ADMKSF - 006.1

After Lin You received Pei Ye's words, "I've eaten, I bought some steamed buns in the morning and saved them for lunch." Lin You frowned, thinking that Pei Ye would most likely starve to death and she would die with him. Lin You's heart felt as if dozens of kilograms of stone had fallen into it, and it was very dull.

She tried her best to describe in a gentle tone that teenagers who did not take in the nutrients they needed would most likely lead to poor physical fitness, and she concluded by adding: "Mom still has money, so you can eat as much as you want."

Pei Ye endured a speechless expression, agreed, and accepted the red envelope to tell Lin You——

I am listening to my mother.

Lin You then hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Pei Ye unceremoniously threw his phone on the sofa aside, rolled his eyes and complained to the man who was watching the show with great interest: "She started playing the role of a loving mother and a filial son this morning. I played with her once, and she is also addicted."

Moreover, there is no sense of the gap between them at all between the lines. This woman is really good at pretending and deceiving herself.

Pei Henan raised his long eyebrows lazily, with a hint of nonchalance in his voice: "If she wants to act, you can accompany her."

Pei Ye: "...If she wants to play the role of loving husband and wife with you, will you accompany her?"

Pei Henan smiled slightly and asked, "Is there anything I can't do?"


Lin You finally felt relieved after contacting Pei Ye.

Zhao Ziqi saw that she was walking casually and humming lightly, so she couldn't help but smile and asked, "Are you in a good mood?"

Lin You calmed down her expression slightly, but still smiled: "Well, I just contacted my family."

Zhao Ziqi made a surprised expression when she heard this, and said: "Me too, they are all watching my live broadcast today, and just now they told me that they wanted to treat you to dinner, saying they wanted to thank you for making such delicious stir fried vegetables, porridge and fish soup. When the recording of the show is over and you are free, let’s make an appointment for a meal together.”

It was just a casual chat at first, but as soon as Zhao Ziqi said this, the audience in the live broadcast room, the director team, Du Enqing and others all pricked up their ears. Everyone knows Zhao Ziqi’s status as a movie queen. This actress is not just a movie queen. She also has more than just the title of movie queen. The connections and investments behind her are so eye-catching.

At this moment, Zhao Ziqi openly expressed her family's kindness to Lin You in front of the screen, and even threatened to thank her. What does this mean? This act of showing kindness is tantamount to telling everyone—

Lin You, I'm covering you.

Even the chief director couldn't help but take a second look at Lin You. Who would have thought that yesterday Lin You was ridiculed by the entire Internet, but today she dragged Zhao Ziqi into her camp with just two meals. like cheating.

[Holy shit, Lin You turned her life around with just two meals, a counterattack. ]

[Did Queen Zhao really not think about it more? After all, we all know what kind of person Lin You is. ]

[Sisters in front, did you forget to take off the sign of Du Enqing’s live broadcast room when you were speaking? ]

[Actually, I can quite understand the actress’s family. My mother went from mild anorexia to severe anorexia. In the end, she couldn't eat anything because she felt too tired to live and committed suicide. At that time, I thought, if anyone can cure my mother, I can kneel down and beg her. But no one gave me this chance. The actress is quite lucky to be able to eat the food cooked by Lin You. ]

[Hug the sister in front]

[But let me tell you something, I really think Lin You has changed a lot. I believe you when you say she was penetrated (dog head)]

[Don’t tell me, it’s really possible. ]

The barrage quickly changed the topic.

Lin You herself obviously realized what Zhao Ziqi meant. She was quite surprised. When she raised her eyes and looked into Zhao Ziqi's eyes, she saw the other party smiling gently. Lin You paused, and a smile broke out on her beautiful and fair face: "Okay, then I would like to thank Senior Zhao and her family in advance."

Zhao Ziqi and Lin You had more topics to talk about on the way, and Zhao Ziqi took a sip of water when she was thirsty. They all carry tea kettles with them. Now that the weather is hot and they have to work at high temperatures, kettles are indispensable. The water in the kettle was naturally the spiritual spring water cooked by Lin Youqing.

Zhao Ziqi took another sip and murmured softly: "This water tastes a bit sweet today.

When Lin You heard this, she curled her lips calmly.

Seeing their harmonious and friendly appearance, Du Enqing's eyes almost bulged out with anger. She couldn't understand why Zhao Ziqi's attitude changed so quickly. Zhao Ziqi was obviously very unhappy when Lin You didn't work and only seemed to be lazy, but now she was easily bribed by her two meals.

Do you want it to be so funny?

Du Enqing was so angry that she couldn't help but think back to Zhao Ziqi's attitude when she got close to her. In fact, it was just a casual chat after dinner. Qi Yu talked about the popular OST that Du Enqing sang some time ago, and Du Enqing smiled and said, "Next time everyone comes to me, I will give it to you for free."

After saying these words, Bai Hang was the first to snort without shame.

Du Enqing reacted belatedly and realized the awkwardness of the situation. But what she said was like water being thrown out. She could only hope that Zhao Ziqi would ease the current atmosphere. However, Zhao Ziqi just smiled and turned to change the topic with Qi Yu.

Compared with the current situation, Du Enqing became even more angry.

It happened that Dayang's camera flicked slightly, completely capturing Du Enqing's appearance at the moment. For a moment, her angry and almost ferocious face was easily captured and saved by netizens.

[Hey, is Du Enqing going crazy? ]

[So upright that she doesn’t even manage her expressions well]

[Hahahaha Du Enqing’s expression really made me laugh to death. Wasn’t she too obvious? ]

[Du Enqing, aren’t you very angry? Do Lin You and Zhao Ziqi have a good relationship? Come on quickly! I want to see two girls rob one girl (bushi)]

[This is still called being honest, but this is obviously hypocrisy]

The group successfully returned to the fish pond before two o'clock in the afternoon and continued their great business of catching fish. This time Bai Hang openly challenged Lin You in front of the camera, saying that he would definitely catch a fish bigger than six kilograms. Lin You just said "oh" when she heard this, and casually made a cheering gesture with a smile: "Come on, Director Bai, I believe you."

Netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter instantly.

Qi Yu couldn't help but shake his head and looked at Bai Hang with difficulty: "You have a lot to think about at a young age."

Bai Hang: "..."

Bai Hang was confused, gritting his teeth and immersed himself in catching fish. About twenty minutes passed when he suddenly heard a squeaking sound. Following the sound, he looked up and saw a place where the water was bubbling. Before he could react, Uncle Gu from above shouted: "Young man, what are you still doing? This is a big fish!"

Bai Hang hurriedly groped over.

But soon, Bai Hang found that the bubbles in front of him had reduced and the water surface had returned to calm. He sighed regretfully, thinking that catching fish really still depends on Lin You.

At this moment, Lin You, who was being cued, narrowed her eyes and looked at the slight movement not far away, and gently shook the pond water at her hand. Then she motioned to Zhao Ziqi, Bai Hang and the others to pick up the net and surround them. Although the few people didn't know why, they were still very obedient. It wasn't until they got closer that Lin You whispered: "I just saw some movement over there. I guess there is a big fish."

"How old?"

"We'll have to catch it to find out."

Lin You quickly directed a few people to carry nets to surround the surrounding area, and asked Uncle Gu to throw small stones down. The slight movement seemed to scare the fish hidden in the river, and a huge crack was seen under the water. The shadow swung its fish tail, almost becoming a virtual shadow. The tail slapped Bai Hang's calf, and the man almost cried out in pain.

Fortunately, his sense was still there. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and silently shouted to several people: "It's a big fish! A super, invincible big fish!"

Lin You saw that a little spiritual spring water seemed unable to seduce the big fish, so he released more spiritual spring water. Now the big fish finally found the direction and rushed over. Lin You was well prepared, holding on to the fishing net tightly. When the big fish rushed up, she quickly picked up the net and pounced on it.

Bai Hang became excited when he saw her movements: "Caught?!"
