FVB - 022

Chapter 22 Que Ye makes his debut

"I don't owe you anything!" Hua Lili raised her chin and said confidently.

Jiang Jin smiled slightly: "Since you are unwilling to pay it back, then I can only find someone to pay it back for you."

Hua Lili stared at her warily: "What are you going to do?"

"Look at you, why are you so nervous?" Jiang Jin laughed, "This is a high-end celebrity shopping mall. An orphan like you must have been married to a rich man to go shopping here. Then I will find your man and take care of this. Let’s settle the account clearly.”

Hearing this, Hua Lili became even more nervous.

After she fell out with Jiang Jin, her life suddenly hit rock bottom and she couldn't even afford to go shopping.

So, she agreed to an old man who had been pursuing her, and then she allowed herself to continue living the luxurious life of the upper class.

This is her first day with the old man, and she must not let Jiang Jin mess it up.

"You are not good-looking. It is really unimaginable that someone would spend their money to support you."

Jiang Jin held her chin in thought, "Oh, I remembered, didn't there always be an old man named Mao who liked you? At first, he said he would support you with a wallet of hundreds of thousands a month. Your man doesn't know how to support you. Is this Mr. Mao?"

Hua Lili's face turned green with anger.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense here!"

When Jiang Jin saw her like this, she didn't understand anything. She raised the corner of her lips and shouted at the top of her voice: "Mr. Mao, are you there? Mr. Mao..."

"Shut up!"

Hua Lili rushed over and covered Jiang Jin's mouth.

She and Jiang Jin grew up together, and Jiang Jin knew all about her bad things.

If Jiang Jin said something in front of her sponsor, the meal ticket she finally paid for would be wasted...

She lowered her voice: "Jiang Jin, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Two million, not a penny less."

"You!" Hua Lili fell down angrily, "One million at most."

"Mr. Mao, are you here? Let me tell you something..." As soon as Jiang Jin opened her mouth, her mouth was covered. She pulled Hua Lili's hand away and spoke one word at a time, "You can take it from here. The value of the things taken away is much more than two million, if we calculate it carefully, it might be worth three million."

Hua Lili was really pissed off.

The two of them were noisy here, and soon attracted the attention of passers-by. Mr. Mao, a white-haired old man, walked towards this side suspiciously.

Jiang Jin smiled but said: "Half a month ago, you sent me a WeChat message to complain about Mr. Mao, saying that he was old, ugly and fat, and you also questioned Mr. Mao's ability in certain aspects. Why don't I ask for you? Can Mr. Mao do it?"

Hua Lili wanted to strangle Jiang Jin to death.

She said this because she trusted Jiang Jin at first, but now it became Jiang Jin's use to threaten her.

She clenched her fists: "Okay, two million, I'll transfer it to you."

"Send it now, otherwise I won't be able to control my mouth."

Hua Lili glared at her, reluctantly took out her cell phone, and transferred two million from three bank cards.

Jiang Jin smiled with satisfaction: "I wish you and Mr. Mao a long life together. Remember to treat me to a wedding banquet when you get married."

Seeing Hua Lili's face turned pale with anger, she left with satisfaction.

Now, the only thing missing was 30 million from Lin Yichi. She would call and ask in the evening.

Jiang Jin got off the elevator in the shopping mall. Suddenly, a large wave of people rushed in, blocking her way.

Those people raised their mobile phones and took pictures wildly at the door.

She looked at the door curiously, but there was nothing there. What on earth were these people taking pictures of?

Just when she was confused...

Seven or eight bodyguards suddenly walked in from the door and squeezed the crowd out of a passage. At the end of the road, a young man slowly walked over.

As soon as the young man appeared in sight, everyone in the lobby went crazy.

"Ahhh! It's Mr. Que!"

"I can actually see Master Que in my lifetime! I'm going to die!"

"Ooooooo, Mr. Que is so handsome. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to faint. Help me!"

The fans nearby suppressed their voices and shouted wildly, Jiang Jin's ears were almost deafened.

She covered her ears and looked over.

A young man wearing a silver suit stood under the spotlight. His hair was dyed in various colors, including silver, orange-red, dull cyan...

So many messy colors don't look fancy at all, but instead make him look more youthful and cool.

His eyes were like the deepest sea water, containing incomprehensible emotions.


Those eyes glanced through the crowd.


"Master Que is looking at me!"

"Oh oh oh, I died in Master Que's eyes!"

"Master Que! Master Que! I, I, I am here!"

A group of girls screamed wildly.

These sounds merged into a buzzing background sound in Jiang Jin's ears.

Obviously she had never met Li Nanque, but at this moment, she was 100% sure that this master Que was her second son, Li Nanque.

A very magical... indescribable intuition.

The pull of blood between mother and child?

Just when she was stunned, Li Nanque suddenly stretched out his hand and made an upside-down middle finger gesture towards her.

Jiang Jin: "..."

You little bastard, are you tired of living? You actually humiliate your own mother like this in public!

When she was about to fight back, the girls around her suddenly burst out screaming again.

"Wow, wow, Master Que is so cool!"

"That middle finger gesture just now was so cool, what should I do if I already fall in love with Mr. Que?"

"Master Que, I want to marry you!"

Jiang Jin: "..."

Isn't the middle finger gesture meant to be insulting?

These young girls are crazy about star-chasing!

Jiang Jin gave Li Nanque a big roll of her eyes, turned around and left.

However, a dozen reporters rushed into the lobby and pushed her back.

"Master Que, how do you plan to explain to the public that you assaulted a reporter three days ago?"

"Master Que, you are the top celebrity with the most fans in recent years. If you attack reporters, aren't you afraid of having a bad impact on your fan base?"

"Master Que, I heard that some brands are planning to terminate the contract because of your bad behavior. Is it true?"

Countless microphones were pointed at the little boy, surrounding him tightly.

There was a trace of anger in the young man's eyes: "Get out of here."

The agent quickly stepped forward and stopped him behind him: "We will hold a press conference to explain these matters. Please give way to all reporters..."

"Every time I talk about holding a press conference, Mr. Que has never been there. The things he did must be explained to everyone."

"While enjoying the glory and flowers of the entertainment industry, you must bear the price of having your privacy exposed, and children are no exception."

"Someone broke the news that Mr. Que's father is a vegetative state. I wonder if Mr. Que can explain this matter..."

Li Nanque raised his head suddenly.

Those dark eyes were like two knives, piercing him mercilessly.

At the same time, he opened his legs, squeezed the agent away, grabbed the microphone in the reporter's hand, and smashed it down.
