FVB - 125

Chapter 125 Meng Shen turns fifty this year

Countless flash lights lit up.
Meng Shen was caught off guard and was surrounded by the audience.
Because he was afraid of being recognized by fans, he went out today without even putting on makeup or shaving his beard. He even wore pajamas under his windbreaker...
If this sloppy look was photographed, at least half of his fans would definitely run away...
Thinking of this, Meng Shen immediately pulled down the brim of his hat and said coldly: "I am not Meng Shen, you are mistaken!"

"Ahh! It's Meng Shen Oppa's voice. It's really my brother!"

"Wow, Brother Meng, we all recognize you, so don't keep a low profile. I really want to take a photo with you."
"Brother, I am your loyal fan. I finally see my idol in reality. I really want to cry..."
Jiang Jin, who was sitting in the front row, couldn't help but twitch her lips.
If she remembered correctly, Meng Shen was already fifty years old. It was really shameless for fans to call him brother at the age of fifty.

Not only the fans, but also the host, Director Zhao and other actors on stage were excited.
The crew next door hired movie queen Gu Wanbai to take over the show, but they didn't have a single big-name star, so they were at a disadvantage unknowingly.
Who could have expected that Meng Shen would come!
The host said excitedly: "Teacher Meng, we have seen you, please come on stage and say hello to the audience!"
The spotlights turned on and everyone focused on Meng Shen's head.
At this moment, Meng Shen just wanted to scold him.

It was that brat who exposed him. When it was proven that this brat was really his son, he would make him kneel on the ground and call him daddy!
Meng Shen, surrounded by the audience, bravely walked onto the stage.
However, he still didn't take off his hat and mask. He held the microphone and said coldly: "I just passed by and came in to watch it. The movie is very good and worth watching."
"Brother Meng Shen, the weather is so hot, don't you feel hot wearing a mask and a hat?" Li Beixiao blinked his eyes and asked softly, "You are not pretending to be brother Meng Shen, are you?"
Meng Shen felt for a moment that this guy was pretty good and knew how to help him out.
As long as he nods and admits that he is a fake, he can run away immediately...
Unexpectedly, Li Beixiao said in the next second: "Take off the hat and mask, let us see if you are fake."
"I said Lao Meng, everyone knows it's you, why are you pretending!"

Director Zhao was familiar with Meng Shen, so he walked over and took off Meng Shen's hat and mask.
For a moment, the cinema fell silent.

"Oh my God! Is this really Meng Shen? He looks at least ten years older than in the photo!"
"Damn it, Meng Shen couldn't really have passed by by accident, right? This homely outfit is so down-to-earth!"
"What's so down-to-earth? You're obviously looking older, okay? You look like you're thirty-five!"
"He has stubble all over his mouth. I think he is at least forty years old!"
"This is too old! My brother is disillusioned!"
Director Zhao's hand shook inexplicably and he quickly put the hat back on Meng Shen: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, the dignified Meng Shen and Meng Ye dared to go out without makeup.
Emma, ​​is he dead this time?
Director Zhao silently took two steps back and tactfully hid behind the host.
Meng Shen was really furious.
Age has always been his biggest taboo!
As a result, now, so many people are brazenly talking about him getting older in front of him!
"Who said I was forty? Who said that?! Stand up for me!" Meng Shen took the microphone and shouted fiercely.
The audience member was targeted and immediately shrank his neck.
He is also a fan of Meng Shen, and he knows very well how violent this man is. He once kicked a reporter into the hospital. He didn't want to stay in the hospital for a few days...
"Everyone, please stop talking nonsense. Brother Meng Shen is not forty years old." Li Beixiao stood up, blinked his dark eyes, and pulled out a malicious smile, "Brother Meng Shen is fifty years old this year. Hey, why are you guys I want to call a fifty-year-old man brother, he can be my grandfather at this age!"
Meng Shen immediately cursed.
He has never concealed his true age, but he has never mentioned it. Whether it is people in the circle or fans, everyone thinks that he is a young guy in his thirties...
But now, the fact that he tried so hard to ignore was exposed by a little brat.
Everyone in the audience's eyes widened.

Just then, the security guards outside rushed in.
"Oh no, the cinema is surrounded by Teacher Meng's fans!"
There was a loud noise at the entrance to the movie theater, and a large crowd rushed into the theater.

"Damn it, it's really Meng Shen! Meng Shen without makeup!"
"I didn't expect Meng Shen to be fifty years old this year! His age is written in the encyclopedia. Why did I always think he was twenty-eight years old!"
"Our brother Meng Shen has taken such good care of himself that he doesn't look fifty years old at all!"
"Our brother is really an ageless male god in the entertainment industry. I am willing to call him brother Oppa forever!"
"Brother Meng Shen grew a beard today. He's so handsome and manly. I like it so much, yum yum yum!"
"Brother Meng Shen, I love you!"
Li Xichen: "??"
Li Beixiao: "??"
After fans see the bad guy Meng Shen without makeup, shouldn’t they take off their powder?
Why do they seem...even crazier than before?
Fans rushed towards the stage desperately.

Dozens of security guards came on stage to protect the actors as they walked to the back door: "Teacher Meng, Director Zhao, let's go to the lounge first..."
Meng Shen was so angry that he was almost autistic.
Although he has put on a mask, he is sure that in just one minute, the number of reposts of his photo without makeup should have exceeded 100 million...

From now on... he will no longer have the shame to be a little fresh meat!
It was all caused by those two little bastards!
Meng Shen looked over angrily and saw countless fans crowding into the front row. That girl Jiang Jin had to protect her two children, so she couldn't care less...
Li Beixiao was squeezed and his body almost fell to the ground.
Deserve it!

If you dare to plot against him, you will have to suffer the consequences!
Meng Shen curled his lips.
He snorted and walked into another corridor.
As if by mistake, he turned around and saw the excited fans pushing Jiang Jin away and rushing onto the stage desperately. The two children were soon overwhelmed by the fans. It was not known whether they fell or not, if they were being trampled...
"Everyone, stop!"
Meng Shen turned around, took off his hat, and threw it to the ground.

Anyone who knows the name Meng Shen knows how bad his temper is. Countless reporters have been brutally murdered...

Those excited fans stopped obediently and did not dare to take another step forward.
"Aren't you stupid?" Meng Shen stared at Jiang Jin who was squeezed into the corner and said coldly, "Why don't you take the children and follow me!"
Jiang Jin finally experienced the riot from the singer's fans today.

She didn't dare to delay for a second, holding the two children on the left and right, and quickly ran into the protective circle surrounded by security guards.
