FVB - 039

Chapter 39 Don’t wake up so soon

Jiang Jin picked his ears.

She slowly turned her head: "Did you see the word stepmother written on my face?"

Director Zhao said with a strong desire to survive: "Miss Jiang looks like she is only 23 or 24 years old. Who can believe that you have four sons, hahaha!"

Jiang Jin likes to hear this.

At the age of twenty-eight, she is about to enter her thirty year of life, so she is particularly sensitive to age.

And she has lived for more than thirty years and has never even held a man's hand.

How unwilling it would be to die in such frustration...

Jiang Jin let out a long sigh.

"The new heroine will officially join the cast next week. Forty scenes will be shot in about eight days. Post-editing is also in progress at the same time. It will take about half a month to enter the promotion period and then prepare for release..."

Director Zhao was chattering to the side, reporting on the progress of the crew.
Jiang Jin looked at the set.
She had never seen anyone act before.
There is a green background and a high platform built with green cloth on the side. The young male protagonist jumps down from the high platform while hanging a wire.

Jiang Jin's lips twitched: "This jumping off a building is too fake."
Director Zhao's face darkened: "This is cliff jumping... Miss Jiang, you don't even know whether our movie is a costume or an urban one, do you?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
It's true, she hasn't read the script.
But she clearly understands how the original novel describes this movie.
At an extremely low cost, a masterpiece of love was filmed, which deceived thousands of people into tears, and ultimately grossed more than 1.5 billion at the box office.

When the movie became popular, it attracted a lot of attention.
What is most talked about by Heizi is that the special effects and props of this movie are so eye-catching.

Jiang Jin glanced at the green scene that was built and had to admit that some of Heizi's words still made sense.
"Director Zhao, why don't you rent a real location?" She asked, holding her chin. "This will look more realistic and save a lot of trouble in the later stage."
"The cost of post-production special effects processing is about 3,000 yuan. To rent such a venue, it will cost upwards of 100,000 yuan a day."
Director Zhao sighed and said, "Miss Jiang, I also want to perfect every detail, but my pocket is empty."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Yes, she dug a big hole for herself.
But it’s true that she should invest more money. If they can improve some of the shooting environment, we might be able to exceed 2 billion in box office.
The higher the box office, the more money she will get, right?

Jiang Jin nodded on the table and waved her hand: "Director Zhao, just tell me directly, how much money is still missing?"
Director Zhao's eyes lit up and he immediately brought a computer: "The venue will be rented for at least ten days. This is one million. The costumes of the male and female protagonists can be improved. We can add another five hundred thousand here..."

"Stop!" Jiang Jin made a silent gesture, "Don't add any more to other aspects. Landscaping and post-production, a total of two million, don't pull it down."
Director Zhao: "..."
Okay, mosquito legs are also meat.
Jiang Jin stood up: "Then I'll go back and collect the money. You get busy."
She checked her account and found that the money on several bank cards did not add up to one million.

It seems that she can only continue her second-hand reselling business.
Jiang Jin drove home and dug out everything in the room. She had sold all the brand new bags and jewelry last time, and there were still some 90% new items left. After hanging them on the platform, no one asked for a long time...
She flopped down on the bed and let out a long sigh.
Why is it so difficult to make money?
Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration.
She has nothing to sell here, but she can sell Li Yunting's things.
Although this man has been in a coma for ten years, Mr. Li arranges for someone to measure him and make his suit shirts by hand every year.
Those clothes are all new and have never been worn once!
Jiang Jin quickly stood up and moved quietly to the master bedroom.
"Young lady, the fruit has been cut and placed on the coffee table. Remember to eat it."
Zhang Ma suddenly came out of the kitchen with a bowl in hand, raised her head and said something.
Jiang Jin was startled and smiled dryly: "Leave it for now. I'll put on a facial mask and then come down to eat."
Zhang Ma continued to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Jiang Jin quickly slipped into the master bedroom and gently closed the door.
She glanced at the man lying on the big bed with a guilty conscience, and saw that his eyes were tightly closed, and she breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.
In fact, she was particularly afraid that this man would suddenly wake up again.
The last time she was choked, she had nightmares for several nights, and she no longer dared to take it lightly...
Jiang Jin opened the closet door. The closet contained all black suits, white shirts, gray business vests... They were all brand new, and the tags were still there.
She was so happy that she quickly took out the clothes and piled them on the bed. After the movie was released, she would return it to this man tenfold...
Clothes were put on the big bed one by one, and the man who was originally lying on the bed was completely submerged.
It's just that Jiang Jin was immersed in the joy of making money and didn't notice this at all...
The hand pressed under the layers of clothes had distinct joints, the tips of the fingertips had a hint of pale color, and the knuckles suddenly moved...
After Jiang Jin sorted out the clothes, she took photos one by one.
"It turns out to be a handmade custom-made suit in Italy. It will definitely sell for a good price. It's enough to sell a few pieces of this kind of clothes..."

Jiang Jin muttered.


A violent cough suddenly sounded.
Jiang Jin's fingers suddenly stopped.
She looked left and right, but she didn't see anyone suspicious.
Then, she slowly turned her head and looked at the big bed.
The two-meter-wide bed was piled with clothes, and Li Yunting's head was buried.

Jiang Jin suddenly broke into a cold sweat.
She quickly took off all the clothes from the bed, and the man's stern face was finally revealed. He was already pale because he had been bedridden for many years. After being held back like this, his face became even more ugly, and he was still coughing.
"Yeah, sorry!"
Jiang Jin was panicking to death.
She was afraid of suffocating this man to death, and even more afraid that this man would open his eyes just like that while coughing...
She turned around and poured a glass of warm water over, and handed it to Li Yunting's lips: "Drink some water first. Drinking water to moisten your throat will prevent you from coughing again."
However, after the water was fed in, it flowed out along the corners of the man's beautiful lips.
The cough seems to be getting worse...
Jiang Jin kept doing something, raised her head, drank half a glass of water, and blocked the man's lips with her own mouth.
The surroundings became strangely quiet.
She could even hear the wind blowing through the treetops outside the window.

She poured the water into the man's lips and tongue, and he swallowed it freely.

Jiang Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Yunting, just lie down and rest, don't wake up so soon..."
"Let's discuss it. After my movie is released... no, it's best to open your eyes half a month after it is released..."
