Chapter 14

Yue Xinran was so frightened by Lin Yao's guess that she trembled. She stroked the goosebumps on her arms and scolded: "You, don't talk nonsense here. The NPC who just turned around to frame me is the one who helped Xiaoxiao. They are all human beings. Where did the ghost come from? The rumors are just a promotional tool for the show team, and you believe it!"

"I don't want to create panic, but what happened before me is a bit hard to distinguish between true and false. How do you explain the sudden disappearance of that person?" Lin Yao asked unconvincingly.

"Big, big transformed into a living person, this classroom must have a mechanism."

Qi Yan: "There are no ghosts in this world. Now that you've passed this level, let's go to the next level quickly. Instead of making random guesses, it's better to finish recording as soon as possible and finish the work early."

Rather than everyone's suspicion, he wanted to enter the next level quickly. He didn't want to lose to Gu Xiaoxiao again and again. It was obvious that he had also thought of the answer, but he was just a little slower than her.

This is all due to the fact that he was led by the NPC and focused on solving the questions, which was a waste of time. Damn it!

[Finally, they passed the level without any danger. I actually feel that some of the NPC’s behaviors are difficult to distinguish between true and false.]

[Some special effects are comparable to blockbusters, but the program team is not so arrogant. Could it be that there is really a ghost here]

[Fuck, a real NPC turns into a real ghost NPC instantly, this is so exciting]

[How is it possible? These are the atmosphere deliberately exaggerated by the program team, just to create a topic. If you don’t believe me, go to Weibo. Chaohua is full of discussions about real and fake ghosts. This topic has attracted hundreds of people to this variety show. Tens of thousands of viewers are all old speculators]

[I also think this is a deliberate attempt by the program team to increase the popularity of the program]

[In short, regardless of whether it is true or false, I am a local dog and I like to watch]

[I came here for the anchor named Gu. I heard she is very powerful]

[Remove "heard"! ! ! ! ! ]

[One thing to say, I am impressed by Gu Xiaoxiao’s courage. After three rounds of hell-level tests, it has been completely proven that she is not a coward. The anti-fans misled me]

[If there is really a ghost in the show, I hope they take away all the anti-fans]

[Many times, the human heart is scarier than ghosts]

While the barrage was being discussed, Zhao Xin called over the venue attendants and props. He couldn't help praising the design of this level and pouring out his compliments as if they were free of charge.

"I really didn't expect this batch of NPCs to be so outstanding. Their acting skills, makeup effects are top-notch, and their emotional rendering is particularly good. Are they really extras that can be hired for just two hundred yuan per show? I've made a lot of money."

"Director Zhao has won the award. Otherwise, the students of the film school are hard-working and want to treat every performance as an experience. They have the explosiveness and expressiveness of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

"Publish my message and let those who haven't joined in the future continue to work hard. If the show really becomes a hit, I will give them a salary increase immediately to avoid spreading the news and saying that we are stingy."

"Okay, then I'll thank Director Zhao for them first."

"Director Zhao, our first level has just ended. The audience has exceeded the 20 million mark, setting a record for the platform's first 10 million-level viewing of a late-night variety show. The platform has given us the best position on the homepage. Now The number of viewers is increasing by six figures per minute. If this continues, after the show is recorded, it may directly exceed 100 million."

"Really, really? Then our variety show debut was a success, right?"

"It's done!" Xiao Shu held his hand excitedly.

When "Adventure Horror House" was first officially announced, no one was optimistic about the show, and it even attracted crowd ridicule. Everyone felt that this was Zhao Xin's last ditch effort to become a talent in the variety show industry.

An attempt to use an eye-catching theme to disrupt the order of traditional variety shows, abandoned schools, late-night live broadcasts, and the shabbiness of insufficient funds everywhere.

When he used these gimmicks to create buzz, his peers felt even more contemptuous, thinking that such grandstanding was embarrassing.

Based on all kinds of group ridicule, Zhao Xin and Xiao Shu put down all their belongings and gritted their teeth to endure.

Fortunately, the newcomers in the circle are like crucian carp crossing the river, and there are many people who have far-sightedness and want to get ahead. As soon as the format of the program was announced, a company sent its new talents and front-persons to participate. Even if the advertising fee is not high, it doesn't matter. What they value is the uniqueness and prospects of this variety show.

Once they have a common goal, cooperation becomes a matter of course.

The only variable is Gu Xiaoxiao, a silly person. She originally came in as Shen Weiyue's control group, and also brought some trouble to the show to create topics. However, she gradually went off track because of her own decisions.

If she hadn't brought in a lot of traffic through her crooked attack, Zhao Xin would never have allowed her to stay until the second level.

"How many people are there in Gu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room now?"

Xiao Shu opened the real-time data and said: "There are 1.6 million, surpassing Yue Xinran by more than 200,000 and Jin Sui'an by 100,000, rising to fourth in the Adventure House anchor ranking."

"Her manager must be behind this promotion, go check it out."

"Why are you checking this? No matter which anchor gains followers, it will be beneficial to the program."

"We promised Shen Weiyue that we would highlight her existence, but Gu Xiaoxiao took all the limelight. If the other party pursues the case, it will be hard for us to explain."

"There's nothing hard to explain. It's not up to us to decide who the audience likes. Moreover, if Gu Xiaoxiao can really make the show popular, our status and right to speak will increase. By then, we won't be sure who will ask for who."

"You mean we don't have to care?"

"It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't control it. Gu Xiaoxiao picked the wheat by herself, and we are live broadcasting, so we can't blatantly control it. Everyone is watching." Xiao Shu said with a hint of winking.

Zhao Xin suddenly realized and smiled: "Yes, if you really want to talk about it, how many plots have been messed up by us because of her own actions, we are also the victims."


The two hit it off and smiled happily.

Compared with the sophistication of the program team, the first action echelon of the underworld, headed by Bai Jing, has low morale, aggrieved and angry.

"Who would have thought that a weak human being could have such a heart and courage? I tried my best. Not only did I fail to get the scream value, but I also left myself riddled with holes. That's outrageous!" Long Wei Looking at his leaky body, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"My tongue still hurts. This damn woman is so evil!" Ah Hao stroked his tongue distressedly, and his body had become completely transparent.

"Oooh, don't mention it. I have been repairing the joint between my head and neck since my death. I finally restored the smoothness of my life. But in order to scare her, I took off my head again, but she—"

Ayu floated in the air, her transparent lips trembling, her mood fluctuated several times, "She actually ridiculed me, wow... Her breasts are obviously bigger than mine!!!"

"Huh?!" Long Wei and Ah Hao looked at her somewhere curiously.

"Don't look, you damn ghosts!!!!"

"Okay, okay, stop howling. There are brothers behind us. I still don't believe that no ghost can subdue her. If it doesn't work, there will be Sister Juan at the rear. Sister Juan will definitely help us vent our evil anger."

Bai Jing leaned against the wall weakly, wishing she could bite Gu Xiaoxiao to death. This person looked careless, but in fact she had a sharp mind. She could guess Mu Laoxie's outrageous answers. She did have two brushes.

The mission card dropped from the main mission is a map, leading to the library on the fourth floor. Qi Yan is at the head of the team, climbing the stairs calmly.

After the previous rounds of encounters, everyone fully learned their lesson, took advantage of the opportunity that NPCs and anomalies would not appear during the rest period, and rushed to the destination.

"Why didn't we think of using this time before?" Yue Xinran was annoyed as she walked.

Lin Yao: "It's not because I have been trapped in the scary atmosphere created by the program team and was led by the rhythm. In addition, it is my first time to participate. The rules and skills can only be acquired through practice."

Jin Sui'an: "There are four main missions in the show. According to the three side missions in the first one, we still have to go through nine levels. The first big level is so difficult. I'm afraid it will get more and more difficult in the future.”

"That's not necessarily true. As we progress through each level, our experience points and courage are also increasing. As long as we are not afraid of NPCs, we will not be led away. All our failures are based on panic. We should learn from someone. So shameless."

Lin Yao said while looking back at Gu Xiaoxiao at the end of the team.

Yue Xinran met his pointed gaze and said unconvinced: "The reason why Xiaoxiao can be calmer than us is because she is brave enough and sensible enough. You still say she is shameless. Just admit that girls are bolder than boys. Is it so difficult? If Xiaoxiao were a boy, you would probably have to fawn over her again."

"Ah, if Gu Xiaoxiao is a boy, she would go out to provoke NPCs. She would already be bruised and swollen under my fists. People like this who have no team spirit should be eliminated."

After hearing Lin Yao's ruthless arrangement of Gu Xiaoxiao, Shen Weiyue pretended to persuade him: "According to the rules of the game, NPC's behavior is not restricted, which means they can do whatever they want. Who knows where their anger lies, Xiaoxiao's is just a matter of using her own strengths. Anyway, everyone can pass the test without any danger in the end. Compared with the result, the process is not that important.”

"It's easy for you to say. Who can guarantee that she will be so lucky next time." Lin Yao replied unconvinced.

"Then what do you think we should do? We can't vote Xiaoxiao out. There's no such rule in the game."

"Can't she be added? If she keeps going like this, it's hard to say whether the show can end smoothly. She's a black sheep!"

[Let me just say that Shen Weiyue is a flourishing white lotus. Does it feel like seeing someone with a borrowed knife?]

[Lotus words, lotus words, yin and yang strange energy, so bad]

[This Lin Yao is real. Even though he is not good at it, he still doesn’t want others to be better than him. He deserves to be used as a spearman by White Lotus and suffers from Wen Si]

[You passers-by don’t know anything. Our brother Yao is so stupid. He is just analyzing the facts]

[That is, when was it not because Gu Xiaoxiao deliberately angered the NPC that everyone was frightened? Do you dare to do it or not?]

[Yes, yes, you are all right. Anyway, evil people will get their own way, and it’s not me who is being used]

[Hey, don’t start a fight, we, Yueyue, are provoking someone, it’s inexplicable]

Fans and passers-by from both sides were arguing in the barrage, but the parties involved had no idea that Lin Yao was eager to advocate the feasibility of voting.

He turned back and asked Jin Sui'an: "What do you think of the idea of ​​voting to eliminate people?"

Jin Sui'an said angrily: "It's not very good, it's very tasteless!"

"Why are you so useless? I'm all thinking about the overall situation."

"Your overall plan is to abandon capable people, let those who are not good enough take the spotlight, and then lead everyone to die together. This is more hateful than stealing the limelight from others, you fool!"

"Why are you scolding people?" Lin Yao's face was full of scolding.

"You're the one I'm scolding!" You idiot.

"You!" Lin Yao raised his index finger angrily, then snorted coldly and turned to Qi Yan: "Qi Yan, what do you think?"

"I think the most important thing is to complete the task. Everyone should do their own thing according to their own abilities. There is no need to escalate into internal strife, let alone be taken advantage of."

"Used? By whom?" Lin Yao looked confused.

Qi Yan stopped paying attention to him and walked upstairs quickly.

Qi Yan's hint made Shen Weiyue feel angry. She clenched her palms tightly and said angrily: "Qi Yan is right, everyone should do their own thing according to their own abilities. Don't always think about stepping on others and do your tasks in a disciplined manner. That’s good, the audience will be more convincing about who to eliminate.”

She still doesn’t believe that the audience and fans can’t see things that she can’t control with their eyes?

Who can stay until the end depends on traffic. Compared with traffic and fans, Gu Xiaoxiao will definitely be eliminated!

"Why are you venting your anger on me? What did I do wrong?" Lin Yao complained in confusion.

Yue Xinran made a face at him: "Yeah, this is the result of engaging in internal strife. Be careful that you will be scared out of your wits in a while, just a little bit!"

"Let's go Xiaoxiao, ignore him!" After venting her hatred, Yue Xinran held Gu Xiaoxiao's hand and passed him by.

The way Lin Yao looked at Gu Xiaoxiao could be described as sharpening a knife.

"You wait for me, Gu Xiaoxiao, I will push you to the ground and rub you in the next level."

Gu Xiaoxiao spread her hands and shrugged: "As you wish."
