The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 12

☆⁠Chapter 12 Electra Complex☆⁠

Because of "a seed", Silent Hill finally stopped scolding the rules for being stingy, and urged Lin Jianqing to buy the thing quickly to prevent her from regretting it. Lin Jianqing didn't listen, but switched back to the main panel and clicked on task two.

A line of text immediately popped up on the screen: "Do you want to unlock mission two now?"

Lin saw that after counting, the cold voice of the Rules of Silence sounded again: "Side mission two: rescue Lin Ran. Mission completion time limit: three months. Mission difficulty and danger: three stars."

"Players are requested to take Lin Ran away from Welling Harbor within three months and let him return to live with his biological mother."

Silent Hill, who took away Welling Harbor and other things, directly ignored it, and instead grasped a top priority, and said in disbelief: "Three-star mission difficulty? There can't be anything wrong with this rule." 

According to the original work, Lin Ran is now living with his father, and his life is barely good at best. To get him out is just a matter of spending a little money and a little effort. How can the mission get three stars?

The highest level of difficulty in the Rules of Silence is five-star, and three-star is already a life-threatening level.

Lin Jianqing thought for a moment: "This is wrong."

However, due to the current lack of information, Lin Jianqing still doesn't know what went wrong. Fortunately, because of the increased difficulty of the task, the time limit for completing the task has also increased accordingly. In three months, Lin Jianqing can plan slowly to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The first step is to quickly buy pea seeds home.

After buying the pea seeds, Lin Jianqing's freshly baked 100 experience points instantly turned into a pitiful 1. Silent Hill, who was used to spending so much money, couldn't stand it anymore, but Lin Jianqing was in a pretty good mood and was ready to take this only thing. The remaining 1 experience point went to the lottery.

The lottery wheel is a magical prop in "Silent Peak". Players only need to spend a little experience points to have a one-in-a-million chance of obtaining a god-level prop.

The clever Lin Jianqing put her hands together and prayed secretly when she cast the sole experience point, thinking, rules, rules, now the two of us and Silent Hill are both prosperous and destructive. To put it bluntly, we are like grasshoppers tied to a rope. If I get god-level items, wouldn't it be easier to complete the mission? If it's easier for me to complete the task, wouldn't our chance of survival be higher? So, Master Rules of Silence, please give me god-level props!

After praying, Lin Jianqing gritted her teeth and opened her eyes. With a pop, something fell from the sky and hit Lin Jianqing on the head. Lin Jianqing felt happy and quickly reached out to get it—

Hey, why doesn’t this feel right?

Lin Jianqing blinked and took the thing in front of her eyes for a closer look. She saw that it turned out to be an ordinary-looking big cake. There were words on the cake, which read: "A cake that falls from the sky."

How to use: Eat.

Efficacy: After eating this cake, you can have sweet dreams for three days.

Lin Jianqing: "..."

I believed your evil deeds! She rolled up her sleeves and cursed loudly. The Silent Hill next to her was very happy, saying sarcastic remarks while laughing: "Oh, don't be angry, this is just a lottery wheel, and the possibility of pulling out a god-level item is very small. It's useless for you to be angry. Can you exchange this cake for being angry?"

Lin Jianqing: "..." Damn it, why do these words sound so familiar? This stinky Silent Hill just returned what she once said to him!

Lin Jianqing was about to cry but felt very sad that she had become a pauper again, so when she returned to Wei Ling, her whole body turned gray.

Wei Ling wanted to say a few words to Lin Jianqing, but Lin Jianqing kept hanging her head and seemed not very interested. The child was also embarrassed and did not speak for several hours until they finished handling everything at four o'clock in the afternoon. Back at Wei's house, Wei Ling gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

What can he say?

Wei Ling actually didn't know what to say, he just felt that he should say something to Lin Jianqing. The atmosphere now was too quiet and he didn't like it.

It was different before. In the past, when he and Lin Jianqing were together, Lin Jianqing would not speak for a whole day, and Wei Ling would be happy to death.

But now... what's wrong now? What's the difference? Wei Ling couldn't tell specifically. He didn't want to admit that he no longer hated Lin Jianqing in his heart, so he made an excuse for himself, thinking that Lin Jianqing had helped him in today's matter no matter what, so it didn't matter if he talked to her, right?

Little classmate Wei Ling took a deep breath to mentally build himself up. When he looked up, he found that Lin Jianqing, who was still in the living room, had gone upstairs. The courage in his heart that he pulled up without knocking him down instantly turned into embarrassment. He glared angrily and ran back to his room.

Blacklist! Delete!

Wei Ling was angry, although he didn't know what he was angry about!

In short, that woman is wrong!

He set off a bunch of firecrackers in his heart, and put on the headphones when he returned to the room. Not long after, he vaguely heard someone knocking on the door.

In the past, Wei Ling would not have blinked.

But now he couldn't do it. He listened to the faint knocking on the door outside. After waiting for a few seconds, no one knocked. He quickly took off the earphones from his head, ran to the door, waited for a few seconds, and then opened the door by a crack.

Outside the door, Lin Jianqing was wearing casual clothes. She looked at the door in surprise. She probably didn't expect that it took him so long to open the door. She asked, "Are you resting?"

Wei Ling shook his head and looked at her silently.

Lin Jianqing raised her right hand and shook the medicine in her hand: "Okay, let me go in and change the medicine for you."

This is the first time that Lin Jianqing has entered Wei Ling's room in more than 20 days of time travel. The room is quite spacious and the style is more adult-oriented. There are very few toys. The bedding is gray and there is a computer desk in front of the window. There is a bookcase next to the computer desk.

Lin Jianqing didn't look at it too much. She was also afraid that Wei Ling would think she had bad intentions, so she prepared to leave after applying the medicine. Before leaving, she remembered that she had something to do, so she turned to ask Wei Ling for his opinion: "Do you have any specific ideas about your new school?"

Wei Ling paused and looked up at Lin Jianqing.

It would definitely be good to change schools.

He thought for a while and said, "We have to discuss this with dad."

Lin Jianqing didn't expect this: "Dad, daddy?"

"Yes, this requires his consent."

Lin Jianqing was scared now. She hurriedly said goodbye to Wei Ling and ran back to her bedroom. She found that she had forgotten one of the most important questions.

Wei Sheng! The husband of the original owner!

Silent Hill didn't understand her mentality and said, "Isn't it right? When you read the novel, didn't you really like the character Wei Sheng?"

Yes, that's right. When Lin Jianqing watched "For You", her favorite male character was not the cold and domineering male protagonist Wei Ling, nor was it the villain Lin Ran who was handsome on the surface but turned out to be evil. Her favorite was the supporting actor Wei Sheng.

This is not to blame Lin Jianqing. Although Wei Sheng was already fifty years old when he officially appeared in "For You", the author didn't know why, but he made a fifty-year-old man particularly likable. In the novel reviews, there are even readers in the area who are trying to pull the male protagonist to call him their son—

The "son" here is not a simple nickname, but because the readers want to give birth to Wei Sheng! It's so crazy, it's obvious.

However, when Lin Jianqing read the novel, she liked Wei Sheng. It was because a reader admired a character created by the author, rather than truly liking "Wei Sheng" as a person. So she spoke very righteously and said to Silent Hill: "I just appreciate it. Do you understand that appreciation? And I don't like him either. How can I like him when he is an old man in his fifties or fifty years old?"

Silent Hill did not correct her by saying that Wei Sheng is only thirty years old now, but instead said thoughtfully: "So, your crush is the Electra complex type?"

Lin Jianqing: "..."


Love what?

Lin Jianqing was so angry that she fainted from this inconspicuous guy. She still had an Electra complex. She didn't even know where her own father was. Where could she go to cultivate her Electra complex?

She was so angry at Silent Hill that he never expected that more exciting news would be waiting for her the next day.

About ten days ago, Lin Jianqing had hired a private detective to find out about Lin Ran. This morning, the detective finally called Lin Jianqing and brought unexpected news that Lin Jianqing had never expected.

The little villain Lin Ran is no longer in Welling Harbor.
