
Showing posts from April 7, 2024


Chapter 14 Yue Xinran was so frightened by Lin Yao's guess that she trembled. She stroked the goosebumps on her arms and scolded: "You, don't talk nonsense here. The NPC who just turned around to frame me is the one who helped Xiaoxiao. They are all human beings. Where did the ghost come from? The rumors are just a promotional tool for the show team, and you believe it!" "I don't want to create panic, but what happened before me is a bit hard to distinguish between true and false. How do you explain the sudden disappearance of that person?" Lin Yao asked unconvincingly. "Big, big transformed into a living person, this classroom must have a mechanism." Qi Yan: "There are no ghosts in this world. Now that you've passed this level, let's go to the next level quickly. Instead of making random guesses, it's better to finish recording as soon as possible and finish the work early." Rather than everyone's suspicion, he wanted


Chapter 13 Shen Weiyue's doubt triggered the key words of this level, and the plot finally returned to normal. Bai Jing changed from her previous fierce and strict demeanor as a teacher. She sat down on the chair with a lonely expression, her eyes were confused and she muttered something: "I obviously did it seriously, why can't I see clearly? Why? Huh? Why are you doing this to me?" Her sudden change of expression once again heightened the fear in everyone's hearts. "W-what direction is this going? The answer is confusing. Why has the teacher changed? How on earth are we going to pass this level?" Lin Yao was frightened by the changes that happened one after another. He looked at Jin Sui'an, who was across the aisle from him, for help. Jin Sui'an looked at Bai Jing belatedly and murmured in horror: "You haven't realized it yet, she is not a teacher at all, she is the examinee mentioned on the blackboard." "Ah?" Lin Yao lo

FVB - 038

Chapter 38 It’s hard to be a stepmother, right? Under Teacher Shi's arrangements, everything is ready. The test paper was a temporary question given by three mathematics teachers. The person in charge of invigilating the test was the vice principal. There were only two candidates in the whole classroom, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, and the distance between the two children was more than two meters.    The exam lasted for one hour, but within twenty minutes, the two children handed in their papers at the same time.    Teacher Shi and a teacher from another class cross-corrected the test paper, and within ten minutes, the results came out.    Full marks for both.    With so many teachers watching, it was impossible to cheat.    Looking at the two hundred percent test papers, Teacher Shi still looked in disbelief...    It’s not that you can’t make progress, but the speed of progress is faster than riding a rocket...    Jiang Jin stared at the two children who had just come out of the exa