FVB - 055

Chapter 55 Since you were wrong, then apologize

In the quiet night, a car slowly stopped at the door of the villa.

Jiang Jin raised her eyes and saw that Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were back. The two children walked into the living room one after the other.
She got up and heated up two cups of milk and brought them out. Her voice was very light: "Drink hot milk before going to bed. It will help you sleep."
Li Xichen glanced at the milk coldly and walked towards the second floor without looking back.
Li Beixiao pursed his lips and lowered his eyes: "I'm not used to drinking milk so late."
After he finished speaking, he also walked upstairs.
Jiang Jin turned around and watched the two of them enter the room with cold eyes, closing the door tightly.
There was another hint of smile on her lips.
She was so crazy that she was waiting in the living room for these two heartless little bastards to come home!
For so many days, she had been kind to them with all her heart. However, with just a few words, Li Nanque brought everything back to where it started.
She really fed the dog with all her heart.
Jiang Jin poured two cups of hot milk into the sink, walked upstairs and lay down on the bed to sleep.
Too many things happened at this banquet, which made her physically and mentally exhausted, and she fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.
She didn't wake up until the alarm clock rang.
Because she decided to send her two children to school every day from now on, she set an alarm clock for herself.

She stretched herself out, got up, washed and changed clothes, then opened the door and walked out. When she passed the master bedroom next door, she couldn't help but stop and gently pushed the door open.
She thought the big bed would be empty. Unexpectedly, he saw Li Yunting lying on the bed peacefully.
The thin light of the morning danced on his long black eyelashes.
His pale skin took on color.
The contours of the facial features are stunningly beautiful.
Who sent this man back last night? Why didn't she hear a sound?
Jiang Jin scratched her chin suspiciously and gently closed the door of the master bedroom.
She walked up to the restaurant downstairs, where two children, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.
Jiang Jin sat down without saying a word, quickly ate two buns, and then said calmly: "I'll give you five more minutes to have breakfast."

Li Beixiao's hand paused: "You want to send us to school?"
"Don't you want me to give it away?" A sneer appeared on Jiang Jin's lips, "As long as I stay at the Li family for one day, I will give it to you. There is no need to discuss this matter."
These two little bastards wouldn't think that after what happened yesterday, she would be so angry that she wouldn't send them to school, right?

Just after two days of classes safely, they want to find an excuse to skip class and go to the Internet cafe. Don't even think about it!
The car drove smoothly on the road.
It was very quiet inside the car.
When Jiang Jin saw them off two days ago, she would chat with them along the way, asking them questions about their studies, or complaining about the traffic jam along the way. Her chirping voice filled the car, making people feel at peace.
But now, Jiang Jin remained silent.
The breath of silence spread.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other, and they had a tacit understanding without speaking.
This woman did something like that yesterday, does she still want them to look good on her?
She is not clear with the man outside, betrayed her father, and is probably planning to divorce.
If the divorce can go smoothly, this woman will definitely kick away their trolls without hesitation.
Li Xichen pursed his lips irritably.
Li Beixiao looked at Jiang Jin's figure, his eyes deepening gradually.
If she was destined to abandon them, then why did she treat him so well during this period, which actually made him feel a little reluctant to let go...
"Buzz buzz-"
The sound of the cell phone vibrating broke the silence in the car.
Jiang Jin's mobile phone was connected to the car audio. Once connected, the voice of the voice was amplified in the car.
"Ms. Jiang, after you called the police last night, we went to the scene to investigate, but the surveillance video was artificially destroyed and no evidence was found. When do you think we can come to the police station to record a statement?"

Jiang Jin frowned: "Is there no surveillance camera showing Lin Yichi in the entire venue?"

"That's not true," the young policeman said, "I can see on the surveillance that he did appear, but I can't find any footage of you together."

Jiang Jin's eyes were a little colder.
She never expected that Lin Yichi could do things so carefully that even the surveillance cameras couldn't detect it.
She pursed her lips and said, "Since we can't find any evidence, let's forget it."
To deal with people like Lin Yichi, the police don't necessarily have to take action.
She hung up the phone and continued driving with a calm face.
Li Beixiao looked at her in astonishment.

He saw the bruise on her chin and the red mark on her neck, which looked like she had been pinched.
Could it be that the time she and that man were together last night was not a tryst, but a violent conflict?
He was afraid that these surveillance cameras would be leaked and affect the Li family's reputation, so he asked his second brother to find someone to destroy all related surveillance cameras.
In other words, he did bad things with good intentions?

Li Xichen wrapped his fingers around the headphone cord, and it took him a long time to summon the courage to say, "Hey, what happened to you last night?"
Jiang Jin said calmly: "This matter has nothing to do with you."
One sentence blocked everything Li Xichen wanted to say next.
He hummed softly and turned to look out the window.
Li Beixiao pulled the zipper on his schoolbag back and forth and said slowly, "Teacher Shi came to my seat to chat with me for half an hour yesterday."
Jiang Jin parked the car in front of the school, turned around and asked quietly: "What did Teacher Shi want to talk to you about?"
"Teacher Shi said that my third brother and I are very talented and are not suitable for continuing the early childhood courses. She wants to transfer us to a premium class." Li Beixiao continued, "The content of the premium class is similar to that of the fourth and fifth grade in elementary school. Do you think I and third brother can do it?"

"This is your own business, just decide for yourself."
Jiang Jin unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car and opened the door of the back seat. She whispered, "Study hard. I'll pick you up in the evening."
Li Beixiao pulled on the strap of his schoolbag and stood there not wanting to leave.
He and his third brother had gone too far last night, and he wanted to say sorry.
But that sorry word lingered on the tip of his tongue for a long time, but he couldn't say it out.
"I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now. You guys should hurry in."

Jiang Jin bent down and got into the car. The car drove into the busy street and soon lost sight.
"Still watching, what's there to see?" Li Xichen said coldly, "She doesn't want to pay attention to us, so why bother with her cold face?"
Li Beixiao's voice was very low: "I should have drank that glass of milk last night."
That woman suffered so much last night, but she was still willing to wait for them to come home in the living room and warm up milk for them.
And what did they do?
It seemed that she was given a cold face, and he went upstairs and closed the door without hesitation.

At that time, she probably needed a hug.
Li Beixiao regretted it greatly.
Li Xichen kicked away the pebbles on the side of the road and said coldly: "Since you were wrong, then apologize. What a big deal."
