FVB - 124

Chapter 124 Li Xichen and Bai Ningshuang, the golden boy

Li Xichen was pulled by the host to stand next to Bai Ningshuang.
The spotlight fell on his face, and his beautiful eyes were like a thousand-foot deep pool, emitting a charming brilliance.
The audience below was excited again.
"Damn, this guy is so handsome!"
"If you want to go on stage and interact with celebrities these days, you don't even have the qualifications if you don't have good looks."
"This boy and Bai Ningshuang look so good together. They are like golden children. He is also a child star, right?"
"Thinking about my fat son, I really want to stuff him back and give birth to a new one..."
Li Xichen looked impatient when he heard the audience's comments.
If that woman misunderstood what was going on between him and Bai Ningshuang, she would definitely look down on him again.
He immediately raised his head and walked directly to the other side, at least two meters away from Bai Ningshuang.
The little guy said coldly: "Don't you want to play a game? Are you ready to play?"
"Haha, this kid has such a personality." The host laughed awkwardly, "Come on, everyone, get ready to play games."
Director Zhao had met Jiang Jin's son, but he had only met twice in a hurry, so he didn't know the boy's temperament.

He walked up to Li Xichen and whispered: "This is a game related to balloons. You will win if you pop the opponent's balloon. You hide behind me later and I will let you be the first."
This is Jiang Jin's aunt's son. He needs to be protected carefully, lest he can't do business later.

As soon as the host announced the start of the game, Director Zhao heard a bang from behind him. He turned around and saw Li Xichen popping the balloon in his hand without changing his expression...

"I'm hanging up, can I step down?" Li Xichen looked at the host and asked coldly.

He exuded a cold aura, and the host was shocked by his aura, and stammered: "Yes, yes."
Li Xichen jumped off the stage and returned to his seat.
The little guy crossed his chest with his hands, pouted angrily, and looked unhappy.
Jiang Jin coughed, a little guilty.
Wasn’t it because there was really no other choice, so the third child was pushed out to take the blame...
There was Xiaobei between her and Li Xichen, and there was no way to comfort him.
"Xiao Bei, can you and Xiao Xi change places?" Jiang Jin asked in a low voice.
The corners of Li Xichen's lips finally turned up a little...
After he and this woman sit next to each other, he must let this bitch Xiaobei feel what it feels like to be alone...
"Mom, just let me switch with you." Li Beixiao said sweetly, "I will sit on the right side of mom, and the third brother will sit on the left side of mom, so that we can all sit next to mom."
"Wow, Xiaobei, you are so considerate."
Jiang Jin bent down and changed positions with Li Beixiao.
Li Xichen: "..."

Is Xiaobei being considerate? This is clearly overbearing!
He's just afraid that he can monopolize this woman by himself!
Black belly!
There is a plan!
Li Xichen's face dropped, with displeasure written all over his face.
"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry..." Jiang Jin coaxed softly, "Xiao Bei is timid and not used to being on stage, so I let you go up. You are the elder brother, brave and smart. Look, if you don't finish, isn't it good?"
Li Xichen snorted from his nose.

He just felt that this woman was partial, and he was very unhappy. He was the kind of child who couldn't be coaxed!
"Xiao Xi, don't be angry." Jiang Jin hugged his shoulders, "What do you want me to do for you to calm down?"
Li Xichen raised his chin higher.
Jiang Jin scratched her chin. If she had known better, she should have rushed up to play the game...
This little kid is too difficult to coax...
"Mom, look, the movie is trending."
Li Beixiao suddenly took out his mobile phone and handed it over, and clicked on a hot search.
It was at today's premiere that many photos and videos were leaked, and the scene where Li Xichen played games was also talked about by netizens.
"Wow, what a cute little shota, so cool."
"Being with us, Xiaobai, is a match made in heaven. I fall in love with this pairing."
"You are too crazy. You can tie up a five-year-old kid. Faced with this situation, I just want to say, please take me with you!"
Jiang Jin held her phone and read the comments with interest.

Old three is a good brat. He has already gained tens of thousands of fans after only a few minutes of appearance. He really deserves to be the younger brother of the top celebrity in the entertainment industry...

"Mom, look at this photo, it's so funny!"
Li Beixiao flipped through another photo, and he and Jiang Jin covered their mouths and laughed softly.
Li Xichen: "..."
Aren't you coaxing him? You haven't coaxed him yet, so why don't you stop coaxing him?
So angry!
I'm so angry!

Li Xichen waited for a while, and saw that Jiang Jin was still obsessed with scrolling Weibo, so he had to ask himself to regain his place: "Hey, guess who I just saw on the stage?"
Jiang Jin finally remembered that there was someone next to her, so she quickly turned off her phone and asked very cooperatively: "Who did you see?"

"Meng Shen."
Li Xichen quietly uttered two words.

Jiang Jin's expression suddenly changed: "No, you saw that correctly, right?"
Meng Shen's traffic is no less than that kid Li Nanque. It is impossible for a star with such a high traffic to appear in public casually.
Moreover, Director Zhao did not invite Meng Shen to the premiere at all!

Why did this person come?
Jiang Jin turned around and looked around.
"The seventh position from the left in the second to last row." Li Xichen said softly, "He was very tightly-dressed, but I still recognized him. He was dressed very low-key, probably because he didn't want to be recognized."
If he had been invited by Director Zhao to support the occasion, he would never have dressed up so plainly.

In other words, Meng Shen deliberately blended into the general crowd and remained dormant, so what was his purpose...

Jiang Jin reached out and held the two children, one on the left and one on the right, in her arms.
She strongly suspected that Meng Shen came here because of these two little kids. The mother and sons were probably being followed...
"Mom, why does this bad guy keep showing up around us?" Li Beixiao leaned into Jiang Jin's arms and asked worriedly, "He brought scissors with him last time, will he also bring a murder weapon this time?"
Jiang Jin pursed her lips: "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you."
Li Xichen raised the corners of his lips maliciously.
He put his hands to his lips in the shape of a trumpet and suddenly raised his voice: "Uncle host, do you have a surprise for all of us?"
The host was stunned: "What?"
"The surprise guest in the second to last row, Uncle Meng Shen, was arranged by the film crew?"
As soon as Li Xichen finished speaking, countless pairs of eyes glanced behind him.
A man was wearing a black windbreaker, a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a black mask. He looked like a big star.

"Oh my god, it's really Meng Shen!"
"Damn it! I sat next door to Meng Shen and watched a movie!"

"Oh my god, Meng Shen actually came to the premiere of "Snow Without End". The crew is so rich!"
