FVB - 016

Chapter 16 Little thing, you must fight against me

Jiang Jin didn't even look at Li Xichen and continued talking to Li Beixiao.

She was rambling in random directions, and she didn't even know what she said.

In the huge restaurant, the only sound was her muttering.

The dim crystal light fell on her face, illuminating her eyelashes and revealing a pair of clear eyes under the eyelashes.

Her eyes reflected the light, like the stars of the Milky Way shattering in her eyes.

Li Beixiao's hand holding the chopsticks was dazed.

He suddenly wished that time would stay at this moment forever...

Li Xichen jealously bit into the Coke chicken wings in his mouth. It was obviously a sweet Coke flavor, but it had a bit of a sour taste.

He also really wanted to be watched tenderly by this woman, holding his hand and talking, saying whatever she wanted...


There was a muffled sound, and Jiang Jin immediately turned her head.

Li Xichen covered his mouth and a trace of blood flowed from his fingers.

She rushed over and pried his fingers apart: "Why did your tooth fall out and you're bleeding so much? Go rinse your mouth quickly."

Li Xichen was depressed to death.

He just bit the bone hard, and why did he knock out his tooth...

The only thing he was lucky about was that it wasn't his front teeth that fell out.

"You are over five years old. It is normal for your teeth to fall out. Don't worry. Rinse your mouth first and then disinfect it."

Jiang Jin led him to the bathroom.

Li Xichen's angry heart suddenly calmed down strangely.

His hand lay in the woman's warm palm, as if he had found a harbor, as if no matter what happened, he would no longer be afraid.

The idea just popped into his head.

He suddenly woke up and immediately sneered.

Li Xichen, you are really worthless!

This woman just gave you a good look for a day, and you were moved?

Haha, have you forgotten the beatings, those dark and desperate days...

Let go, I'll do it myself."

Li Xichen threw Jiang Jin away and kicked the bathroom door shut.

"Heartless little brat!"

Jiang Jin clenched her fists and cursed bitterly.

But she is an adult after all, and she doesn't want to argue with a little brat.

She leaned on the sofa and said calmly: "Zhang Ma, do we have a medicine kit at home?"

"We have some."

Zhang Ma quickly went to the locker and took out a box.

Jiang Jin took out a bottle of disinfectant water and a box of cotton swabs from the box, and then took out two anti-inflammatory and painkillers...

As soon as Li Xichen came out of the bathroom, she waved at him: "Come here, let me take care of it for you."

He glanced at Jiang Jin, snorted coldly, and strode upstairs.

When his head was bleeding, this woman didn't even deal with it. How could she pretend to be a good person now?

"Come here."

Jiang Jin walked over, grabbed his collar without any explanation, and pushed him down on the sofa.

"Open your mouth." She frowned in displeasure, "Ah - open your mouth, can't you?"

Li Xichen was furious.

This woman relied on her status as an adult and her strength to bully him like this.

He gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

"Little thing, you must fight against me."

She put down the disinfectant in her hand and raised her hand towards Li Xichen.

Li Xichen's eyes flashed.

You can't play the role of a virtuous woman anymore.

The hand that he thought was going to grab his ear suddenly came down and kept tickling his belly.

Li Xichen: "..."

Jiang Jin's hand scratched his belly and his sides for a while, but there was no response for a long time.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a dark face.

"Aren't you ticklish?" Jiang Jin looked dumbfounded as if she had discovered a new world, "Aren't you itchy at all?"

Li Xichen: "Childish!"

Being scolded by a five-year-old child for being childish, Jiang Jin's old face looked a little ugly. She deliberately said fiercely: "If you don't cooperate with me, I'll tie you up."

"Third brother, your gums are bleeding again." Li Beixiao said from the side.

Li Xichen had no choice but to open his mouth reluctantly.

"That's good."

Jiang Jin touched his head, then helped him clean up the remaining blood in his mouth, and disinfected him carefully...

Li Xichen, who had always been irritable and unruly, was like a tamed puppy, sitting obediently on the sofa and letting Jiang Jin mess around in his mouth.

"Okay, take the anti-inflammatory medicine."

Jiang Jin poured a glass of warm water and handed it to his hand.

Li Xichen was slightly stunned.

He still couldn't believe that this woman could be so kind.

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned." Jiang Jin said angrily, "Don't pull me down."

She put down the water glass, turned around and walked upstairs.

Dealing with these two little things, she felt like half of life is gone.

She needs to go to bed early today to replenish the energy she has consumed.

Li Xichen looked at her back blankly.

"Third brother, you also think she has changed, right?" Li Beixiao said.

Li Xichen looked away and snorted lightly.

He stared at the anti-inflammatory medicine for two seconds, then raised his head and swallowed it, saying coldly: "Who knows what she might do next."

"Li Beixiao, I'm warning you, stay away from her." He said coldly, "If something goes wrong, there will be a monster. We can't get into her way."

Li Beixiao pursed his lips: "Anyway, she helped you with the first tooth you lost. You should say thank you to her."

"Tsk, does she deserve this thank you from me?"

Li Xichen kicked over the trash can and walked upstairs.

Ten minutes later.

There was a knock on the door of Jiang Jin's room.

She put on the mask and opened the door.

When she saw Li Xichen standing at the door, she chuckled: "Hey, there's a cup of tea in your hand. Is this for me?"

Li Xichen finally worked up the courage to knock on the door, but he heard sarcasm.

He sneered: "Give it to you? Are you worthy?"

He raised his head and drank the entire cup of tea.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Jiang Jin: "..."

Knock on her door and drink tea in one go just for the show?

What kind of neurosis is this?

She also sneered and was about to kick the door shut.

Li Xichen paused, turned around, and said, "I want to ask you a question."

Jiang Jin leaned against the door frame, patted her face with both hands to help the mask absorb, and pulled her lips coldly: "Ask."

"Why do you believe so firmly that I didn't steal Lu Duoduo's necklace?"

Li Xichen asked indifferently, with a nonchalant look on his face. It seemed that this was the only way to show that he didn't care about the answer to this question.

However, he had already come here specifically to ask, so how could he not care.

Jiang Jin took off the mask and said arrogantly: "Why should I tell you if you don't even pour me a glass of water?"

Li Xichen: "..."

He turned around and went downstairs, pouring a glass of water up: "You can talk now."

"Xiao Xi, you should say, Mom, please drink." Jiang Jin smiled and persuaded.

Li Xichen's hand paused: "Do you want me to call you mom?"

"I am your mother, so why don't I want to be called?"

Jiang Jin snorted coldly, "You heartless brat, I've never heard you call me mom."
