FVB - 123

Chapter 123 The first day of the movie’s release

The movie started soon.
This is a fairy-tale romance drama in ancient costume. It has both magical fairy legends, heart-touching love stories, and everlasting warm family affection...
Each line is told eloquently, bringing the audience into a world of fairy spirit, which makes people linger and want to stop.
Jiang Jin already knew the plot, but she still shed tears silently for the love between the male and female protagonists.
In the finale, the elderly mother defended her daughter from a thunderstorm and vomited blood and died on the spot, which made the entire audience burst into tears.
Muffled cries echoed in the cinema.
But after a century of reincarnation, the young hero and heroine met in another world...
The audience was sometimes happy and sometimes sad following the plot, and the movie gradually came to an end.
"How old you are, and you still cry." Li Xichen threw a tissue into Jiang Jin's hand and said with great disdain.
He couldn't understand other plots, but the scene of a mother protecting her child from lightning was deeply imprinted in his little mind.

He didn't know why, but he was almost certain that if a knife was inserted at this moment, this woman would also block in front of him...

Just because she is a mother.
Therefore, she would always protect them.
"Mom, let me wipe your tears." Li Beixiao picked up the tissue thrown by Li Xichen and carefully wiped Jiang Jin's tears.
Li Xichen: "..."
Why can't he learn from Xiaobei's flattering behavior...
Jiang Jin felt a little ashamed.
Crying in front of two five-year-old children really made her feel more alive.

She coughed and said, "There's sand in my eyes. I feel a little uncomfortable. It's nothing serious..."
Li Xichen crossed his arms and said, "This is what adults like to say when they cry. Can you find a fresher excuse?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
This brat will die if he doesn't cause trouble for a day...
At this moment, the theater lights suddenly turned on, and the dark room became brightly lit.
Before the audience who was about to leave realized what was going on, a group of people came out from behind the scenes.

The protagonists, who had just performed the love of life and death on the screen, all appeared on the stage in real life, wearing the same costumes as in the play. The audience was excited.
"Oh my god, if you just buy a ticket, you can actually attend the premiere..."
"I'm so lucky that I can buy lottery tickets."
"Woooooo, I see the heroine, Bai Ningshuang, she is a hundred times cuter in real life than in the movie!"
"Ah ah ah, Bai Ningshuang is so cute, I really want to pinch her face!!"
When the crowd was excited, the host came up to the stage and said: "Okay, please be quiet. The movie is premiering today. We are honored to invite the film's creators to meet you. Please say hello to everyone."
Starting from Director Zhao, the seven or eight main actors introduced themselves one by one, as well as their insights after watching the movie...
Jiang Jin bought a seat in the first row. From such a close distance, she could even see the down on Bai Ningshuang's face.

She is indeed a born heroine. She is only five years old and has already shown her stunning beauty...
All the attention in the movie theater is basically on Bai Ningshuang. You can imagine how popular Bai Ningshuang will be after this movie.
Jiang Jin glanced sideways at Li Beixiao beside him.

She saw this kid playing a mobile game and didn't seem to be interested in Bai Ningshuang at all.
It seems that her preaching has had initial effects. She hopes this kid can stick to it...
"Okay, the rest of the time will be left to the audience." The host took the microphone and said, "Does anyone want to talk to the creative actors in person? You can ask whatever you want."
As soon as the host finished speaking, almost everyone in the theater raised their hands.
Apart from--
The two brats around Jiang Jin.
When everyone raises their hands, the person who doesn’t raise their hands becomes the focus.
"Wow, I didn't expect that two children came to the cinema today." The host seemed to have discovered a new world, "This kid in jeans, you look very cool, do you want to interact with our heroine?”
Bai Ningshuang tilted her head and showed a sweet smile: "Li Xichen, what a coincidence that you came to watch this movie."
"Hey, Xiaobai, do you know this little boy?" the host asked.
"We are classmates in the same school. Although we are not in the same class, we have a good relationship." Bai Ningshuang replied softly.
The audience present couldn't help but look at Li Xichen with envy.
What kind of bad luck does this boy have? He is able to study in the same school as the newly promoted national daughter. They are so envious...
Li Xichen originally had a cold face, but when he heard Bai Ningshuang's words, his expression suddenly darkened.

No matter whether this is true or not, he doesn't want to have anything to do with Bai Ningshuang...
The host continued to invite enthusiastically: "Student Li, please come on stage and play an interactive game with our novices. There will be prizes."
It's rare for such a young child to watch a Xianxia movie, and he's the same age as the heroine. If this interaction is done well, it can bring a lot of popularity to the movie.
Unexpectedly, Li Xichen said coldly: "Not interested."
After saying that, he lowered his head, pulled out the earphone cord and put it on.
Host: "……"
Boy, do you know how many opportunities you've turned down that people dream of?
There was a hint of sadness in Bai Ningshuang's eyes.
She thought she had a good relationship with Li Xichen, but now Li Xichen seemed to hate her.
Obviously not long ago, he didn't treat her like this.

The scene suddenly became a little awkward, and the host immediately warmed up the scene: "It's okay, it's okay. We have a kid on the scene. Yes, it's this kid in a white sweater. Are you willing to come on stage and play games?"
The spotlight fell on Li Beixiao's face.
Li Beixiao: "..."
What the hell, what does this have to do with him?
Why does he have to be dragged down by the third brother every time!
Jiang Jin's heart tightened.

Xiaobei has a soft character and cannot say anything to refuse in person...

If Xiaobei goes on stage and interacts with Bai Ningshuang, will he plant the seeds of a secret love in his heart...


Jiang Jin immediately strangled her thoughts.
She pulled Li Xichen up: "Xiao Xi, go up and play games."
If you must find a child to appear on stage, Xiaoxi is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because in the original book, this guy has no official CP from beginning to end, and he is miserable until he dies.
Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Xi to fall in love with Bai Ningshuang.
Li Xichen: "??"
He is always the one who gets hurt...
Does this woman really want to be so blatantly partial?

Li Xichen wanted to give up, but the spotlight had already fallen on him, and Jiang Jin pushed him.
He was dragged onto the stage by the host...
