FVB - 040

Chapter 40 He is not an insensible vegetable

Jiang Jin secretly returned to her room with a pile of clothes in her arms.

As soon as she left, the eyelids of the person lying on the bed started to beat violently. After a long time, the eyes that had been silent for a long time slowly opened.

These were a pair of dark eyes without any warmth. The black pupils slowly rotated, looking at everything around them.
He moved his fingers, flexed his knuckles, and slowly returned to his body with strength.
After a while, he sat up straight away.
He had been lying in bed for ten years, and he felt that this body did not feel like his own, and every move he made was very jerky.

He could hear the wind blowing outside the window, the woman in the next room talking to herself, and Zhang Ma's busy voice downstairs...
He heard these sounds every day during the ten years he was in coma.
He is not an insensible vegetative person, he can hear everything and feel all emotions...
Jiang Jin had no idea that Li Yunting had woken up.
She sat on the carpet in the room and chatted leisurely with the buyers. In just a short time, she sold ten suits.
The money is already well over two million.
Jiang Jin closed the trading channel, got up and packed ten suits, and then went out to send the express.
After the courier was sent, it was already five o'clock in the evening, and she quickly drove to school to pick up her children.
"Jingle Bell!"
As soon as the bell rang, the children fluttered out of the classroom happily like birds out of their cages.
Li Xichen slung his schoolbag on his back: "Let's go to the Internet cafe."

Li Beixiao's fingers paused: "That woman said she would come to take us home tonight."
"She doesn't have the time." Li Xichen sneered coldly, "Old Wu is still waiting for us to start black. Let's go and play a few games first."
The two walked out of the classroom one after another.
The children nearby were chattering around them.
"Li Xichen, Li Beixiao, your mother is waiting for you at the school gate!"
"Didn't your mother never pick you up before? Why does she come to school every day now?"
"I remember that some people used to say that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao have no mother and are wild children. Now they are slapped in the face."
"I have to say, Mother Li is so pretty. No wonder they two are so handsome..."
In the past, Li Xichen hated being surrounded by these naive children chattering, but now, he actually enjoys it at all.
Li Beixiao looked up and saw Jiang Jin standing at the school gate.
In the past, every time school was over, the children in the class would rush out of the school gate and throw themselves into the arms of their parents.
There were only him and his third brother, two lonely people.
As a result, they no longer like going to school and hang out in Internet cafes every day.
At this moment, he finally felt that he and his third brother were also children who needed their mother's care...

"Xiaoxi! Xiaobei! What are you two doing standing there, why don't you come to your mother quickly!"
Jiang Jin smiled and waved to them.
The corners of Li Beixiao's lips curved slightly: "Third brother, I don't want to go to the Internet cafe anymore. You can go by yourself."
Li Xichen: "Then there's no point in me going alone. Let's go home."
He grabbed his pockets with both hands and walked towards Jiang Jin first.
Jiang Jin held one on each hand and said with a smile: "You two got first place in the exam today. I can grant you a request, anything."
She remembered when she was a child, every time after the final exam results came out, her parents would agree to her small request.
Even if she fails the exam, her parents will try their best to encourage her, praise her, and make her believe that she is the best child in the world.
When thinking of her parents, Jiang Jin suddenly felt a little depressed.
What should she do if she suddenly miss her parents? She suddenly disappeared. My parents must be very sad...
"Hey, what's wrong with you?"
Li Xichen suddenly shook her arm hard.
Jiang Jin came back to her senses and glared at the boy angrily: "No matter how big or small you are, you should call me mom."
Speaking of which, she had never heard these two children call her mother.
"Hmph!" Li Xichen turned away, "Didn't you say before that Xiaobei and I are not as obedient, so you don't allow us to call you mom?"
Li Beixiao nodded: "You also said you didn't want people to know that you had given birth to four children."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Okay, it’s the original owner’s fault again.

These two children are also pitiful. When they grow up, they are even deprived of the right to call their mother.
She suddenly softened.
"Then each of you call me mom, and I agree to both of your requests." Jiang Jin bent over and looked at them, smiling.
Li Xichen's throat was a little dry.
The word mother rolled on his tongue thousands of times, but he couldn't say it out.
The days of abuse in the past four or five years have only lasted a week of warmth. Which one is true and which one is false?
Li Beixiao's curled eyelashes drooped, covering the emotions in his eyes.

The word mother was so beautiful and precious. He was afraid that after he said it, his dream would be shattered and everything would return to where it started.
Even if this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

"You heartless bastard!" Jiang Jin pouted, "Forget it if you don't want to shout, do you really think I really want to hear the word mother?"
"Don't hold me back, don't let people misunderstand that you two bastards are my biological sons!"
She threw the two children away, walked to the car angrily, opened the door and got in.
Jiang Jin sat in the driver's seat and got angry for a second, then lowered the window and said angrily: "Get in the car quickly, don't deliberately make me angry again, and then take the opportunity to hide in the Internet cafe!"

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other.
This woman is really extremely emotional.
Even though she was very angry at times, she was just sulking and seemed to have no intention of doing anything to them...
She seems to have really changed... at least she won't beat them anymore...

The two slowly opened the car door and got in, lowering their heads to fasten their seat belts.
The car drove smoothly on the road, and it was extremely quiet inside.
When Jiang Jin picked them up and dropped them off in the past few days, she would always nag and give them instructions along the way.
The way she didn't speak made the two children a little scared.
"Hey, didn't you say you promised us a request?" Li Xichen broke the silence.
Jiang Jin said coldly: "You don't even want to shout Mom, but you still want me to agree to your request. Go ahead and dream, you can have everything in your dreams."
Li Xichen: "..."
It was his fault, he shouldn't have messed with this woman!

Jiang Jin glanced at Li Xichen in the rearview mirror. The boy had his head lowered and his face showed no emotion. He looked a little pitiful.
Could it be that she was too fierce just now?
"Forget it, you are a child, why should I, an adult, care about you?" Jiang Jin slowed down and said, "Tell me what you want."

Li Xichen raised his head and said slowly: "Your cooking is too unpalatable. My request is that you never enter the kitchen again."
Jiang Jin: "..."
She shouldn't pity this bastard!
