Chapter 3

The program rules only require guests to find mission cards and unlock levels at a specific time, but it does not say that they cannot form teams.

Seeing the three girls successfully teaming up, Lin Yao suddenly felt envious. If it weren't for the burden of being an idol, he would also want to find a partner to join them.

Everywhere in this damn place was gloomy. He had to rush through every level, which was too taxing on his will.

"It's better for you three to come together, so as not to hold you back." Lin Yao looked disgusted.


As the end of the timer sounded, the surroundings fell into darkness again, and the clock on the wall entered a new round of countdown, this time it was fifteen minutes.

The red light source looked extremely strange in the dark space, and the decreasing time intensified the panic in their hearts.

After feeling the familiar atmosphere, everyone knew that a new challenge was coming.

Qi Yan looked around, his voice tinged with seriousness: "I'm afraid the first level is just a warm-up. Next, we may not only encounter one NPC."

"I feel the same way." Jin Sui'an echoed, looking around with vigilant eyes.

Lin Yao looked around anxiously, fearing that an NPC would suddenly appear somewhere.

Gu Xiaoxiao still maintained her usual calmness and looked around boredly.

They were in the lobby on the first floor, with long corridors on both sides. The end of the corridor was hidden in darkness. Only the indicator light of the safe passage emitted a dim green light, barely outlining the outline of the entire space.

The cold white light above the head suddenly lit up and then went out. The timid Yue Xinran quickly moved closer to Gu Xiaoxiao, and Shen Weiyue subconsciously moved closer to her, as close to each other as sandwich biscuits.

When the lights came on again and then dimmed, the audience in the live broadcast room all screamed in surprise.

[Fuck, a black shadow suddenly appeared one meter behind Anzai. Did anyone see it?]

[I saw it, it was so scary.]

[Woo, Anzai, don’t be scared]

[Where is it?]

The lights dimmed again and the figure disappeared.

[Fuck, he disappeared again, the anchors didn’t even notice]

[If you think about it carefully, I’m afraid it’s possible]

The flashing lights made Lin Yao upset, and the fear in his heart increased.

He loudly and boldly said: "We shouldn't stand like this all the time. Let's act early and get relief early, brothers."

Jin Sui'an: "Then let's search separately. We've just searched the rooms on the first floor. Let's go directly to the second floor."

Qi Yan looked at the Sandwich Cake trio and suggested, "Why don't you go up to the second floor with us and then split up."

"Okay." Gu Xiaoxiao spoke concisely and to the point, Yue Xinran nodded crazily.

Shen Weiyue politely thanked you: "Then I'll trouble you."

Qi Yan nodded reservedly: "Let's go."

The group of people turned and walked towards the stairs. As soon as they took the step, there was suddenly the sound of the ball hitting the ground behind them.

"Bang, bang, bang—"

When everyone heard the sound, they turned around and looked at the place where the sound came from when the lights turned on. There was nothing but a basketball slowly rolling towards them.

Everyone subconsciously moved closer to the team and followed the rolling trajectory of the basketball until it hit the feet of Jin Sui'an at the end of the team and stopped suddenly.

Jin Sui'an bent down to pick it up. As soon as his long fingers touched the ball, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the wall beside him and pulled him into the wall.

With a shrill cry, Jin Sui'an disappeared.



[Fuck, that hand was so bad that I was so scared that I sat on the ground]

[It’s funny, I peed!]

Yue Xinran's horrified cry woke everyone up from this sudden change.

Qi Yan, who was closest to Jin Sui'an, was the first to come to his senses and rushed towards the wall where he disappeared. He reached out and hit the wall, trying to find out where the trap was and rescue him.

Although Lin Yao was frightened and cursed, after seeing Qi Yan's actions, he rushed over and groped the wall for a mechanism.

The two of them searched the entire wall but couldn't find any mechanism. They were so scared that they broke out in cold sweat.

Even though it's just for the effect of the show, this wave of impact is really frightening.

Lin Yao lowered his palms feebly and gritted his teeth: "The wall is solid, there are no mechanisms!"

"How, how is it possible!" Shen Weiyue felt a chill running down her back.

"What you mean is that Jin Sui'an was pulled into a solid wall. How is this possible? This is unscientific!"

Just when everyone was wondering and speculating, a weak voice sounded on the ground at the entrance of the corridor: "That, that, I'm here!"

Everyone looked back in horror, and at the moment when the lights were turned on, they saw Jin Sui'an shivering at the corner of the stairs.

Everyone gasped in fright and subconsciously retreated to the other aisle, away from the wall and Jin Sui'an.

[Holy shit, this is too scary. Jin Sui'an is here, who is the one who is being dragged in?]

[Do you still remember the dark shadow that flashed past just now?]

[But didn’t he disappear?]

[No, to be precise, he is pretending to be Jin Sui'an]

[Fuck, this operation is really awesome!!]

[Oh my god, this show is getting more and more evil]

[Although I'm scared, I just can't help but want to see it, this damn curiosity]

Just when everyone was frightened, the director behind the screen was happy. Looking at the soaring number of viewers in the live broadcast room, most of the anger he had previously felt because of Gu Xiaoxiao's overstepping of authority was reduced.

He excitedly held the assistant director's hand and burst into tears: "Just blame us, our professional servicemen and NPCs, for this show is bound to be a hit! If you add chicken drumsticks, give me chicken drumsticks!"

The assistant director turned to look at the prop master and lighting engineer with admiration, "Thank you for your hard work."

The prop master who was encouraged smiled a little dryly. He only had the idea of ​​swallowing people through the wall, but in the end he didn't do it due to limited funds.

However, it is not the job of a working person to displease the leader. No matter who does it, the program is effective anyway.

Jin Sui'an was hurt by everyone's wary looks. He explained rather resentfully: "I am really Jin Sui'an."

Lin Yao was the first to accuse: "I, I don't believe it. If you are really Jin Sui'an, then why didn't you tell me earlier and made Qi Yan and I work in vain for a long time."

"That's it, you, you must be a fake NPC, a fake!" Yue Xinran's voice kept shaking, and she leaned close to Gu Xiaoxiao as she spoke.

Shen Weiyue on the side looked around with fear, fearing that another person would appear.

"Brother, anyone who sees someone who looks exactly like me being pulled into a wall will be scared to death. It's just that my legs are so weak that I can't speak. It's fine. I also want to speak out, but my body doesn't allow it!”

He had been standing closest to the stairs. When the ball ran to the person, he also looked over and saw "himself" when the light turned on. The impact was extremely scary.

Before he could remind them, "he" was caught into the wall, and the three souls scared away two and a half souls, leaving him with no ability to speak.

"Really?" Lin Yao questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Really, if you don't believe me, come here and check it out, and try to check me." Jin Sui'an remained sitting on the ground and raised his neck to signal.

Qi Yan pursed his lips and slowly walked towards him.

Lin Yao instinctively took his hand and stopped him: "Don't go, be careful of fraud."

Qi Yan gave him a comforting look and said firmly: "The scene just now cannot be explained except by special effects. I am a materialist and never believe in ghosts and gods. I believe he is Jin Sui'an."

After Lin Yao struggled for a few seconds, he let go of his hand and added: "I want to verify his identity anyway."

After saying that, he followed Qi Yan and walked over.

Qi Yan stretched out his hand to pull the person up. The other person's hands were cold and trembling slightly, which was indeed like a reaction after being frightened.

"Thank you." Jin Sui'an thanked Qi Yan with a grateful face, then raised his chin and signaled to Lin Yao: "Let's check."

So, in front of everyone, Lin Yao started to pull the skin from his face, kneaded his facial features, rubbed his neck, arms, calves, waist and abdomen. As long as they were not areas that needed mosaic, he checked them all.

This wave of unexpected benefits gave fans in the live broadcast room a severe blow.

[Ah ah ah, can you watch this for free? You can see Anzai’s good figure at a glance]

[Suddenly there is a sense of intentional scheming]

[Does this count as self-certification in disguise that it is not plastic surgery?]

[Anzai is so clever (sucks)]

After Lin Yao confirmed it, he let out a long breath and said with relief: "OK, you passed the test!"

Jin Sui'an rubbed the numb facial skin and said in a low voice: "It seems that we need to think of a password for the connection, so as to avoid the situation where it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false next time."

"We can discuss this later. We still have to go through the hurdles now. Time waits for no one."

Qi Yan raised his head and glanced at the reset clock. They still had ten minutes left.

"The scene just now couldn't be about the NPC killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, right?" Lin Yao said after realizing it.

"Maybe it's a reminder that once we touch the basketball, we're out."

Qi Yan's analysis shocked everyone.

Gu Xiaoxiao asked in confusion: "Could it be dodgeball?"

"That's right, it's dodgeball. Don't get hit, hehehe---"

A male voice full of sinister aura suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned around in shock and saw a dark figure standing on the stairs of the second floor. The darkness covered his face, and only the flickering lights outlined the tall silhouette in school uniform.

The more invisible the place is, the more it stimulates the imagination, and everyone can't help but imagine the shadow's face.

However, before they could think about it, a bone-chilling chill instantly ran down everyone's backs.

Immediately afterwards, countless basketballs poured out from behind him like a tidal wave, rushing toward the crowd.

Wherever they pass, they are like ants migrating, so densely packed that it makes people’s scalp numb.


As Yue Xinran screamed, the crowd began to flee in all directions, trying to find a place to hide before the ball hit.

Taking advantage of his height and long legs, Lin Yao ran ahead and opened the door of a classroom before the basketball.

He turned around and shouted to the scattered crowd: "Quickly enter the classroom and stand on the desk. As long as the ball does not touch your body, you can escape."

After Jin Sui'an came to his senses, he grabbed Shen Weiyue who was standing there in shock and ran towards Lin Yao's location.

When Yue Xinran was panicking, she wanted to climb up when she saw the window. However, the window sill was too narrow and couldn't support her to sit on it with her legs drawn back.

The moment she slid down, the basketball rolled closer and closer, and she could only continue to scream and run forward.

As she ran, she looked back in fear at the trajectory of the ball: "Ahhhhh, mom, don't chase me, ah, ah..."

"Scream, be afraid, hahahaha, stupid humans, die, all of them die, hahahaha!"

The sinister man's voice was like sand scraping against glass, with a tearing sharpness, echoing in the space, making it creepy.

The fear and screams turned into invisible black mist, which was deeply breathed into his body. The man closed his eyes contentedly and enjoyed it.

Screaming is truly the most beautiful thing in the world.

Just when the basketball was about to hit Yue Xinran's heel, she finally stepped through the door of the classroom, and was carried to the desk beside her like a chicken by Qi Yan, who had quick eyes and quick hands next to the door.

The people who survived the disaster were gasping for air, and the fear in their eyes was still strong.

Qi Yan looked around the crowd and realized that there was one person missing.

"Where's Gu Xiaoxiao?"
