FVB - 038

Chapter 38 It’s hard to be a stepmother, right?

Under Teacher Shi's arrangements, everything is ready.

The test paper was a temporary question given by three mathematics teachers. The person in charge of invigilating the test was the vice principal. There were only two candidates in the whole classroom, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, and the distance between the two children was more than two meters.
The exam lasted for one hour, but within twenty minutes, the two children handed in their papers at the same time.
Teacher Shi and a teacher from another class cross-corrected the test paper, and within ten minutes, the results came out.
Full marks for both.
With so many teachers watching, it was impossible to cheat.
Looking at the two hundred percent test papers, Teacher Shi still looked in disbelief...
It’s not that you can’t make progress, but the speed of progress is faster than riding a rocket...
Jiang Jin stared at the two children who had just come out of the examination room with a smile: "You both handed in the paper in twenty minutes, are you really good at it?"
Li Beixiao felt that her smile was a little scary, so he quickly took a step back.
However, Jiang Jin grabbed the ears of the two bastards one on the left and the other on the right.

"You obviously know how to do it, but you pretend you can't do it all. It's fun to pretend that you're a bad student, right?" She sneered, "If you're so capable, why bother going to kindergarten? You can just go to elementary school!"
Li Xichen: "..."
Li Beixiao: "..."
Doesn’t this woman really want them to study hard? Why is she so angry after scoring 100% in the exam?
"Mama Li, don't do anything to the children." Teacher Shi came over to rescue the two children. "It's class time now. Please go back first, Mrs. Li."
Jiang Jin dusted off the dust on her sleeves and said coldly: "At 6:30 in the evening, I will come to pick you up personally. Don't let me wait."
After she finished speaking, she strode away.
"Jingle Bell!"
The school bell rang, and a large group of children gathered at the door of Class 9 and started talking.
"Did you hear that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao scored 100 points in the test using plagiarism and will be expelled today?"
"They used to fight and skip class every day, and yet they dared to score a hundred points. Who gave them the courage, Liang Jingru?"
"Bai Ningshuang, who has always been ranked first, only scored ninety-six points. How dare they get full marks?"
"Yes, the second place is only ninety-six, so who did they copy to get the perfect score?" Bai Ningshuang came over wearing a pink gauze skirt and said lightly, "Please don't slander the matter until the matter is investigated clearly. My classmates, I believe Li Xichen and Li Beixiao did not plagiarize."
Lu Duoduo tugged on her arm: "Shuangshuang, you are too naive. The two of them miss class and fight every day. How can they get a higher score than you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of Teacher Shi's high heels could be heard in the corridor.

The children dispersed in a hurry and ran into the classroom.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao followed Teacher Shi into the classroom.
There was a glint of pride in Lu Duoduo's eyes.

Look, Teacher Shi must have come to announce that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were fired.
Last time, because of Li Xichen, she was scolded by her mother when she returned home, and her pocket money was deducted for half a year.
She was going to be pissed off by Li Xichen.
This time she was finally able to vent her anger.
"Yesterday's monthly exam results have come out. Now, let me announce the exam results."
Teacher Shi placed a stack of test papers on the table and cleared her throat.
The children sitting below were all extremely nervous. They were not concerned about their own grades, but wanted to know how the plagiarism issue was resolved...

"Li Xichen, one hundred points."
"Li Beixiao, one hundred points."
Teacher Shi reported the scores as if nothing was wrong.
Lu Duoduo's eyes widened.
This, how is this possible?
Isn't it plagiarized? How can this 100% still count?
"Teacher Shi!"
Lu Duoduo stood up excitedly.
Teacher Shi looked at her coldly: "It's not your turn yet, why are you in a hurry?"
"No, Teacher Shi, didn't Li Xichen and Li Beixiao get 100 points in the exam because of plagiarism? Why not expel them?" Lu Duoduo said righteously, "Don't we have regulations in our school? As long as plagiarism is found, they will be expelled. They must be expelled, why are they two exceptions?"
Teacher Shi stopped what he was doing: "Classmate Lu Duoduo, where did you hear these words?"

"I came to school in the morning and heard what teachers from other classes were talking about." Lu Duoduo said, "Everyone in the school knows that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao skip class and fight every day, and only come to school once a month. How can they, scumbags like them, compete with each other? Did Bai Ningshuang from the next class do well in the exam?"
Upon hearing this, Teacher Shi became dissatisfied.
Why can't the first place be Bai Ningshuang from the next class? Why can't it be from her students?
She said coldly: "Student Lu Duoduo, as a student, you should attend class and study hard, instead of just hearing about things all day long, spreading rumors, and affecting the school spirit.
Your math score in this monthly test is only 54 points, ranking third from the bottom in the class. Ask your mother to come to school tomorrow. "

Lu Duoduo: "..."
Isn't it time to investigate Li Xichen and Li Beixiao for plagiarism? Why is she suddenly asked to invite her parents?
Lu Duoduo sat down blankly.
But she sat down on the ground.
When she turned around, she saw the proud smile on Li Xichen's lips.
"Teacher Shi, Li Xichen dragged my stool on purpose!" Lu Duoduo complained angrily.
"Classmate Li Xichen has been listening to me carefully. I didn't see him making any small moves. You should get up and sit down quickly!"

Teacher Shi said angrily, even Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were about to change. Why is this Lu Duoduo still making endless troubles?
Lu Duoduo's eyes were red with anger and she burst into tears.

After leaving school, Jiang Jin drove directly to the set.

The movie "Snow Without End" started filming a year ago, and the main plot has been filmed long ago.
If it hadn't been for a big fire half a month ago, the movie would have entered the promotion period and was about to be released.

In this circle, most people believe in Feng Shui. A sudden fire broke out just before filming was about to wrap up, making everyone believe that this drama would definitely be a flop.

As a result, the investors took their money and ran away, and the main actors and actresses also resigned.
If not, how could Jiang Jin get such a big deal?
She walked into the set on high heels and saw Director Zhao directing the filming of the new male protagonist. The male protagonist was not an amateur. His previous career was a graphic model. He was tall and thin, with outstanding bones and very photogenic.

After the instruction was over, Director Zhao noticed that Jiang Jin was coming and hurriedly came over: "Miss Jiang, why are you free to come over for inspection?"
Jiang Jin sighed: "Every day except taking the children to school, there is nothing to do. It's really boring."
"Uh..." Director Zhao said at a loss for words, "You, you really have children, four?"
"Hey, how did Director Zhao know that I have four sons?"

Director Zhao: "..."
What she dare to say that night was not drunken talk, but the truth.
Why is it so unbelievable that such a young and beautiful girl has four sons?

Director Zhao spoke cautiously: "It's hard to be a stepmother, right?"
