The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 13

☆⁠Chapter 13 The fish takes the bait☆⁠

Lin Jianqing really didn't expect it. "You mean, Lin Ran is not in the country now?"

"Yes, according to the information we found here, he arrived in Country X half a month ago, exactly during the period when you entrusted our firm."

"What did he go to country X for?"

Country X borders China and is a religious country. Due to extreme xenophobia and policy influence, it is very poor.

And where there is poverty, there is chaos.

The person from the office said: "We don't know about this. Miss Lin, it's not that we don't take your order seriously, but that it's really difficult to do. Although the Lin Ran you want to check is only a seven-year-old child , but he lives in Port Welling, which is already very chaotic, and we strangers can’t find out anything if we go in. Miss Lin, our firm is a serious firm, not involved in the dark."

Lin Jianqing: "..."

Lin Jianqing, who was "suspected of being involved in the underworld", was depressed, her broken glass heart was shaking, and she opened the panel with a groan.

In order to help players complete their tasks, Silent Hill can provide assistance to players within a limited range. Just like last time in the hospital, he helped Wei Ling distract the nurse. This time, Lin Jianqing chose to open the "secret door" between her and Lin Ran, the "Geographical connection”.

This function is quite simple. It is the same as the navigation map function, allowing Lin Jianqing to see where Lin Ran is in real time.
The moment "Geographical Connection" was turned on, a global map immediately appeared on the panel. Where Lin Jianqing was there was a red dot, and where Lin Ran was, a blue dot indicated it.

Lin Jianqing took a closer look: "It's really in country X."

Silent Hill: "What's he doing there? There's no such plot in the original book."

Lin Jianqing couldn't remember whether this plot existed in the original work, but since Silent Hill said it didn't exist, it definitely didn't exist.

Therefore, "rescuing Lin Ran" is different from "winning over Wei Ling (0)". This is a task with a difficulty and danger level of three stars. If you are not careful, you will lose your life and Lin Ran's...

But Lin Jianqing couldn't figure out why Lin Ran ran there!

What is a seven-year-old kid doing in such a dangerous place? Who took him there?

Something seemed to have deviated from its original trajectory. Although Lin Jianqing knew that her butterfly would cause hurricanes in this world, she didn't even touch Lin Ran's line. Why did such a big change happen?

She had no choice but to call the detective agency again and ask them to continue to help her in order to complete the task. This time, let’s start with Lin Ran’s father and the original owner’s ex-boyfriend Guo Hao.

The waiting period was shorter this time, so Lin Jianqing didn't dare to sit idle. She planted the pea seeds quickly and took care of it like her own son every day. Finally, when it sprouted, Lin Jianqing made a call to her old house without stopping, saying that she wanted to leave Wei Ling in their care because of work reasons. She sent the child there for a while, and by the way, told the two old people about changing schools.

Only then did the old man and his wife of the Wei family know that their grandson had a very bad life in school. She was now angry and anxious, and even more dissatisfied with Lin Jianqing. Fortunately, the two old couple calmed down later and asked Lin Jianqing in a cold voice to send Wei Ling over quickly. Then they hung up the phone without saying anything more to Lin Jianqing.

They were probably planning to wait for Wei Sheng to come back before settling the scores with her.

When she got there, Lin Jianqing thought that she was almost ready, but she didn't expect that there would be something more serious behind him. She didn't know what was going on with Wei Ling, this little ancestor. Ever since he heard from Lin Jianqing that she was going to send him back to his old house for three months, his face suddenly changed and he didn't have a good look towards Lin Jianqing at all.

Lin Jianqing had never taken care of a child, and she didn't know which of her words touched the young master's sensitive nerves. There was nothing she could do about it. Although there was a master here, there was another one far away!

Moreover, that master was so awesome that he tormented himself to the point where he might lose his life. If Lin Jianqing didn't run over quickly, she didn't know what human tragedy would happen next.

According to Silent Hill, if Lin Ran, the biggest villain in the book, dies, there will be a huge hole in the world. If the hole is too big to be repaired, the world may collapse.

Once the world collapsed, it was obvious that everyone, including Lin Jianqing, would die.

Therefore, in order to prevent the world from collapsing, Lin Jianqing wiped away her tears, clenched her fists, and rushed to Country X to save the world and its people!

Silent Hill: "...???" The scene is over!

The people's hero Lin Jianqing didn't feel that she had overplayed. After settling Wei Ling, she took her baby pea shooter and flew to Country X and saw the strange and suffocating environment around her.

It is worth emphasizing and repeating that Country X is a religious country.

This means that there is a clear division of labor between men and women in their country. Women do not go out to work. From birth, their greatest mission and honor is to take care of the family. Most of the people you see on the street are men with darker skin. The women's faces are covered with veils, so it's hard to see their faces clearly. Occasionally they look at someone and they lower their heads silently.

The Seine City where Lin Ran came was even more special.

Because this small town is adjacent to Yushan, the stone gambling and jade industries are very developed, almost supporting the entire eastern economy. There are various businessmen coming here all year round, and the local wealthy families are also very fierce in fighting. Firearms have almost become basic equipment.

Lin Ran came here just to bet on stones.

He hooked up with the gang leader Mr. Huo about a month ago. For some unknown reason, even though he was only seven years old, he was taken to Country X by Mr. Huo.

Silent Hill discussed with Lin Jianqing: "According to the rules, Lin Ran's life will be in danger when he comes to Country X. Living with his biological mother and so on will all happen after he returns to China."


Lin Jianqing thought to herself, now that she was in Country X, she was also very weak, pitiful and helpless. She could only save Lin Ran's life first, and then worry about the funeral.

She left China this time in the name of filming, but she didn't actually sign a contract with any crew, so she was relatively free to move. On her first day in Seine City, Country X, Lin Jianqing found a five-star hotel.


Lin Ran, the little carrot head, didn't know that he was being targeted.

He went through all the trouble to get on Mr. Huo's boat, and of course he had his own purpose.

Mr. Huo made a fortune as a smuggler when he was young. Later he opened an entertainment club and engaged in various businesses that were either allowed or not allowed by law. No matter what, by the time he turned 40, he was already considered successful.

He came back to country X because he wanted to negotiate a new business.

Stone betting business.

In China, stone gambling is not subject to official protection due to its special nature, and is mostly concentrated in a few border cities. But gambling is something that no matter what era or country you are in, whether you are a man or a woman, you cannot refuse. In Mr. Huo's view, gambling is human nature.

Eighty percent of the gambling stones in China come from Seine City in Country X.

Mr. Huo came here this time because he wanted to negotiate with the most powerful local family in Seine City to monopolize the sale of gambling stones in Seine City to China. If this business is successfully negotiated, it will bring Mr. Huo a considerable amount of income.

But of course, if there is business in this world, there will be competition. Mr. Huo first wanted to buy out Seine City's betting center on China. Naturally, there were people who had the same idea as him. This man's name is Zhao Tian, ​​and he comes from the Zhao family in City S. They have very strong financial resources, and their family is different from Mr. Huo. The Zhao family made their fortune in industry in the last century, and later in real estate, the business was clean.

Zhao Tian is twenty-four years old and the second oldest child in his family. He has been a prodigal person since he was a child, and has a very unruly personality, so he feels that doing serious business is boring, so he has always been a prodigal. Not long ago, he was scolded by his father, and someone happened to come and recommend this stone betting business to him. Zhao Tian found it interesting.

Because although stone gambling is not actively protected by the government, it is actually not illegal and can be regarded as a wild business. The wildlife business is so good, Zhao Tian feels that he must succeed in this business, and use this to mock his father and make him look down on others!

So on a whim, he summoned a team at short notice, told his family, and then came.

But when he arrived, he realized that things were not simple. The largest stone gambling family in Seine City is the Williams family. Their stone gambling business in China is not a buyout, but a piecemeal wholesale business. The stone gambling monopoly should have been a mutually beneficial thing for both of them, but the people of Country X have always been very self-respecting and extremely xenophobic, and they dismissed the proposal of Zhao Tian's team.

After persisting for a few days, Zhao Tian wanted to go back.

He himself is a person who has never done anything big. This time he came to Country X. Well, he doesn’t even have a woman that he likes, how can he not be upset?

When I feel irritable, I want to go back to my country.

The person who first gave him the suggestion advised him to stay for another two days. He got tired of hearing this, so he stayed for another two days.
Two days later, Zhao Tian received news from the Williams family at the bar, inviting them to the Williams family's manor the day after tomorrow to discuss the stone bet buyout. Moreover, there was another group of Chinese businessmen who were also invited, the leader of which was surnamed Huo.

"Huo?" Zhao Tian thought for a while but didn't remember: "Huo what? I have never heard of the famous Huo family in China. Where did the pheasant escape?"

He didn't take this opponent to heart. He shook his legs and continued to joke with the foreign woman next to him. When he turned his head, he saw a beautiful woman with wavy hair and a Chinese face.

In an instant, Zhao Tian's eyes widened.

At the other end of the bar, Silent Hill reminded Lin Jianqing: "The fish is hooked."

Lin Jianqing smiled, lowered her head and brushed her hair.
