ADMKSF - 007.1

Lin You doesn't care what others look at her, she only wants to make money, get rich, and survive!

The slender figure squeezed to Bai Hang's side as lightly as a monkey. After getting the boss's consent, Bai Hang turned his head without hesitation and stuffed the big black fish weighing more than ten kilograms into Lin You's arms. Although Lin You was slender, she was wearing fishing and hunting clothes and leather gloves and could easily hold the big black fish in her arms.

She urged Bai Hang again: "Director Bai, please help me take two photos. I will develop the photos and hang them on my bedside."

Bai Hang thought this was a good idea, so he took the phone from the staff and clicked it.

Satisfied, Lin You put the fish back, and the boss who bought the fish chuckled: "Does anyone else want to take a photo? It's free, we don't charge, let's make a fortune together."

Lin You and Bai Hang both looked at Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi who were unmoved, and asked, "Seniors, aren't you taking pictures?"

Qi Yu: "..."

Zhao Ziqi: "..."

An hour later, Lin You and others took a shower, put on new clothes and came out of the room on the second floor. Lin You held her half-dry long hair on her head and piled dry towels on top of her head. Passing by the stairs, she saw a sealed photo hanging on the wall of the hall.

In the photo, Lin You is standing in position C, holding a large black fish weighing more than ten kilograms in her arms. Next to her are Qi Yu, Zhao Ziqi and Bai Hang. Behind her are some villagers from Daxian Village and the person who came here specially, Boss Zhou, who bought the fish.

Everyone laughed happily, including Qi Yu who was a little reluctant to take photos with the fish at first.

Lin You took a photo, turned to the director team behind her and said: "Remember to take a close-up of the photo, and then I will buy a hot search for Senior Qi. I have thought up the terms for you, so I will call: Qi Yu smells so good.”

The chief director poked his head out from among the staff, with a smile on his face: "To tell you the truth, netizens have already given away a hot search for free."

[Someone, bring Lin You up and call her the prophet. ]

[I checked Weibo, and there is really a hot search for 'Qi Yu is so fragrant'! ]

[Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi perfectly explain what a slap in the face is ]

[Wow, this is a family photo! ]

[This bullshit family photo should also includes Qingqing, right? Do the directing crew know how to behave? They didn't ask Qingqing to come over for a group photo. ]

[A dog is indeed missing from the photo. ]

[Help hahaha, isn’t your family Qingqing suffering from heatstroke? Do we need the director team to carry it and shoot it together? Not good, it’s somewhat unlucky (bushi)]

[Lin Youzhen is the artist I’ve seen who cleans up the fastest. ]

[Wait, what are you going to do? ]

When the camera turned, Lin You was seen turning around and walking into the storage room. She picked up the plastic bucket from the morning, threw the water scoop into the bucket, and walked out slowly.

The chief director was stunned and asked: "Lin You, why are you going?"

Lin You: "Water it. The sun is setting now. I will go to the vegetable field to water it just right."

Chief Director: "...Aren't you tired?"

Du Enqing stopped talking and used the excuse of heatstroke to go back to the room to rest. The other three guests, even Bai Hang, a young and strong young man, collapsed on the bed, wishing to merge with the bed. Only Lin You, a thin and frail looking girl whose arms and legs seemed to have been broken by him, could still carry a bucket to water the water after a long day of work.

The chief director frowned and typed a line of text on his mobile phone, silently motioning to Lin You to look over: Don't worry, I've looked it over for you. Netizens' evaluation of you has improved a lot, don't tire yourself out.

Lin You felt warm in her heart.

Thanking the chief director for his kindness, she smiled and waved her hand: "I'm not tired, don't underestimate me."

As she said that, she walked out with the bucket and said to the camera: "Senior and the others have eaten snacks in the afternoon, and they are not too hungry now. I guess it will be good to wait for me to finish watering the vegetables and go back to cook."

Lin You watered the vegetables very quickly. Although only one day had passed, the vegetable field had undergone two waterings with spiritual spring water, but there were some changes. Water drops swayed down from the lettuce leaves, making the color even more emerald in the sunset. Lin You touched her chin and picked a few lettuces when leaving the vegetable field, preparing to use them for a lettuce salad later.

Throwing the lettuce into the bucket, Lin You just returned to the yard at the door when she heard the chief director's hurried voice coming from the headset: "Du Enqing has cooked the fish you prepared to make braised fish!"

Lin You: "?"

The director told Lin You the current situation in a few words.

After resting, Du Enqing felt hungry and went downstairs. As a result, there was nothing to eat. She was probably angry, so she turned to the camera and told fans: "Since everyone is resting, I will cook tonight." My cooking skills are also very good, I hope everyone will like it."

Du Enqing's fans naturally cheered happily, and each one posted a comment saying, "Looking forward to my sister cooking." Other viewers didn't take it seriously at first, until they saw Du Enqing open the refrigerator and take out the food that was not eaten at noon today. After eating, half of the black fish was preserved by Lin You.

[? ? ? ? ]

[Didn’t Lin You and the others make an appointment to cook pickled fish at night? ]

[Ah, Du Enqing did this on purpose? ]

[I didn’t expect Lin You to have a crazy fan. Is Lin You's name written on this fish? Aren’t they all made for everyone to eat? What difference does it make who does it? ]

[Sister’s cooking skills are much better than Lin You’s, right? ]

[Laughing to death, you call Lin You lazy if she doesn’t help, and you still accuse her of being lazy after your sister helps with dinner. What do you mean? ]

[Just do it, whoever makes it tastes bad will be embarrassed. ]

Du Enqing seemed to be unable to see the noisy barrage and said, "How about I make braised fish? My dad makes delicious braised fish."

She seemed to have just mentioned it casually, not wanting to get anyone's consent, so she picked up the half fish and chopped it into several sections to start making braised fish.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is still shaking gently:

[Isn’t this bad? Everyone has talked about eating pickled fish, so you can just make pickled fish. Why did you change it to braised fish? ]

The audience couldn't help but nod their heads when they saw this barrage, isn't that it?

But Du Enqing didn't care.

When Lin You opened the kitchen door, Du Enqing had already put all the fish into the pot. White smoke came out from both sides of the pot, and for a while, the sound of the frying pan could be heard. Du Enqing, who heard the commotion, turned around and met Lin You's eyes, and smiled softly: "It's Lin You, do you mind if I make braised fish for dinner?"

Lin You glanced at her pot and could guess what she was thinking.

The promised pickled fish turned into braised fish. Wasn't it because she didn't like it and wanted to disgust her?

She also showed a gentle smile: "As long as it tastes good, I don't mind any fish."

When Du Enqing heard this, she sneered in her heart. She didn't care about Lin You, she just cooked the braised fish seriously. Lin You's black fish soup at noon today was recognized by all the guests, so naturally she couldn't be worse than Lin You.

Lin You didn't bother to pay attention to her, and went to the well outside in the yard with the lettuce and the two crucian carp presented by Uncle Gu. Uncle Gu was very generous, and the two crucian carp he gave as a gift were also extremely large, with an average weight of more than one kilogram.

After killing the fish neatly and washing the lettuce, she carried the basket and walked inside.

As soon as she walked to the door, she saw Bai Hang walking out with a frown on her face. His eyes fell on her and he raised his eyebrows: "Why is she in the kitchen?"
