ADMKSF - 005.2

In the end, it was Bai Hang who took the initiative to bring the big bowl to the dining table and filled the soup for Qi Yu. When it was Zhao Ziqi's turn, she quickly shook her head at Bai Hang: "I can do it myself."

Zhao Ziqi served very little. Although the delicious smell of the fish soup made her have a constant urge to eat, she was still worried that this was just a waste of happiness. If she still couldn't eat it and filled another big bowl with it, wouldn't it be a waste?

She held the bowl and took a sip. The taste in her mouth almost made her tongue taste fresh. The fish soup is extremely thick because it has been simmered for a long time, and there is still some fish meat in it. Lin You's craftsmanship is very good, the fish meat and fish soup are not fishy at all, and the bit of pepper greatly diffuses the flavor, making people want to drink ten bowls in a row!

"Damn it, this is so delicious." Bai Hang drank a large bowl and served himself another bowl without hesitation. Then he turned to look at Zhao Ziqi, "Senior, please have some more?"

Zhao Ziqi nodded quickly, not showing any signs of discomfort like before.

[I think it tastes good even when I look at it——]

[Holy crap, did the show crew do this on purpose? I haven’t had lunch yet, and you’re zooming in from a close distance! I can even see the fish meat in the fish soup! ]

[If it weren’t for me being a fan of Zhao Ziqi, I would have thought her anorexia was fake. ]

[Wait, why did I hear someone swallowing? ]

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room heard it, but the three guests also heard it.

Zhao Ziqi looked at her cameraman in silence, because he wanted to observe the fish soup up close, so he got very close. But he probably didn't expect that shooting at such a close range would be a kind of torture. The smell of fish soup kept drifting into his nose. This time it was not like the vegetable porridge at all, which made his saliva secrete. He couldn't bear it until the end and couldn't help but swallow saliva in his throat.

He was also embarrassed to be listened to.

Zhao Ziqi looked at the bowl, then at her own dedicated cameraman, "How about a drink?"

The cameraman quickly panned the camera, and netizens in the live broadcast room realized that the person who was swallowing saliva was actually the staff.

[Holy shit, I want something to drink! Brother, why did you refuse for us? ]

[Ah ah ah ah, brother, what’s the matter with you? You don’t want the delicious food delivered to your door? ]

[Do you still care about face at this time? Do you still care about your salary being deducted? I don't care about anything, I just want to drink fish soup. ]

[Can I be a guest? I really like eating fish woo woo woo ]

Du Enqing sat on the bed in the room, staring at the barrage in Zhao Ziqi's live broadcast room, gritting her teeth. Zhao Ziqi's fans were probably the first and fastest to change their attitude towards Lin You, and are now praising Lin You's cooking skills. Du Enqing was so disgusted by these barrages that she went to Qi Yu's live broadcast room.

Most of Qi Yu's fans love dramas and are relatively older. Some of them are middle-aged people in their thirties and forties. Du Enqing originally thought that Qi Yu's live broadcast room would not react to this simple black fish soup, but she did not expect that fans were actually discussing several ways to make black fish soup, and finally came to a conclusion—

The black fish soup made by Lin You is absolutely delicious.

Du Enqing: "..."

Crazy? A few days ago, these guys scolded Lin You for nothing. Today, Lin You just did a little more work and cooked twice, and then they turned their backs like this? Don't they feel ashamed either?

She threw the phone away as if she was angry, and kicked the bed leg hard.

Although the movement was not loud, it attracted the attention of the dedicated cameraman who was waiting outside the door. The staff knocked lightly on the door and whispered: "Sister Du, Senior Qi and the others asked me to come over and call you for dinner."

Du Enqing took a deep breath and said after a while: "I know."

When Du Enqing went downstairs, Lin You also brought fried vegetables to the table. Zhao Ziqi pulled Lin You to her side, then raised her eyes and smiled at Du Enqing: "Xiao Du is down? Do you want fish soup? It tastes delicious.”

Du Enqing felt unhappy when she thought about the bragging of Lin You by the audience in the live broadcast room. No matter how fragrant the fish soup was, she didn't want to touch it. So Du Enqing pulled her lips and shook her head: "I don't like fish soup."

After hearing this, Zhao Ziqi naturally said nothing more.

She drank two small bowls of fish soup and followed Lin You's example by adding some rice to the fish soup. Rice soaked in fish soup tasted quite good. After eating this lunch, it felt like the fatigue of the whole morning was easily dispelled.

Zhao Ziqi leaned back on the chair leisurely and motioned to Lin You, the great hero, to drink more fish soup.

Lin You didn't eat much. She was almost full after eating some fish and some vegetables. Bai Hang looked at her food intake, and then thought about the fish Lin You caught in the fish pond that morning, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Just eat that little and still catch so many fish?

What about him? He ate two bowls of rice and drank three bowls of fish soup. He didn’t know if he could catch two more fish in the afternoon.

Bai Hang rolled his eyes and served himself another bowl. While serving it back, he asked, "Should we still make soup for the remaining half of the fish?"

Lin You raised her head and said: "Anything is fine, pickled fish or boiled fish, it depends on what you like. But Director Bai, you may need to eat something light, otherwise it will be bad for your wound."

Bai Hang: "..."

Lin You thought for a while and then said: "Maybe this way, I'll ask Abo Gu for two small crucian carp later and cook soup for you, and the rest of us will eat the pickled fish. I think we can pickle the pickled cabbage in this tank. It’s very good, it will be delicious when used to cook pickled fish.”

Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi had obviously just eaten, but when they heard Lin You talking about pickled fish, they felt greedy again.

Qi Yu coughed and nodded seriously: "I think it's feasible."

Zhao Ziqi also nodded: "It must be delicious."

Bai Hang: "..."

Although the fish soup cooked like this is delicious, he also wants to taste the pickled fish.


After lunch, the guests all went back to their rooms to take a nap. Lin You was lying on the bed wondering whether she should buy a fish from the villagers when she was on vacation. Then she would make fish soup for the cheap father and son at home to replenish their health and ease the relationship between them.

She thought about it and sent another red envelope in the group "Love each other as a family".

Unfortunately, neither Pei Henan nor Pei Ye seemed to be online. After her nap, she got up and went to the fish pond again, but she didn't see any movement in the group chat. She was quite worried, and after thinking for a long time, she walked into the bathroom and made a call.

The beeping sound lasted for a long time, so long that Lin You almost wanted to give up, but the other party suddenly connected. The voice on the other side was noisy, but Lin You still heard the low and scattered voice clearly at once: "Looking for Pei Ye?"

Three simple words immediately told from the side that the person who answered the phone was not Pei Ye himself. However, Lin You did not know the identity of the other party, so she could only ask tentatively: "Hello, is Pei Ye here?"

"He's busy. Who are you? What's the matter?"

"I'm his mother. I sent him a WeChat message and he didn't reply. I called him to ask."

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time as the four words "I am his mother" fell. After a while, the deep voice rang, but it was cold and indifferent, with no special emotion: "I will let him know when he comes back and call you back."

Lin You responded when she heard the words.

What she didn't know was that not long after hanging up the phone, Pei Ye rolled over from the boxing ring covered in sweat. The young man's eyes fell on the man who was half leaning on the black sofa. The man looked to be only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. Even though he was only wearing a simple shirt and trousers, he couldn't hide his noble temperament.

Pei Ye walked over and raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing with my phone?"

The black mobile phone swayed back and forth on the man's slender white fingertips. Pei Henan lazily raised his eyes, with a warm smile in his peach blossom eyes, "I answered the call for you."

Pei Ye: "Who is it?"

Pei Henan half-supported his chin and said with great interest, "Your mother."

Pei Ye: "...Isn't that your wife too? Why is she calling me?"

Pei Henan: "You have to ask her about this. I told her that I will ask you to call her back. You can call her."

Pei Ye couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Although he was only sixteen years old, he was tall and slender. He strode his long legs and sat next to Pei Henan. He muttered, "That woman seems to have had a seizure today" before dialing out. After a while, Lin You's gentle voice fell into the ears of the two of them—

"Aye, have you had lunch? Mom sent a red envelope in the group. After receiving it, you and your dad will have a delicious meal."

Pei Ye: "..."

Pei Ye was embarrassed to tell Lin You.

At noon today, he had a bungalow hot pot worth over 1,000 yuan per person.

It was his dad's treat.
