FVB - 003

Chapter 3 Designing the divorce situation

Jiang Jin changed her clothes and walked downstairs, looking at the man standing at the door.

The man in the silver lake suit looked somewhat elegant, but he was not even one-tenth as good as Li Yunting.

It was this man who lured the original owner to divorce, encouraged the original owner to divorce and split up most of the Li family's property, and then mercilessly took away all the original owner's money, almost driving the original owner crazy... Oh no, it should be said that the original owner was forced crazy.

Otherwise, how could a bomb be planted in the Li family villa, killing Mr. Li and injuring his four sons...

"Jinjin, why are you looking at me like this?"

Lin Yichi came over and took her hand very naturally.

Jiang Jin avoided it coldly: "Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"Jinjin, I have everything ready and can start at any time." Lin Yichi took out the SLR camera in his bag, "It is high-definition and can capture every detail clearly. We are not afraid that Mr. Li will not agree to our conditions."

Jiang Jin: "..."

This is what the original owner planned.

She openly had sex with her lover at Li's house, and then filmed the scene and sent it to Mr. Li, forcing Mr. Li to agree to divorce...

From a certain perspective, Mr. Li was pretty good to the original owner.

Although he initially forcibly married the original owner and coerced her into giving birth to four children, the old man rarely acted like an elder in front of her because he felt guilty towards the original owner, and turned a blind eye to some of her ridiculous behaviors.

But the old man didn't expect that the original owner would play such a big role.

After this passionate video was posted, Mr. Li seemed to be knocked unconscious and sent to the intensive care unit.

The original owner showed no remorse at all, and actually broke into the ward with the divorce agreement and forced the old man to sign it.

Thinking of the original owner's stupid behavior, Jiang Jin only felt a headache.
"Jinjin, what's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Lin Yichi asked worriedly, looking affectionate.
Jiang Jin avoided him, sat down on the sofa, held her forehead and whispered: "Lin Yichi, this is wrong."

"Jinjin, are you soft-hearted again?" Lin Yichi knelt down in front of her, "Ten years ago, when you were only eighteen years old, you were used as a tool to have children. You have suffered ten years in the Li family, so you deserve it. Enough is enough, now is the best time for you to get rid of that vegetative husband and four heartless sons!"

As he spoke, he placed the SLR camera on the coffee table, adjusted the angle, and then pressed towards Jiang Jin without any explanation.

Jiang Jin glared angrily and pushed him away: "Don't mess around, this is the living room!"

The original owner was shameless and never avoided the eyes of the Li family's servants, but she wanted face and she still wanted to live!

"Jinjin, this is our first time. We must be in a place with good lighting to take pictures clearly..."

Lin Yichi coaxed carefully, "You haven't had a man's care for so many years. I know you are afraid, but I will be careful and I will not hurt you..."

Jiang Jin was really disgusted by him.

Then, she was suddenly a little surprised. The two of them hadn't rolled onto the same bed yet...

Fortunately, she got through it in time, otherwise she wouldn't be able to cry after the two had sex for the first time.

Now, she had a hundred ways to make this scumbag spit out what he had eaten.

Jiang Jin covered her face and said quietly: "During the time I've been with you, I have been giving. I don't want to give anymore. You can leave."

Lin Yichi hugged her: "Jinjin, I've given my heart to you, how else do you want me to give?"

Jiang Jin almost vomited out her overnight meal.

She pushed Lin Yichi away hard and lowered her eyes with a weak look: "The old man has been working on a big project recently, with a profit of at least two to three billion. It won't be too late to get divorced after the money comes in. Don't be so impatient."

When Lin Yichi heard this, his eyes lit up: "Two to three hundred billion, that's really a lot."

"It's a lot, but I have to wait three months to get it." Jiang Jin sighed, "All the Li family's money has been invested in this project, and I don't have a penny in my hand. I really can't live this life…”

"Jinjin, I still have some money here. There are 100,000 yuan in this card. You can use it first." Lin Yichi took out his bank card.

Jiang Jin looked disgusted: "One hundred thousand is too little. It's just a bag and it's gone. You don't just have this little money, do you?"

Lin Yichi gritted his teeth and took out another card: "There are still three hundred thousand here."

If this bitch divorces Li Yunting three months later, she will get at least 100 million. These hundreds of thousands are nothing.

Jiang Jin held the two bank cards in her hand and said with a hooked smile: "That's so kind of you. I'll take the card you gave me and call me to go shopping. You should go back quickly."

Lin Yichi was confused: "Didn't we have an appointment to shoot today..."

"No more filming. Let's talk about it in three months."

Jiang Jin walked to the balcony with her mobile phone and pretended to make a call. Looking at the direction Lin Yichi left from the corner of her eye, the corners of her mouth curved deeper.

These three to four hundred thousand are just a little interest.

The money Lin Yichi defrauded from the original owner was at least 20 to 30 million, and she wanted to get back every penny.

At this time...

Jiang Jin saw a figure squatting on the ground and moving slowly in the corner of the living room...

She narrowed her eyes and quickly went over, only to see Li Beixiao hiding there.

Seeing her coming, this little guy hid his cell phone in his sleeve to hide it.

She raised her hand coldly: "Hand over the things."
