FVB - 006

Chapter 6: When people become cruel, they even slap themselves

The soft lips pressed against each other, and a strange feeling came.

It was like an electric current spread from her lips to her limbs, making Jiang Jin's whole body feel numb.

Although she was quite old, she had never been in love. This was the first time in her twenty-eight years that she had such close contact with a man.

This strange feeling left her at a loss...

She quickly put the boiled water into the man's lips and tongue, stood up and was about to leave.


The man's tongue moved and he licked her lips unconsciously.


Jiang Jin's mind suddenly went blank.

It was like someone was setting off fireworks in her mind, one after another blooming brilliantly. After the ultimate beauty, there was a moment of confusion.

She clearly felt that Li Yunting's lips moved again.

He seemed to be looking for water, trying hard to get something.

And she couldn't even make a move to resist.

She only felt that her mouth was dry, her hands and feet were weak, and her body was a little blank and needed something she didn't know what it was...

Her hand unexpectedly touched the man's muscular chest uncontrollably...

In the blink of an eye, she slapped herself in the face with a backhand, and with a crisp sound, she finally woke up.

Jiang Jin, you are such a pervert!

She actually became interested in a vegetative person who had been in a coma for ten years!

She backed away suddenly, three or five steps away from the big bed.

The man on the bed was still lying lifeless, with boiled water still remaining on his lips, and his pale thin lips had a little gloss...

Jiang Jin swallowed.

If she continued to watch like this, she was afraid that she would be so lustful that she would attack a vegetative person again!

She turned around and ran away, her back looking a little lost.

As for the man lying on the big bed, his pale jade fingertips moved slightly...

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Ma was clearing the dining table when she saw Jiang Jin running downstairs with a slap in the face with bright red finger prints.

Zhang Ma’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

She originally thought that beating her own son was enough for the young lady to be crazy, but she didn't expect that this woman would become so cruel that she would also beat herself.

Look at how red this little face is. It's obvious that she has done something wrong.

"I, I accidentally fell." Seeing Zhang Ma staring at her face, Jiang Jin explained dryly.

Zhang Ma lowered her eyes mockingly.

If you fall down, you will get five finger prints. You are lying!

"Young Madam, dinner is ready, please enjoy." Zhang Ma put five dishes and one soup on the table and said respectfully.

Jiang Jin asked casually: "We will have dinner together today after the third and fourth sons come back."

Zhang Ma was a little stunned.

The young madam grew up in an orphanage. Perhaps she had to compete with others for food since she was a child, which left a huge shadow in her childhood, so she developed the habit of eating alone.

In the past, even if several young masters were at home, they had to wait for the young madam to finish the meal before it could be served.

Is the sun coming out in the west today?

Facing Zhang Ma's suspicious gaze, Jiang Jin glanced at her watch and said calmly: "If they don't come back within an hour, don't blame me for taking action."

Zhang Ma: "..."

As expected, it is easy to change the country but hard to change the nature.

This woman just tried her best to find various reasons to beat several young masters!

"Young Madam, the two young masters have to go to class and I'm afraid they won't be able to make it back within an hour..." Zhang Ma said in a low voice.

Jiang Jin smiled lightly: "This is not something I should consider."

Of these four sons, the eldest and second are twins, and the third and fourth are also twins.

The eldest and second child are nine years old this year. After their wings have grown hard, they rarely go home. Every time they meet her biological mother, they never give her a good look.

So the original owner transferred her anger to the two younger ones who had no ability to resist.

The third and fourth children are five years old this year and attend the same aristocratic school. The third child is openly against his mother, and the fourth child is playing dirty tricks.

These two brats are not good people. One grew up to become a gang boss, and the other became a wanted cyber hacker...

Now these two boys are only five years old, and they hang around in the name of going to class every day.

If she guessed correctly, these two little guys should be playing games in the Internet cafe, or having a relationship with some people from different religions in the alley...

She had to get these two children back on track as soon as possible.

"Young lady, there's still soup simmering in the kitchen. I'm going to keep an eye on it." Zhang Ma turned around and walked to the kitchen, then secretly made a phone call.

"Buzz buzz!"

The phone vibrated in his pocket, and a trace of impatience flashed across Li Xichen's face.

His fingers quickly passed over the keyboard, red and blue lights flashed, the crystal on the screen suddenly exploded, and the game ended.

He took off his earphones and connected the phone: "Hey, what's going on?"

"Third Young Master, the Young Madam asked you and the Fourth Young Master to rush home within an hour." Zhang Ma's voice was very low, "During the day, the Fourth Young Master pushed the Young Madam into the water and almost drowned her. The Young Madam is still probably angry, you and the fourth young master must not make the young madam angry again, so come back quickly."

"Okay, I know."

Li Xichen hung up the phone directly.

His short black hair rests on his forehead, and his pair of ink-stained eyes are a bit unruly. He is wearing a black denim short jacket, and the headphone cord hangs casually from the collar, making him look cold and cool.

His eyes swept over and looked at Li Beixiao beside him: "You were able to push that woman into the water. How come you didn't drown her?"

Li Beixiao pursed his lips: "Go back?"

"That woman suddenly asked us to rush back within an hour. She must have bad intentions." Li Xichen sneered, "She insists on causing trouble for us, so let's make her suffer first."

Li Beixiao frowned: "Third brother, what do you mean?"
