Chapter 13

Shen Weiyue's doubt triggered the key words of this level, and the plot finally returned to normal.

Bai Jing changed from her previous fierce and strict demeanor as a teacher. She sat down on the chair with a lonely expression, her eyes were confused and she muttered something: "I obviously did it seriously, why can't I see clearly? Why? Huh? Why are you doing this to me?"

Her sudden change of expression once again heightened the fear in everyone's hearts.

"W-what direction is this going? The answer is confusing. Why has the teacher changed? How on earth are we going to pass this level?"

Lin Yao was frightened by the changes that happened one after another. He looked at Jin Sui'an, who was across the aisle from him, for help.

Jin Sui'an looked at Bai Jing belatedly and murmured in horror: "You haven't realized it yet, she is not a teacher at all, she is the examinee mentioned on the blackboard."

"Ah?" Lin Yao looked surprised, "No wonder Shen Weiyue got a perfect score and was made things difficult for her. Co-authoring is the revenge of a scumbag on a top student."

"It stands to reason that Miss Gu's behavior is exactly in line with the character of a bad student, and she should resonate with it, but she is not satisfied either, so scores are not a condition for passing the level from the beginning."

"It's neither this nor that, what are you going to do!" Lin Yao was furious, "If I had known that the show team was so big, I wouldn't have been tortured out of curiosity. I regret it to death."

[God, I feel sorry for the guest for a minute. This level is really difficult. Moreover, this is the first main mission. I'm afraid it will be even harder in the future!]

[Should I say it or not, it seems that the clues in this level are all on the task card, but it turns out that when they are connected, they turn out to be a trap, which is outrageous]

[Moreover, the NPC clearly promised that if Yuebao got full marks in the second round, everyone would pass, but after Yuebao did it, she just gave a vague answer, which is really disgusting]

[So, the so-called clues are simply misleading, really.]

[The levels are difficult to overcome, but I believe there is always someone who can solve the puzzle. I am optimistic about our wise Brother Yan]

[I support Gu Xiaoxiao, I always think she will win]

[Pull her down, Gu Xiaoxiao is already at the end of her game. She knows how to play tricks. If she really encounters someone who is brain-burning, she is just a fool.]

[We’ll see, I think, Xiaoxiao will win!]

"It's not a score or a test, it's a test paper." Qi Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Jin Sui'an and Lin Yao looked at him at the same time.

Qi Yan continued: "You continue to listen to the NPC, the clue is in her words."

The three of them looked at Bai Jing at the same time. She was still mumbling to herself in a daze, her mood becoming more and more confused: "Why can't I do it right? What is the mistake? Why does the answer become blurry in the end? Why?"

"Did you hear that? Everything she did before was intentionally misleading us. The task of this level is to help candidates find out why they still failed in the exam even after inviting Xianye. It has nothing to do with the exam or their scores."

"Fuck, we were paced right from the beginning!" Lin Yao was furious.

"This main mission is really full of traps. Fortunately, you responded quickly." Jin Sui'an looked at Qi Yan gratefully.

"Just reacting is not enough. You have to look for clues. My intuition tells me that there must be clues in the test paper." Qi Yan stared at the paper in his hand, thoughtfully.

"Could it be that the paper is the paper fairy?"

As soon as Jin Sui'an said these words, Bai Jing suddenly stopped talking and looked sideways at him, her eyes dark and gloomy, which inexplicably sent a chill down his spine.

[If the NPC reacts, does it mean that Anzai guessed correctly?]

[If you guess correctly, you will pass this level. You should have found some clues]

Bai Jing's reaction made the answer in Qi Yan's heart more and more clear. He met Bai Jing's gaze and said tentatively: "There should be something wrong with the paper."

Bai Jing's eyes flashed, and she teleported to Qi Yan, showing her molar teeth and threatening condescendingly: "How could there be something wrong with the paper? That's the Paper Fairy. Since the Paper Fairy has signed a contract with me, it won't fool me."

Gu Xiaoxiao listened to the conversation of the people behind her, lowered her eyes and looked at the handwriting stained by the stain, and said casually: "Maybe the paper fairy you invited was transformed from toilet paper. If you write with toilet paper, it will stain even if it is not wet...”

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the keyword— Toilet Paper Fairy and passing the level!"

Gu Xiaoxiao: "Huh?!!!"

Everyone present and the barrage: "???????"

[No, why did you pass the level? It’s outrageous! ! ! ! ! ! ]

[Toilet paper cannot be used as test paper, so no matter what answers you write, they will be mushy. This is a miserable bunch]

[God damn toilet paper fairy, hahaha, this answer is so hellish]

[Please be careful, you deserve the anti-fraud APP]

[Hahaha, the weird points of laughter have increased again, my brain is unclear and I can’t answer this kind of question]

[The screenwriter of this show is a genius]

[No, Gu Xiaoxiao is a genius, she dares to guess anything and she can guess right]

[What did I say? I, Xiao Bisheng! ! ! ! ! (Super loud)]

Bai Jing's face changed immediately when the answer was revealed. She had obviously been misleading them all along, so why was it still guessed? That damn woman, ah! ! ! ! !

She teleported in front of Gu Xiaoxiao, her hands turned into bones, grabbed Gu Xiaoxiao's collar, pressed her forehead with a ferocious face, opened her huge mouth and roared: "Why do you want to expose me in public? I have already invited the paper fairy. As long as the marking teacher is fast enough, I can get full marks. Why do you all target me? Why do you target me!!!"

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned back and said calmly: "No one is targeting you. If you follow the wrong path, you are destined to suffer backlash. If struggling is useless, it is better to let yourself go, so as not to make mistakes again and again and make others laugh."

"I'm right. I have clearly found a shortcut. You are all targeting me because of jealousy."

"You are so busy in the senior year of high school. There are endless questions, endless words and poems to memorize, and a serious lack of sleep. Any one of them can drain your energy. Who has time to target others? Don't take yourself too seriously. , because no one will remember you!"

"Shut up, shut up!!!"

Following this sharp roar, Bai Jing's body suddenly swelled, her gloomy black eyes instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, and her withered fingers turned into canine-shaped cages, tightly trapping Gu Xiaoxiao's body. 

She lifted her whole body, the red ceiling light began to flash continuously, the closed windows began to violently instigate, and the sound of opening and closing was like a dull and heavy guillotine, in desperate need of nourishment by blood.

[Ah ah ah ah, every time the NPC goes berserk, I don’t feel like it’s a show. The props and scenes are so realistic]

[What should I do? Is Xiaoxiao in danger? The program team doesn’t really want to play such a big role]

[Hahaha, throw it out, throw the monster out quickly]

[The Yingying monster has repeatedly sought death and angered the NPC. The reward must be on her head, right?]

[Support Black Heart Xiao to be thrown away! ! ! ! ! What the people want!]

"Xiaoxiao, wuwuwuwu!" Yue Xinran was so frightened that she burst into tears. There seemed to be an invisible force around her stopping her from moving forward. She could only watch Gu Xiaoxiao fall into the clutches of the devil.

She shouted to the crowd on the other side: "Save her quickly!"

"How can we save her? She didn't ask for it." Lin Yao said harsh words, but moved forward honestly and with difficulty.

Jin Sui'an resisted the invisible resistance and struggled to move forward while pulling the table. Qi Yan behind him also began to push him forward.

Only Shen Weiyue pretended to be too frightened and froze on the spot, trembling. She couldn't help but feel secretly happy in her heart. This is what should happen to someone who is in the limelight. As long as Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't disrupt the situation, she can return to the home court soon!

Faced with the NPC's rampage, Gu Xiaoxiao sighed helplessly: "Why are you so impatient? This is a game. If you get too deep into the game, be careful not to get out. Besides, employees who exert too much force can easily be beaten to death by the boss. Don't use up your energy in advance. If you add drama here, the props and scenes later will have to be closed. You know how easy it is to attract hatred? Listen to my advice, work is not about working hard, it is not worth it!"

"Roar!!!!" Bai Jing's roar shattered the glass.

The calmer Gu Xiaoxiao is, the angrier she becomes. It's really hateful that such good acting skills can't scare her, and her energy can't support her at all to punish her. It's so fucking frustrating.

This powerful roar sent an invisible momentum in the air, shattering the fake NPC's head and causing debris to fly everywhere, killing everyone who couldn't dodge.

Seeing that Gu Xiaoxiao was destined to die, everyone was frightened and at a loss.

With a muffled sound of "bang", the white crystal suddenly turned into white mist, and quickly disappeared from the place, leaving only Gu Xiaoxiao, who had fallen solidly, grimacing and picking up the mission card that fell on the ground.

"Congratulations to Gu Xiaoxiao for winning the mission card again and starting the first side mission of the second level. The five-minute countdown begins, dit--"

She touched the sore spot and cursed secretly: "These NPCs don't have martial ethics, they take the opportunity to vent their anger, and they have poor professional quality."

The NPC closest to her rushed over to help her and asked anxiously: "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I just fell a little."

"She looked so scary just now, you are so brave!"

"That's right, when she first appeared, we were all NPCs and were frightened."

Gu Xiaoxiao waved her hand: "She's too deep into the drama, it's understandable."

After the NPC helped her sit down, he politely said goodbye to her and left.

When only the participating guests were left, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and fell into the chairs in front of them.

After Gu Xiaoxiao read the task card, she passed it to Lin Yao who was nearest to her.

Lin Yao took the card and raised his chin at her, "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, how about you?" she asked, looking around at everyone.

"Woooo, you scared me to death just now. I thought you were going to be killed by a ghost." Yue Xinran sobbed with lingering fear, not forgetting to pull her up and down to look at her, for fear that she would be hurt.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and touched her head, comforting and said: "Okay, you also saw the NPC who helped me just now. They are all played by people, but their acting skills and tasks are different. There is no ghost."

"But that NPC is too real. There is really invisible pressure in the air that restrains me from saving you."

"I also felt that power. If this is also a special effect, I can only say that the program team is awesome." Jin Sui'an gave a heartfelt thumbs up.

"But rumors say that this place is really haunted. Maybe the invisible force suddenly visited because of the atmosphere of the scene."

Lin Yao looked around fearfully. The sound of the wind rustling through the leaves occasionally came from outside the leaky window, as well as the faint hoot of an owl, which made people's hair stand on end.
