
Showing posts from March 19, 2024

FVB - 019

Chapter 19 A movie destined to be a hit Jiang Jin sat in the car with a headache. The children and parents at the school gate gradually dispersed, and her car was parked at the deserted gate. She thought about it but couldn't come up with a good idea. The only last resort is to transfer Li Beixiao to another school immediately and stay away from Bai Ningshuang! But! Mr. Li would never agree. Moreover, as long as they live in a city, they will have the possibility of meeting each other. Jiang Jin raised her eyebrows and let out a long sigh. Emotions are the most troublesome thing. As a person who has never been in love, she really doesn't know where she can get the confidence to help this guy Li Beixiao with advice. The top priority is to find a way to redeem Li's Group's shares first. Jiang Jin drove to the city center. While driving, she was thinking about a reliable way, and saw an office building surrounded by crowds and reporters. The people watching around were ta