FVB - 010

Chapter 10 I’m really going to cry this time

The sun is setting in the west, and the lanterns are beginning to shine.

Zhang Ma washed and wiped Li Yunting and went downstairs. She glanced at the empty door and then sighed deeply.

If the young lady doesn't come back tonight, she would have been missing for four days.

This is no small matter.

There were two small icebergs sitting on the sofas on the left and right sides of the living room. Both of them had cold expressions on their faces.

Li Xichen kicked the coffee table and said in a cold voice: "If she really dies outside, she will definitely be eaten by wild dogs. I will be kind enough to collect her body!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call.

Li Beixiao said quietly: "I asked my eldest brother's assistant to help check her whereabouts. There will be news soon, please wait."

At this time!

There was a sudden knock on the iron gate outside the villa.

A woman's weak voice came: "Open the door, open the door quickly..."

Zhang Ma rushed over quickly and saw the young lady, who was always well-dressed, hugging the railing like a dead fish.

Her hair was messy, her face was pale, and her clothes were dusty, as if she had fallen all the way back...

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Jin stood up holding Zhang Ma's hand and looked at the two little bastards standing on the steps in the distance.

She disappeared silently for three days. Why do these two boys seem to have gained weight?

Do they really want her to disappear?

She was the one to take the blame for the original owner's sins!

Oh, Mom, I’m so angry that my heart aches!

"You heartless little bastards, do you know how miserable I have been these past few days?"

Jiang Jin screamed, "What are you still doing there? Come here and help me in!"

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other, neither of them moving.

A beating is inevitable anyway, so why bother to keep low and do small things to please this woman.

Jiang Jin: "..."

She was just pretending, but now she really was feeling pain all over her body. What should she do...

"Young madam, I will help you in."

Zhang Ma supported her respectfully, fearing that she would jump up in anger and rush over to beat the two young masters.

Jiang Jin was helped and placed on the sofa.

Li Beixiao stood in a safe position away from her and asked quietly: "What happened to you these days?"

But he took the initiative to ask, otherwise she would really be pissed to death!

Jiang Jin let out a long sigh of relief and started her performance.

"You two little bastards made me locked up in the warehouse all night. Do you know what is in the warehouse? They are all cockroaches and mice! I was bitten by a cockroach and mouse. I have been in the hospital for injections and disinfection for the past few days..."

She deliberately lowered her head to wipe her tears, looking heartbroken.

"I stayed in the hospital for three days. For three whole days, neither of you even looked at me... I'm so pitiful. My son, who was born in ten months of pregnancy, actually wished that I died in the hospital... I don’t want to live anymore, I might as well just die..."

Li Xichen: "..."

Why does he feel like there's something wrong with this woman?

In the past, wouldn't they have been tied up with ropes immediately, beaten severely, and then locked in a small dark room?

It's not at all like this woman's style to live or die, cry and be miserable...

Li Beixiao's eyebrows skipped a beat.

He was already prepared to be beaten severely. Why didn't this woman act according to common sense?

Three days ago, after he pushed her into the swimming pool, she did not take any revenge...

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something different about this woman.

Jiang Jin observed the expressions of the two children while crying, and became even more angry at this sight.

She was crying like this, why didn't these two little bastards react at all...

"Since you don't want to see me so much, then let me go and go to the main branch!" She covered her face and said pitifully, "I'll just divorce your living dead dad and I'll move out so that you guys will be satisfied!"

She got off the sofa, couldn't stand still, and knocked her head on the coffee table.

The hard marble coffee table made her head turn red instantly.

Jiang Jin: "..."

Oh shit!

Why is she so unlucky!

This time I am really going to cry!

The corners of Li Xichen's mouth twitched.

Why is this woman so pitiful for no reason...

"It is absolutely impossible for grandpa to agree to divorce." Li Beixiao gritted his teeth and said, "I was wrong this time. You can fight me however you want. I admit it!"

Li Xichen put his hands into the pockets of his jeans: "I can either be locked up in a dark room or forced to kneel down."

These two brats are too arrogant!

Look at this attitude, does it look like they are admitting their mistake?

However, she knew the difference between these two boys, and they were probably afraid that she would get a divorce, which would in turn make the old man extremely angry.

This will be easier to handle.

She snorted coldly: "Come here and help me."

The two little guys snorted from their noses in unison, then reluctantly walked over and gave her a hand.

Jiang Jin finally felt that she had regained a victory, and her breathing suddenly became easier.

She leaned on the sofa and ordered coldly: "You two, each of you can pour a glass of water over here and admit your mistake to me."

Li Xichen clenched his fists: "Don't go too far!"

"What, you can't stand it anymore?" Jiang Jin looked at him coldly, "Forget it, I'd better talk to the old man about the divorce. I can't stay in this house any longer!"

Li Xichen: "..."

It was too uncomfortable for him to bow his head and admit his mistake.

This woman might as well just beat him up!

Forget it, this woman was bitten by a mouse and cockroach because of him. If this matter comes to Grandpa, he will shed his skin!

At this moment, Li Beixiao's cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the content of the email, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Jin: "Have you really been hospitalized for the past three days?"
