The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 20

☆⁠Chapter 20 Drama is like life☆

Lin Jianqing didn't know it yet, but Lin Ran was so imaginative that he suspected that she was reborn.
After settling the matter in Country X, under such circumstances, it was really difficult for Lin Ran to leave Welling Harbor and live with Lin Jianqing.
But Lin Jianqing knew that she still had a chance. Since the rules assigned this task to her, the success rate has been calculated in detail. In other words, the probability of completing the task is absolutely impossible to be zero percent. And for Lin Ran, there was another thing that Lin Jianqing thought she could take advantage of.
More than ten days after returning to country A, at the end of the month, Lin Jianqing received a text message.
There was no note for the visitor, only the simplest phone number. The content of the text message was: "It's the end of the month and I've spent all my money. Call me!"
Lin Jianqing raised her eyebrows and replied: "Didn't I just give you a hundred thousand dollars before?"
"What's one hundred thousand enough? Bitch, don't forget that Lin Ran is still following me. Do you know how much he spends every day? It's driving me anxious. Be careful that I take the child to the Wei family!"
Just a little bit, wouldn’t you be awesome?
A sneer appeared on Lin Jianqing's face. She moved her fingers quickly and replied: "I can give you the money, but I want to see Lin Ran."
This time, there was no immediate reply from the other end of the phone. It took several minutes before he said, "Okay. Remember to bring money."
They arranged a location in an alley in Port Welling.
Although Welling Harbor has the word "port" in its name, it is not actually close to the sea, but is just an area. This area has the busiest red-light district in City A. The bar street is famous throughout the country, as well as various underground casinos and black boxing rings, almost all of which are Mr. Huo's properties. The original owner's ex-boyfriend, Lin Ran's biological father, Guo Hao, worked as a thug in a bar in Port Welling. He received thousands of dollars every month, and then blackmailed a little from the original owner, and then dedicated all of it to the underground casino.

As a senior gambler, he personally practiced Mr. Huo's life motto of "Gambling is human nature", even if he lost nine out of ten bets, even if he lost everything when he was in his twenties.
No, he still has a big treasure in his hand.
In the dim alley, Guo Hao glanced at Lin Ran with a sinister look.
The child was wearing a T-shirt, his face was white and tender, and he looked very clean. He didn't look like the son of Guo Hao, but the young master of some rich man.
Bah bah bah! Thinking of this, Guo Hao suddenly spat on the ground, took a few steps closer to Lin Ran, and said with a bad expression: "Who the hell did this to you?"
Lin Ran said nothing and looked up at him.
Guo Hao was very impatient. He stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Ran to the wall. Then he wiped the dark wall and was about to get the dirty things on Lin Ran's face. Lin Ran ducked, and his black and white pupils were looking at him: "What are you doing?"

Guo Hao said: "I'll make you a little dirty so that your mother can see how hard your life is. That stinky bitch will find a wealthy family to marry and eat well and drink spicy food every day. How can she drag you little kid down and throw the oil bottle to me? We have to let her see how poorly we are doing, so that she can get us more money. You should understand money, right?"
Lin Ran asked: "Will she give you money to bet?"
Guo Hao's expression changed, he raised his hand and slapped Lin Ran: "Who are you talking to, little bastard!"

He followed a gang and built up all his muscles in fights. This time he used so much force that he didn't even consider that Lin Ran was only a seven-year-old child and his biological son.
He didn't expect this, and of course Lin Ran couldn't stand there and let himself be hit, so he flexibly ducked to avoid it and slipped several meters away in the blink of an eye. Guo Hao glared and moved to catch up: "You still dare to hide? What the hell, just because Mr. Huo is backing you, you don't take me seriously? Lin Ran, let me tell you, don't forget that you are still living in that small shabby house with me. Even if Mr. Huo really recognizes you as his godson in the future, you are still born to me. Without me, how can you exist?!"

He drank a little before going out, and now he was not sober. Lin Ran sneered in his heart and put one hand into his schoolbag. Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Before he could turn around, he was hugged by someone. The arms encircled him!
Guo Hao squinted his eyes across from him. The woman opposite was wearing a hat and a mask, and she couldn't see clearly in the dark: "Lin Jianqing?"
Yes, it’s your grandma and me. Lin Jianqing was thinking, while holding Lin Ran's hand, she said, "What are you doing?"
Her voice was slightly lowered, which was different from the way she spoke before in Country X.
Guo Hao didn't know the difference between the two, so he resumed his carefree posture and looked at Lin Jianqing with a lustful look in his eyes: "Aren't I going to teach our son a lesson? This little bastard is really ignorant. The two of us spent a whole night fighting on the grass to get him out, and now this is how he repays us? We can't say it, we can't fight it, it's really boring."

Seeing Lin Jianqing wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt, showing off her excellent figure and outstanding temperament, but he looked like a rat in the sewer. Malice suddenly grew in his heart. He thought that after not seeing each other for a while, this woman was even more beautiful than before. He heard that Wei Sheng went abroad after she got married to Wei Sheng. Wouldn't such a slutty woman be lonely at night?
When you feel lonely, you might have slept with someone else.
Since she can benefit others, of course she can also benefit himself.
Guo Hao thought so and took another step forward. As he walked, he said: "Qingqing, if you think about it carefully, we haven't seen each other for a year or two, right? Think about how good it was when we were in town, my dear sister. Your Brother Qing, I still think about it all the time."
Real name vomiting, this man is really obscene to the extreme, and there is a (seemingly) seven-year-old child here, so uncouth!
Lin Jianqing tightened her grip on Lin Ran: "I'm not here to catch up with you today."

"If you don't want to reminisce with me, then what do you want to talk to me about?" Guo Hao finally remembered the business: "Did you bring the money?"
"I didn't bring it with me!" Lin Jianqing said fiercely: "I came here today to make it clear to you that Lin Ran will not follow you anymore. I will take him with me myself!"

As soon as she said this, the alley immediately fell silent. Guo Hao didn't react at first, but when he realized what Lin Jianqing said, his eyes widened: "You crazy bitch, what did you say?"
"I said Lin Ran, I want to take care of him myself!"
Guo Hao was shocked: "Are you pretending to be a loving mother to me now? Lin Jianqing, when you sent Lin Ran here two years ago, it was like throwing out a piece of shit. Why didn't you say that you would take care of him yourself? Now I have worked so hard to bring him to such a big age, and you are here to pick him up?!"
Lin Jianqing pursed her lips and said nothing. She only held Lin Ran's hand. Lin Ran was silent for a while. Guo Hao said maliciously: "Does Wei Sheng know that you are just a broken shoe? Does he know that you have such an older son?"
Lin Jianqing said: "He doesn't need to know, I can take care of him myself!"
Guo Hao suddenly looked ferocious and strode forward: "Bitch, what the hell are you so stupid about!" She took Lin Ran away, who will he get the money from, that oil bottle is what he used as a threat, and he grabbed Lin Jianqing, the money tree!
As he said this, he stepped forward to snatch someone. Lin Jianqing was wary of this move early in the morning, so she pulled Lin Ran and hid a few steps further away. While hiding, she said, "Guo Hao, you are just a coward, you will always look to women for money! I have already thought about it. I will take care of the child by myself, and I don’t want you to interfere anymore. And you are not qualified to intervene in the first place. I gave birth to the child by myself at that time, and his household registration is still in our family, he has nothing to do with you!"

"Bitch!" Guo Hao was angry. He touched his waist and pulled out a knife. The knife was obviously not at the level of cutting fruit. It was about as long as two palms, and the tip of the knife looked extremely sharp.

Lin Jianqing's body gradually stiffened, then she realized what he was doing, pulled Lin Ran and ran away!
The alley was not deep, so Lin Jianqing pulled Lin Ran a few steps and ran out, then staggered and chose a direction at random. Guo Hao was cursing behind them. He was a man after all. He was about to catch up. Lin Jianqing's grip on Lin Ran's hand tightened.
Not long after running, Lin Jianqing felt a pain in her scalp. With a "bang" sound, Guo Hao pulled her hair and threw her against the wall. Stars almost appeared in her eyes. Some people around them heard the noise and turned around to take a look. As if to see the excitement, there was actually someone blowing a whistle.

The man had great strength. He dragged Lin Jianqing deeper into the alley with one hand, and then strangled her neck fiercely: "You bitch, you want to get rid of me, don't you want to die?"
Lin Jianqing gasped and scratched his face: "Let go..."
"Tell me, will you pay me back?"
Guo Hao became even more angry and gritted his teeth: "Bitch!" He waved his hand and slapped Lin Jianqing, but as soon as he let go, Lin Jianqing seized the opportunity, nimbly dodged, and pushed her knee directly into Guo Hao's stomach! The man screamed, and Lin Jianqing grabbed something and threw it at him with all her strength!

The murder weapon was a garbage lid made of iron. It hit Guo Hao's head and made a violent sound. Guo Hao stared and instantly softened like a puddle of mud.

Lin Jianqing gasped and leaned against the wall, physiological tears dripping down and soaking her mask. Lin Jianqing didn't dare to delay, so she reached out to pull Lin Ran, who seemed to be staying aside, with one hand: "Shall we go?"
But this pull did not make him move.

The woman thought that the child was unwilling to follow her, so she tried her best to smile and said, "Ranran, don't be afraid, I am your mother. From now on, you will live with me, okay?"
Her voice was buzzing and slightly hoarse because someone had just strangled her neck. Lin Ran looked up at her without any reaction.
The woman held him with one hand, then squatted down, trying to be as level as Lin Ran: "I know, you haven't seen me before, but... but I am really your mother. You have been with my mother since you were four years old. It was your grandma who lived with you and didn’t leave your hometown until you were four years old." She said: "Guo Hao is not a good person. If you follow him, you won't have -"
What she was about to say stopped abruptly.

Because the child with a dull face in front of her suddenly changed his expression, his eyes were cold, like a poisoned knife, cutting the person painfully with one glance.

Not only that, Lin Jianqing felt something pressing against her soft abdomen.
Like... a handgun.
Lin Jianqing's pupils shrank.
In the dark alley, something was ready to move.
Guo Hao fainted on the ground with blood on his head, and the left half of his face was leaning against the dirty sewage. Lin Jianqing stiffened her body and squatted down, looking at Lin Ran's level. Because of the small handgun pressed against her abdomen, she did not dare to move.
Although the current scene was still within her expectations, Lin Jianqing did not expect that Lin Ran actually had a gun in his hand.
You won't really shoot, right?
Reason told her: "No, Lin Ran has feelings for grandma. He will never let himself kill grandma's favorite daughter with his own hands. He will not shoot."
But she still couldn't stop being scared physically, thinking: "Normal people may not be able to do this, but is Lin Ran a normal person? He is a mysterious and unpredictable antisocial personality, a madman. In the second half of the novel, this guy plans to have the hero, heroine and a large number of innocent people buried with him!"

Uncontrollably, Lin Jianqing's eyes showed naked fear.
Lin Ran felt it, and even though his eyes were cold, there was a slight smile on his face. He threatened Lin Jianqing with one hand, and steadily moved forward with the other hand to remove the mask on Lin Jianqing's face.
Lin Jianqing suddenly closed her eyes.

Lin Ran's innocent voice rang out: "Hey, aren't you my sister from Seine City?" He said, "Why are you here?"
Lin Jianqing opened her eyes and saw him smiling like a devil, as if she finally couldn't control her fear: "You..."
"What's wrong with me?" Lin Ran tilted his head.
"You're not Lin Ran!" Lin Jianqing blurted out with horror on her face: "Who are you? Are you also a time traveler?"
Lin Ran: "..."
He was filled with astonishment in his heart, but on the surface he calmly pressed his hand and gun harder, vaguely asking, "Are you a time traveler too?"
The word "traveler" is easy to understand. Lin Ran quickly understood it, but then became even more confused. What's going on? This Lin Jianqing turned out not to be reborn, but to travel through time?
Does she think he also traveled through time?

The situation was instantly different from what Lin Ran had imagined. He said the word "ye" plausibly and led Lin Jianqing to where he wanted to go. As expected, the woman was quickly fooled and said excitedly: "I am, I am! I didn’t expect that you also traveled through time, fellow, I’m from Dongcheng High-tech Zone, what about you, where are you from, and when did you travel through time?”

She seemed to be a chatterbox, and she was not in a hurry when she didn't hear Lin Ran's answer. She complained: "I traveled through time more than two months ago, and this original body left a lot of mess..." She seemed to think of the child in front of her. It was a kind of mess. She coughed and looked at him cautiously and said, "What, little brother, you can take this thing." The woman pointed to her abdomen tremblingly: "Take it back? I'm a little scared."
Lin Ran didn't move. Think about it, so the Lin Jianqing in front of him is not the reborn Lin Jianqing, but a time traveler? If she was a time traveler, why did she want to get close to him?

If he thinks about it carefully, using rebirth to explain the change in her character is a bit insufficient.

Lin Ran asked her: "Why are you approaching me?"
Lin Jianqing quickly explained: "This is the obsession left by the original body. Before she died, she wanted me to find your original body and take you with her. I must complete this obsession, otherwise the integration with the body will not be successful, I will die!"
She said: "I don't want to die. Little brother, when you traveled through time, did your original body have any obsessions? If so, I can help you!"
Then can you help her too?
After the woman finished speaking, she looked at Lin Ran with twinkling eyes, a stupid look on her face, and she kept all her thoughts on the surface. Lin Ran felt a sense of disobedience and said impatiently, "So you followed me on purpose in Seine City?"
"Before I came to see you, I specifically found a private detective, but the detective told me that you were not in the country and had gone to Seine City. I wanted to find your original body so that I could improve my favorability." Lin Jianqing asked again. : "Brother, when did you come across time? Was it in after in Seine City or before Seine City?"
Lin Ran didn't answer.

Lin Jianqing asked again: "How old were you before you died? I was twenty when I died. Are you older or younger than me? You are so naughty. You even got guns and other prohibited items. You shouldn't be younger than me, right? Which university did you graduate from?"
She seemed to have a hundred thousand reasons, and he was extremely cold-blooded. She could clearly see Lin Ran's impatience with her, but she still asked him again and again. Finally, Lin Ran couldn't help it anymore and took the gun back, and said with a dark face: "I am not a time traveler."

Lin Jianqing's brake jammed: "You're not a time traveler?!" She panicked: "Impossible, you are not a time traveler and you are so awesome? You are only seven years old and you can hold a gun!"

Lin Ran smiled coldly: "Where do you think Welling Harbor is?"
Lin Jianqing: "..." Yes, I suddenly remembered that this place is involved in crime.
The woman was immediately stunned and her whole body was stiff, even more exaggerated than when she was held against the gun just now. After reacting for more than ten seconds, she suddenly revealed a particularly ugly smile: "That..."
"I just lied to you, it was an April Fool's joke!"
Lin Ran chuckled: "It's July now."
Really, you can’t even find a better excuse? Stupid as hell.

The woman stammered: "Then, you won't believe my nonsense, will you?"
Lin Ran said calmly: "What do you think?"
Lin Jianqing forced a smile: "Zi Buyu has strange powers and chaos. Things like time travel are superstitious and cannot be believed!"
Lin Ran didn't want to talk to her anymore. He put the gun back in his schoolbag and packed it up before leaving. He ignored Guo Hao who was still unconscious on the ground. Lin Jianqing stayed where he was and hadn't reacted yet. Seeing that he was about to leave, how could that be possible? She quickly followed up and said, "Lin Ran, why don't you go back with me first?"
"Your dad is not a good guy, he is just a gambler. Gambler, do you understand? Sooner or later you will be sold by him! I am different. I don't eat, drink, whore, gamble or smoke. I am a good citizen. You live with me, isn't it better than following him?"
"I can live by myself without following anyone."
"That won't work, you're still underage." Lin Jianqing said quickly: "You still have to study. If you live in Wellingport, Guo Hao won't send you to study!"
"I don't need to study."
"Everyone has to study, it's necessary."
Lin Ran turned around and patted his schoolbag pointedly: "Are you sure you want to continue following me?"
Lin Jianqing stiffened: "That..."
Lin Ran: "Huh?"

She quickly said: "I will come see you another day."
Lin Ran left. Lin Jianqing stood there and breathed a sigh of relief when no one could be seen.
Silent Hill just finished watching a big drama, and he was excited: "Is this it today?"
Lin Jianqing accepted the offer and said, "This is all we can do for the time being. Let's go back."
As she spoke, she lowered her head and glanced at Guo Hao. She became angry when she remembered how the man was strangling her neck. Seeing that there was no one around, she stretched out her leg and kicked him. Then she put on her mask again and hurried away.
Silent Hill said: "But I just saw that Lin Ran seemed quite indifferent. You have told such a big thing about time travel, but he has not revealed anything about his own rebirth. Could it be that he doesn't fully believe you yet?"
"I don't need him to believe me completely." Lin Jianqing said: "Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will one day grow into towering trees. Time travel and rebirth are both mysterious things, and he can't find any evidence to prove it. If it’s fake, then this thing is most likely true.”
If Lin Ran himself was not a reborn person, it would be difficult to convince him that Lin Jianqing had traveled through time. But Lin Ran himself was actually reborn, and he had experienced this kind of fantasy thing himself. At this time, he would be much less resistant to the equally fantasy thing of "traveling".
As long as he starts to believe that she is not the original owner, she will have a chance by completing task two.

In fact, Lin Jianqing never thought of revealing her time travel to Lin Ran at first, but before she started doing the task, she never thought that Lin Ran was reborn! He is not seven years old, but thirty years old. The villain has turned completely dark, and the person he hates most in his life is the original owner.

And she only has three months to complete her mission.
Lin Jianqing could not bear the blame. Once she did, there would be no possibility of reconciliation between her and Lin Ran.
Therefore, she can only do a little artistic processing on the matter of "travelling", adulterate the truth, and reveal the truth to Lin Ran. Only when Lin Ran puts down his vigilance can Lin Jianqing have the opportunity to complete the second task of persuasion. The best case scenario is that Lin Ran would leave Welling Harbor and live with her.

Today, Lin Jianqing has completed the first and crucial step of this plan.
Next, they have to wait a little while.
Lin Jianqing is very patient. She is really patient. Due to physical reasons in her previous life, she could not rush into anything. Now that her heart has healed, this habit has been retained. Even if the situation is dangerous and it is related to her own survival, Lin Jianqing can do it to an almost pervasive calmness.
She gave Lin Ran nearly half a month to digest.
Half a month later, relying on the geographical link, she easily found Lin Ran and had an "unexpected encounter" with Lin Ran.
It was in a shopping mall, and Lin Ran was shopping in a digital equipment store. Lin Jianqing was wearing a skirt, her face was pale, and she looked very bad.
According to the script, Lin Jianqing pretended to visit the mall for a while, and then happened to ignore Lin Ran. He was excited and quietly became a "stalker".
She did not go to say hello to Lin Ran immediately, but followed Lin Ran like a pervert until Lin Ran bought a computer. Lin Jianqing quickly turned around and pressed against the wall. After Lin Ran left the store, she quickly followed him.
Of course, her clumsy tracking method, which even a rookie was not worthy of, was soon discovered by Lin Ran. Lin Ran ducked and walked towards the safe stairs. Lin Jianqing hurriedly followed. As soon as she opened the door and entered, she saw Lin Ran looking at her with his arms across his chest.

The plan goes through!

Lin Jianqing mentally snapped her fingers, but on the surface she shrank, almost subconsciously turning around and retreating immediately, but a few seconds later, the door to the safe passage was pushed open again.

Lin Ran watched the woman stick out her head and smiled flatteringly: "Well, can we have a chat?"
