
Showing posts from July 1, 2024

FVB - 123

Chapter 123 The first day of the movie’s release The movie started soon.    This is a fairy-tale romance drama in ancient costume. It has both magical fairy legends, heart-touching love stories, and everlasting warm family affection...    Each line is told eloquently, bringing the audience into a world of fairy spirit, which makes people linger and want to stop.    Jiang Jin already knew the plot, but she still shed tears silently for the love between the male and female protagonists.    In the finale, the elderly mother defended her daughter from a thunderstorm and vomited blood and died on the spot, which made the entire audience burst into tears.    Muffled cries echoed in the cinema.    But after a century of reincarnation, the young hero and heroine met in another world...    The audience was sometimes happy and sometimes sad following the plot, and the movie gradually came to an end.    "How old you are, and you still cry." Li Xichen threw a tissue into Jiang Jin's