw Yan Li's action, he hesitated slightly, wondering if he, as a father, should be like Yan Li.

After only a moment of hesitation, his chopsticks went to the stir-fried pork, and then he put it on Yan Beibei's plate.

Yan Li:? ? ?

She didn’t understand: “Why are you giving spicy food to your child?”

Gu Heng was silent for a moment and said, "Sorry, I don't know."

"Did you take care of Gu Yiyi like this before?" Yan Li wondered if he had ever taken care of a child.

Gu Heng explained: "I was busy when Yiyi was a child, and the nanny at home took care of the child."

Yan Li felt that Gu Heng was speaking modestly. He may not have taken care of the child at all. Children should not eat spicy food. This is such simple common sense.

But Gu Heng has money, just invite a few nannies to take care of his young master, isn't that a matter of minutes? Taking care of a child is so tiring, why must he take care of him by himself? In that time, he can earn hundreds of millions.

Gu Yiyi didn't know what was going on in Yan Li's mind, otherwise, he would probably say that she underestimated Gu Heng. In the past few years, the market value of Gu Heng's property has increased dozens of times, putting it beyond the reach of most of his peers.

It would be extremely difficult for Gu Yiyi to surpass him.

It is true that in the novel, if Gu Heng had not been plotted against by the brother he grew up with when he was older, his subsequent end would not have been so miserable.

Later, the relationship between father and son was not good. Gu Heng disdained Gu Yiyi's style, and Gu Yiyi resented his father.

Thinking of this, Yan Li suddenly wanted to be a scumbag who would run away after making money. After all, it would be bad if the war between father and son started to spread to her.

Hey, who made her not cautious in the first place, and she fell into such a big pit.

You really don't want money when you see it. If you are not careful, you may lose yourself.

Yan Li took away the vegetables that Gu Heng brought over. Yan Beibei's child tasted a little residual spiciness when eating the vegetables. The little guy liked the taste very much, spitting out her pink and tender tongue, and said happily. : "Mom, I want to eat that."

The position pointed by the chopsticks is where the stir-fried pork is placed.

Yan Li:? ? ?

Gu Yiyi put a piece of fish head with chopped pepper into his bowl and said, "You look so timid, you actually like spicy food?"

Then he put it in his mouth and sighed happily: "Oh, it's so delicious!"

Nakedly show off.

Yan Li really wanted to slap this brat to death.

When the child saw her brother eating so deliciously, she immediately looked at her mother with watery eyes: "Mom, I want to eat it!"

Also refers to fish head with chopped pepper.

Yan Li calmly gave her a piece of non-spicy boiled fish and said, "You are still young, so you can't eat this dish. You can eat it when you are as old as your brother."

Gu Yiyi teased Yan Beibei: "Oh, you're so greedy that your saliva is dripping."

This kid was so owed that he would even bully a child. Yan Li was really convinced.

Just when she was about to say something to him, retribution came immediately. The boy choked and coughed violently, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

He hurriedly poured water, and Yan Li couldn't help laughing: "I'll make you owe it!"

The woman next to her smiled with crooked eyes and her long eyelashes raised slightly, like a lively and bright painting.

Gu Heng leaned back and watched their interaction, feeling a special feeling flowing in his heart.

After he decided to take Gu Yiyi with him, he never thought about getting married again. There were many women who were willing to accept Gu Yiyi. In the past, the daughter of his parents' family friend came to their house.

Gu Heng felt that marriage was not very meaningful. His parents were free to fall in love, but his mother was mentally and physically exhausted in this marriage. The disappearance of his sister made her wither like a flower that quickly withered, accelerating her decline.

But now, seeing them laughing and having fun, he found it interesting and it warmed his heart.

The next day, Yan Beibei went to the children's house to pick up the puppy.

The child went there happily, but in the end she came back disappointed.

Xie Yating's mother regretfully told her: "Auntie thought you didn't want it anymore, so she gave it to a friend." All the puppies at home were given away.

When Song Miao saw that Yan Beibei didn't come, she thought that Gu Heng didn't want to raise a dog, so when she heard that a customer's wife wanted to raise a dog, she hurriedly sent it over.

Thinking of this, she was also very upset. If she knew that Gu Heng was raising this girl, she would have kept it for her no matter what.

The child went home dejectedly, and she was not energetic at dinner time, with her head hanging low.

The little girl was very obedient. Although she understood that other people’s puppies were their business and whoever gave them to others was their business, but after all, she had been looking forward to it for a long time, so disappointment was inevitable.

Gu Yiyi heard Yan Li comforting Yan Beibei tonight. Seeing her unhappy now, he felt that it was really unnecessary. He curled his lips and said, "What's so good about a puppy? There are my sesame seeds and glutinous rice balls, okay?"

What sesame dumplings?

Seeing their confused looks, Gu Yiyi remembered that his two dogs were not at home and had been taken care of by another friend of his. The two of them originally wanted to raise this dog, so Jiang Yi would sometimes take it home to play with.

After eating, he called his friend to ask for the dogs.

Jiang Yi has been so annoyed by Gu Yiyi's housebreaking recently. Every time she goes out and comes back, she sees new things in the house being destroyed. The original enthusiasm for playing with dogs is completely gone. She originally thought about giving the dogs back in the next two days. Gu Yiyi asked to let the dogs go back, and she immediately agreed.

The next morning, she asked someone to take the dogs for a bath, and then took the dogs there.

After Yan Li packed up, she originally wanted to take Yan Beibei out, but she saw guests coming to the house.

In addition to a girl with short hair, there were two big dogs who got off the car.

Yan Beibei is attracted by animals. A husky and a Samoyed immediately pounced on her after wandering around her.

Yan Li was startled and hurriedly protected the child. The next second, she saw the big dog nuzzling Yan Beibei and licking her cheeks hard.

Jiang Yi didn't expect that these two stinky dogs who didn't like strangers would be so close to a child. She was also startled. She remembered that her father had said that Uncle Gu was married. She guessed that the woman in front of her was Gu Yiyi's stepmother and took the initiative to come over and greet her.

"Auntie, hello, I'm Jiang Yi. I'm Gu Yiyi's friend. My father and Uncle Gu are also good friends."

Jiang Yi's first impression of Yan Li was not bad. She thought her stepmother should be mean and vicious, but Yan Li looked young and beautiful, and her whole person exuded a friendly and gentle aura. The person who was protecting her daughter just now, the appearance is also full of maternal love.

Jiang Yi?

Yan Li raised her eyebrows and looked at the pretty girl with short hair in front of her. She was wearing a yellow jacket and jeans, with fair skin and a neutral beauty.

Her writing has also been featured in novels. She and Gu Yiyi were childhood sweethearts, but because her style was very boyish, Gu Yiyi always regarded her as a boy. She attended an international school and would be good at graduating from high school and went abroad.

In the novel, Jiang Yi, who came back from abroad, saw that Gu Yiyi had changed a long time ago, so she slowly distanced herself from him, even though she always had Gu Yiyi in her heart.

Why on earth does Gu Yiyi, a scumbag, have so many outstanding girls that like him?

Yan Li didn't understand. Because the child Yan Beibei wanted to play with the dogs, Yan Li did not take her out today and watched the child playing with the dogs in the garden.

Gu Yiyi came home very late at night.

A classmate in the class said that the dog at home had given birth to puppies. He thought that stinky girl Yan Beibei liked puppies more, so he went to pick up the puppy from his classmate's house.

The little white dog is very well-behaved, and its little paws look so cute. Putting it in Gu Yiyi's hand, he is so well-behaved.

Gu Yiyi then asked for the puppy and gave his classmates several hundred yuan.

This classmate came from an ordinary family and lived in an alley in the old city. He couldn't even give away his puppy. Gu Yiyi stuffed him with several hundred yuan at once. Shen Yang was embarrassed to ask for it, but Gu Yiyi didn't want to owe anyone else a favor.

While the two were pushing money back and forth here, a girl greeted Shen Yang outside.

"Shen Yang."

Gu Yiyi looked over and happened to meet the girl who made him so embarrassed that night.

Lu Wan was also startled when she saw Gu Yiyi. She didn't expect to meet him here.

Then when she lowered her eyes, there was a bit of disgust in her eyes.

After going back that night, she had a dream in which she dreamed that Gu Yiyi was going back and forth between her and another woman, and even caused her to have a miscarriage.

The pain that seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow made Lu Wan hate this young man.

Embarrassed, Gu Yiyi hugged the puppy and ran away: "Shen Yang, since your friend came, I will take my leave. Thank you for the puppy."

As soon as Gu Yiyi left, Lu Wan asked Shen Yang, "Why did he come to your house?"

In the dream, Shen Yang offended Gu Yiyi to protect her and had one of his legs broken.

Shen Yang scratched his head and said, "He wants to find a puppy for his sister."

He held the money in his hand and didn't know what to do with it.

This is a lot of money.
