
Showing posts from March 20, 2024

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 13

☆⁠Chapter 13 The fish takes the bait☆⁠ Lin Jianqing really didn't expect it. "You mean, Lin Ran is not in the country now?" "Yes, according to the information we found here, he arrived in Country X half a month ago, exactly during the period when you entrusted our firm." "What did he go to country X for?" Country X borders China and is a religious country. Due to extreme xenophobia and policy influence, it is very poor. And where there is poverty, there is chaos. The person from the office said: "We don't know about this. Miss Lin, it's not that we don't take your order seriously, but that it's really difficult to do. Although the Lin Ran you want to check is only a seven-year-old child , but he lives in Port Welling, which is already very chaotic, and we strangers can’t find out anything if we go in. Miss Lin, our firm is a serious firm, not involved in the dark." Lin Jianqing: "..." Lin Jianqing, who was "susp

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 12

☆⁠Chapter 12 Electra Complex☆⁠ Because of "a seed", Silent Hill finally stopped scolding the rules for being stingy, and urged Lin Jianqing to buy the thing quickly to prevent her from regretting it. Lin Jianqing didn't listen, but switched back to the main panel and clicked on task two. A line of text immediately popped up on the screen: "Do you want to unlock mission two now?" Lin saw that after counting, the cold voice of the Rules of Silence sounded again: "Side mission two: rescue Lin Ran. Mission completion time limit: three months. Mission difficulty and danger: three stars." "Players are requested to take Lin Ran away from Welling Harbor within three months and let him return to live with his biological mother." Silent Hill, who took away Welling Harbor and other things, directly ignored it, and instead grasped a top priority, and said in disbelief: "Three-star mission difficulty? There can't be anything wrong with this rule.

FVB - 020

Chapter 20 Luxury Goods Sale Jiang Jin's hand holding the coffee suddenly froze. According to the original work, the filming cost of this drama was clearly around 30 million, but Director Zhao was so bold that he dared to ask for 100 million. She said with a smile: "All the main creators have resigned. This drama is off to a bad start. There will be no more popular stars to star. We can save at least 20 to 30 million on the actors' salary. Director Zhao, are you trying to blackmail me on purpose?" "Precisely because there will be no popular actors joining the cast, we must control every detail." Director Zhao said categorically, "Ms. Jiang probably wants to make some money when she invests in this drama." "No, no, no, I just like Director Zhao's movies. It doesn't matter whether they make money or not." Director Zhao: "..." Are all current fundraiser fathers so enlightened? "I don't belong to any company, and i