Chapter 1

"Hiss, hiss..."

The radio interference in her ears made Gu Xiaoxiao frown.

An angry male voice followed closely and shouted: "Gu Xiaoxiao, get up, stop pretending to be dead like this, hurry up and complete the task without delay!"

Gu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes with difficulty and found herself lying on the cold tile floor.

The cold white light above the head was brightly extinguished, and she could barely see that she was in the bathroom. There were closed stalls on the left and right sides, and a passage in the middle ran through to the end. There was a hint of gloom in the dilapidation.

Gu Xiaoxiao slowly sat up, her chest tightening, and an unfounded fear suddenly surged into her heart, causing her heart to beat wildly.

She touched her chest impatiently, her eyes filled with confusion.

Where am I? Why is the heartbeat so fast?

Perhaps the doubts were too strong, and a memory that did not belong to her suddenly entered her mind.

It turned out that she had passed through the book and transformed into the cannon fodder Gu Xiaoxiao, a 18th-tier recruiter in the entertainment industry. Because of her inappropriate screaming and overestimating the limelight in the haunted house adventure variety show, her teammates were cruelly teased by NPCs, and everyone was cheated. She single-handedly turned the entire program into a laughing stock, and was eventually exposed online and died.

Judging from the memories of the previous life that can be summed up in a few words, the character is indeed quite cannon fodder.

Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes and glanced at her dirty palms, sighed in her heart, and walked towards the sink while calming her untimely heartbeat.

[Is the anchor crazy? This was where she saw the ghost just now and ran away and fainted. How could she dare to go there!]

[Normal people know there is danger and will avoid it subconsciously, but fools will try it again and again]

[Gu Xiaoxiao is not a normal person. She will do anything to gain attention. No other guests have met NPCs, but she has one here. She doesn’t have to go through it a few more times to attract the audience.]

[Really, the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased by dozens in just this moment]

[That’s why I say Gu Xiaoxiao is a scheming bitch who doesn’t stop at anything.]

[If I guessed correctly, she will definitely pretend to see a ghost for the first time in a while and scream at the top of her lungs to increase her presence]

Gu Xiaoxiao had no idea about the comments in the live broadcast room and walked towards the sink without any distractions.

On the mottled and dirty sink, the rusty faucet was dripping water, and the slow ticking sound echoed in the empty bathroom, as if it was trying to extend the silence of the night infinitely.

The mirror headlight was covered with a thick layer of stains, emitting a dark and cold light.

As soon as her hand touched the faucet, an image came to her mind again. With her heart beating rapidly again, Gu Xiaoxiao learned the reason for her predecessor's death.

The original owner was recording a haunted house variety show. When she was looking for a mission card, she came to the bathroom. She inadvertently raised her eyes while washing her hands. She was frightened by the ghost passing by in the mirror and panicked. She slipped on my foot and hit the back of her head. She died instantly.

Thinking of this, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at the mirror. The overhead light was still flickering on and off, making people dizzy. The perspective of the mirror reflected the entire space...

The closed toilet cubicle, the shadow of the tree faintly filtered through the dark window, and the dead branches swayed on the window, making a vague "pricking" sound, as if something was about to break through the window.

Suddenly, the lights suddenly went out, and the sound disappeared. The surroundings seemed to be suddenly pulled into a vacuum, and it was too quiet.

The sudden darkness made Gu Xiaoxiao's eyesight go dark. After she got used to the darkness, she looked at the mirror again.

The previously closed compartments opened wide at some point, leaving only the last one still closed.

The strange thing is that when the compartment was opened, no sound was made, which inexplicably sent shivers down one's spine.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The dull sound of the partition being hit by a hard object came from the closed compartment, which was especially frightening in the echo-filled space. The creaking sound of the rope being pulled by a heavy object was mixed in, and it was almost disturbing.

Even though everyone knew the show was being recorded, the scene at the moment still gave them a chill down their spine.

Gu Xiaoxiao tightened her palms and turned to look at the place where the sound came from.

Through the moonlight coming in from the window, you can vaguely see a rope hanging in mid-air, extending to the top of the cubicle. The bottom end of the rope is just hidden behind the partition, leaving unlimited room for imagination.

As the rope swayed, the muffled sound of "dong dong dong" continued to sound.

Once a person starts imagining a certain scene, their thoughts can't stop diverging. After having a clear image, the familiar sound seems to be directly on the apex of the heart, making one feel inexplicably frightened.

Gu Xiaoxiao secretly admired that they could get the NPC in place in the blink of an eye, which showed that the equipment of the agency was quite high.

For Gu Xiaoxiao, a migrant worker who has been immersed in escape rooms all year round and plays various NPCs, the atmosphere around her is far less amazing than the sophisticated props.

[Ah ah ah, there must be a ghost behind the door panel, so, so scary]

[We have the same perspective as the anchor, and what we see is what the anchor sees. Oh my god, I have already started to imagine the hanged man with a long tongue]

[I just want to know how that ghost appeared suddenly. This is a live broadcast!]

[I also want to know, I have been staring at the mirror, and the lights went out just in the blink of an eye]

[There were many rumors of being haunted before the show started airing. Could it be that the ghost is real?]

[What a fuss, this is just like a magic show routine, both have tricks.]

Seeing that Gu Xiaoxiao was frozen in place again, the director immediately said angrily: "Gu Xiaoxiao, you're not done yet, are you? What are you trying to do? Why don't you hurry up and get over?"

Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and listened to the noise urging her in her ears, feeling quite helpless. Was there something fishy about urging her to come over in such a hurry?

Hey, let's go, let's go. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked slowly towards the last cubicle. When passing by the open cubicles, she did not forget to inspect them one by one.

"Adventure Horror House" is the first domestic variety show based on the theme of haunted house exploration, with guests interacting with real NPCs to complete tasks. The location for the first episode is Linglan High School, an abandoned college full of haunted rumors.

In order to maximize the horror atmosphere, the live broadcast time was specially chosen to start at midnight, and the first perspective of the guests was mainly used to maximize the audience's experience.

Guests unlock levels one by one by completing tasks until they are all cleared.

Tasks are divided into main tasks and side tasks. The task cards obtained from side tasks constitute clues to the main tasks and are used to guide guests to unlock the main tasks.

When guests collect side mission cards one by one, they will definitely encounter various NPCs, and the random appearance of NPCs also means there are too many uncertainties, which not only increases the guests’ fear, but also heightens the meet the audience's expectations.

When Gu Xiaoxiao recalled the rules of the program, she probably guessed the man's intention. The mission card should be hidden on the NPC.

She came to the last cubicle and stood there.

As she got closer, she could see a group of shadows condensed at the bottom, as well as the looming toes of a pair of red embroidered shoes.

[Fuck, it’s a female ghost!]

[No, what kind of luck is this for the anchor? Red embroidered shoes are standard for married women. The resentful ghosts trapped in love are the most terrifying]

[If I guessed correctly, the mission card must be on this NPC]

[Be confident, it’s all about her, because no other anchors have met NPCs]

[I can’t wait to see what the female ghost looks like. The show has just started, so there should be a big surprise (fly rubbing hands)]

[I just want to watch over Gu Xiaoxiao who is so scared that she cries for her father and mother, and urinates all over her body]


[+ID number]

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't feel scared at all. She had worn this standard NPC outfit countless times. There was nothing new at all. 

"Quickly, open the door and scream and fall. When Shen Weiyue comes and gets the mission card, your mission for this level will be over."

Scream? What a waste of voice, and besides, NPCs like to hear customers scream, and she doesn't want to fulfill their wishes.

Gu Xiaoxiao turned a deaf ear to the other party's words and raised her hand to open the door.

[Come, come, we finally meet]

[The anchor is so calm and seems not afraid at all]

[Pull her down, look at how scared she is, her heart is already in her throat]

[Scream, don’t let me down, eh, weird]

With a soft "crunch" sound, a biting chill rushed towards the face, as cold as the human world.

Gu Xiaoxiao had goosebumps all over her body.

She subconsciously took a step back, stroked her arms, and thought to herself that the program team was really willing to give her air conditioning.

Away from the door, a slender red figure appeared in front of her.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked up along her toes. On the well-made wedding dress, there was a pair of mandarin ducks that were lifelike. The bride's hands hanging by her side were thin and white, and her fingertips were rounded and neatly trimmed.

Hair as black as a waterfall hung down from her drooping head, covering her entire face with darkness.

The creaking ropes made endless noises as the body swayed.

This NPC's costume is not as scary as imagined.

[What, I looked at the embroidered shoes and thought it was Wang Zha, but it turned out to be three, I’m not afraid at all]

[That’s right, covering your eyes with black hair is too cliché. Even my great-grandmother combing her hair in front of the mirror is scarier than this]

[Hey, blame me, my expectations are too high]

[However, I am convinced that the NPC can hang around for so long.]

After Gu Xiaoxiao scanned the NPC, she looked behind her, looking for the mission card. She soon saw the white card on the water tank, which should be that one.

When she looked away, she visually measured the distance between the two sides of the NPC. If she entered sideways, she should be able to get around it.

Judging from the current situation, this NPC should be a static and scary type, otherwise it would not make people hang up.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked sideways and easily bypassed the NPC with her small body to get the mission card.

Just as she lowered her eyes and looked through the mission cards, the NPC behind her suddenly moved.

At the same time, a clicking sound similar to the dislocation of bones suddenly sounded in Gu Xiaoxiao's ears.

Gu Xiaoxiao stayed where she was, a chill suddenly creeping up her neck, just like when she opened the door before.

"Kaka, kaka!"

As the sound of bone friction increased, Gu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly. She guessed wrong. This NPC was dynamic.

To confirm her guess, she looked sideways behind her.

As the perspective shifted, the audience in the live broadcast room all held their breaths.

The NPC's body was actually hanging upside down, and her head was just level with Gu Xiaoxiao's face. A frightening arc appeared on her pale, paper face, and a pair of dark, hollow eyes looked straight at Gu Xiaoxiao.

The rope around her ankle still made a creaking sound, but she didn't move at all.

The sudden zoom-in close-up scared the audience in the live broadcast room and screamed.

[Ahhhhh, what kind of crazy show is this? Why should I torture myself!!]

[This is too scary, it turned upside down in the blink of an eye, causing me to scatter potato chips all over the floor]

[My yogurt choked my nose and my pants got wet:)]

[Fuck, we were so scared, how could the anchor be so calm]

[Because she was scared to death]

[I'm still waiting for her to scream. What's wrong with me being so scared? It's bad luck!!]

The unhappiness of the anti-fans is also the director's breaking point. According to the agreement, Gu Xiaoxiao should scream to send a signal to Shen Weiyue as soon as she discovered the mission card, and wait for the other party to break in and save her, while taking the mission card, and start the next link.

But what was Gu Xiaoxiao doing? Not only did she not scream, but she also looked calm and fearless. Who was she provoking?

"Gu Xiaoxiao, if you don't want to do it anymore, why don't you scream and give up! I'm sure it will bloom or bear fruit there!"

If he hadn't taken a fancy to her self-contained physique, which could attract negative fans to increase her popularity, he would never have allowed her to participate.

Gu Xiaoxiao pretended to touch her ears, then closed the earphones and stuffed them into her pocket.

This man was too noisy, and his impatience was the most likely to cause a cerebral infarction. She didn't want her emotions to be polluted.

The director who suddenly had a signal interruption: "······&%¥#@*"

Without the interference, Gu Xiaoxiao's ears were much cleaner.

She looked again at the NPC who was close at hand, and seemed to see herself who had been working hard, and her eyes couldn't help but have a trace of sympathy.

Compared with Gu Xiaoxiao's calmness, NPC Ayu was full of doubts.

For this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she put on the wedding dress that was at the bottom of the box, and her expression was the same as when she died tragically. The other party didn't even have any fear at all. Could it be that she couldn't express her emotions well?

Thinking of this, Ayu released the remaining energy in her body and made the dilapidated windows creak to show her deep resentment.

The originally rounded nails suddenly became sharp, and they pinched Gu Xiaoxiao's neck directly with a chilling light.

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was filled with screams, the NPC went berserk, and the anchor must suffer!!!
