FVB - 021

Chapter 21 Photos of wearing crotchless pants

Mr. Li: "..."

How could he fall in love with something like that from a woman at such an age?

"Once word spreads about your circle of friends, how do you think outsiders to arrange for our Li family?" Mr. Li said angrily, "Now that the Li Group's capital chain is broken, countless pairs of eyes are staring at everyone in the Li family. Your every move will all be criticized! Please delete those messy Moments as soon as possible."

Jiang Jin touched her nose depressedly: "Dad, it can't be done. I need money."

This was the only solution she could think of.

"Lack of money can't embarrass the Li family." Mr. Li said coldly, "I'll have someone transfer five million to you."

After saying that, the call was hung up directly.

Jiang Jin was a little stunned.

Li's Group has been mentioned in the news these days. The company's capital chain has been severely damaged, and the factories have been forced to shut down.

When she was in such a tight situation, Mr. Li even offered to give her five million without any hesitation.

Although she knew that the old man did this for the Li family's reputation, she was still a little touched...

Before she was completely moved, her phone vibrated again.

Three words on the caller ID of your mobile phone—

Big bastard...

Hold on!

Why hasn't she changed the comments of some little brats back?

Her eldest son, the grandson of the Li family and the next heir of the Li Group, Li Dongjing.

The nine-year-old child has already joined the Li Group and became Mr. Li's right-hand man...

No matter how difficult a five-year-old child is, he won't be very lethal.

But the nine-year-old child is already considered a little boy, and he is probably almost as tall as her, so he may be a bit difficult to deal with.

Jiang Jin twitched the corners of his lips and answered the phone.

"Ms. Jiang, don't you feel embarrassed?"

A cold and angry voice came from the other end of the phone, and the breath was extremely cold, as if he had been in an ice cellar.

Through the phone, Jiang Jin could feel that the temperature around her had dropped a little.

This child is really not polite at all when talking to his own mother.

Ms. Jiang...


Is it so difficult to call mom?

Jiang Jin said calmly: "Then tell me, why am I embarrassed?"

“The content in the Moments has to be deleted.”

Li Dongjing just said this sentence coldly.

Jiang Jin was really angry and laughed.

 The elder Mr. Li did not speak to her in this tone, but Li Dongjing, a little bastard, actually ordered her?

"I didn't steal or rob, so why did I embarrass your Li family?" Jiang Jin sneered, "Also, the circle of friends is my territory, I can post whatever I want, do you care? "


Li Dongjing was so angry that he was speechless.

He hasn't contacted this woman for half a year. If someone hadn't seen her in WeChat and told him, he wouldn't have known that this woman was openly selling second-hand goods in WeChat.

The Li family is, after all, a famous family in Yuncheng.

The Li Group is in the most difficult time. If such content in Moments spreads, it will make Li's situation even worse.

"It's okay if you ask me to delete it. You have to pay me." Jiang Jin said arrogantly.

"Have you not sucked enough blood in the Li family for so many years?" Li Dongjing said every word, "Don't even expect to get a penny from me."

"Okay." Jiang Jin shrugged, "I remember when you were two or three years old wearing crotchless pants, I took some photos of you. I'll go back and post them on Moments to share them with everyone..."

Li Dongjing's forehead veins jumped.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, how much does it cost?"

"No more, no less, two million." Jiang Jin's lips curved slightly, "You have been the vice president for so many years, you don't even have two million in private money, right?"

Li Dongjing snorted coldly and hung up the phone abruptly.

After hanging up the phone, he suddenly froze again.

He just had a phone call with this woman, and the two of them actually communicated in a "friendly" manner for several rounds.

He remembered that half a year ago, every time he met this woman, she would curse loudly, such as bastard, bastard, bastard... all kinds of insulting words were thrown at him, making him fall into the abyss and despair...

In that phone call just now, this woman didn't even curse him.

Li Dongjing turned to his assistant and asked: "How much money do I still have in my personal account?"

"Three million and two hundred thousand." The assistant whispered, "The group's projects are a bottomless pit. Young master, it's better not to throw money into it..."

"Transfer two million to that woman."

Li Dongjing tightened his jaw and his voice was extremely cold.

The assistant was stunned for a moment: "Which woman?"

"Ms. Jiang."

The assistant suddenly understood.

No wonder the young master looked a little angry after the phone call just ended. It turned out that he was on the phone with Ms. Jiang.

The eldest young master left the Li family for half a year and did not meet Ms. Jiang for half a year. He didn't expect that Ms. Jiang could affect the eldest young master's mood.

The assistant shook his head: "If this money is transferred to Ms. Jiang, it would be better to throw it into the bottomless pit of the group."

If you throw it into a bottomless pit, you can still hear some echo, but if you pass it on to that vicious woman, it will only lead to endless entanglements...

"What, you're questioning my decision?"

Li Dongjing's voice was full of displeasure, and his slightly immature face had mature lines, looking very cold and hard.

The assistant didn't dare to say anything else and hurriedly went to do it.

Jiang Jin didn't expect Li Dongjing to actually transfer the money, so she created a second-hand resale software and listed all the things in her home.

In less than half an hour after it was put up, five or six dresses were sold, making a profit of nearly one million.

Jiang Jin packed the sold dresses and drove them to deliver them.

The buyer's address is in a shopping mall in the center of Yuncheng City.

She drove to the mall, carried four or five boxes upstairs, and delivered them to a store that rented and sold dresses.

After the buyer inspected the goods and found no problems, he happily paid the balance.

At the same time, Jiang Jin's bank account also received two payments, one was five million transferred from the old man, and the other was two million transferred from Li Dongjing.

The total of these seven, seven, eight and eight is already eight million, which is still two million short of the goal.

When Jiang Jin was about to continue browsing the second-hand website, in a blink of an eye, she saw a familiar figure walking in front of her.

"Hey, isn't this the dignified young lady of the Li family?"

Hua Lili walked over on high heels, with her hands folded across her chest, a look of disdain on her face.

When she saw Jiang Jin walking out of the rented dress shop, her voice became even more sarcastic, "Why do you become such a poor person? If you are not selling second-hand goods in the circle of friends, or renting dresses in the mall, tsk tsk, you left me, how can you still be like this? You're really down and out.”

Jiang Jin smiled but said: "Yes, I am now living as a poor woman, so when will Miss Hua pay back what she owes me?"
