DSHSN - 16

After taking Yan Beibei to take a bath, Yan Li left her to play by herself. Gu Yiyi had been squatting in the room, so she could only go to his room to find him.

His door was closed. Out of politeness, Yan Li knocked on the door first. After hearing the boy's "come in" voice, she pushed the door open and entered.

Gu Yiyi turned around and saw that it was her, with a puzzled look on his expressionless face: "What are you doing here?"

Yan Li glanced at the three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination on his desk, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Is the male protagonist... starting to work hard?

In the novel, the male protagonist does not have good grades. He loves fighting and hates studying. Although he is not last in the exam, he is also the class leader who is holding the class average back. But he performed exceptionally well in the college entrance examination and was admitted to the best university in Beijing City. Because in the first semester of his senior year of high school, when he had trouble with his female partner, the female partner used his poor grades as an excuse to ridicule him in various ways.

In order to prove himself, the male protagonist began to work hard to become stronger.

Are you starting to work hard now?

When Yan Li bought him a three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination, it was purely because her daughter reminded them to give them gifts, otherwise she would have been too lazy to buy them. This guy was not her biological son, and she, an outsider, did not pay attention to his grades. If it weren't for his father's sake...

She asked: "You seem to be a little off lately? What's the matter? Are the sequelae of a broken love so serious?"

It was quite normal in the first few days, but then it suddenly became so depressed... She didn't know what happened after that.

Gu Yiyi kept his mouth shut, unwilling to talk about it. His head was lowered, and his bangs caught his eyes. He looked a little unkempt. Although it's unknown if it's because of emotional matters, he is really not in the right state recently. The boy who usually pays attention to taking care of himself has become a little unkempt and his hair is too long.

Yan Li pointed to his head and reminded him: "Look in the mirror and see if your hair is a little long?"

Gu Yiyi picked up the mirror obediently and took a look at himself.

This kid doesn't think she's mocking him anymore? Yan Li felt it was a little funny, and she pursed her lips into a slight smile, and soon her expression returned to normal.

His hair had indeed grown a bit. Gu Yiyi, who was holding a mirror, looked at his current state of embarrassment with a somewhat depressed expression.

"Now can you tell me what happened?"

Yan Li's concerned voice rang in her ears, Gu Yiyi turned his head slightly and looked at her fair face under the lamp.

After opening his mouth, he subconsciously said: "This is my own business and you don't need to worry about it."

But after he said it, he felt a little regretful. Yan Li was caring about him. He shouldn't have spoken like this, but he didn't intend to tell others about this.

As soon as Yan Li heard what this kid said, she immediately felt unhappy. She crossed her arms and said in a cold voice: "Actually, I don't want to care about it, but who told your dad to be so good to us? He sent someone to give us gifts. I don’t care about his son, it seems that I am a bit ruthless and unjust."

"Of course you don't want to say anything, that doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I've asked what I need to ask. It's your business whether you tell me or not." She had an indifferent attitude that said she didn't care at all.

"Whether you hold it back or not is up to you. The best I can do is tell your dad that you seem a little depressed recently. I think your dad would be willing to arrange for a psychologist to provide you with counseling, right?"

Gu Yiyi didn't want his father to know about this, so when he heard Yan Li say that he wanted to tell his father, he immediately stopped her.

"Don't tell him..."

This kid is quite afraid of his father.

Yan Li raised her eyebrows: "You didn't tell me. If your father doesn't know, what if you develop any psychological problems? You and I get along day and night at home. What if others blame me for not being a good stepmother?"

Gu Yiyi opened his mouth and said after a while: "My friend has entered the hospital."

Yan Li suddenly remembered that he had indeed gone out two days ago.

However, his friend was admitted to the hospital. Why did he make himself look like this? It's like his friend was not hospitalized, but dead?

"Then what?"

Gu Yiyi really didn't want Yan Li to know all this, but he didn't want his father to know even more, so he told her the truth. After explaining the cause and effect to her, he said: "Even if they give first aid, one of his legs may not be able to walk."

Yan Li commented from the side: "You young people are so impulsive. You can fight so hard even if it's no big deal."

"The person opposite called some gangsters from society." Gu Yiyi's voice was very low.

"So, are you worried about your brother?" Yan Li still felt that something was wrong. If you are worried about your brother, just worry about your brother. What's the point of making yourself depressed?

Gu Yiyi shook his head, with a bit of self-blame on his expression: "No... I was just thinking that if I hadn't been at home that day, maybe... maybe they would be fine."

"??" Those who didn't know thought you were going to be a hero to save the beauty?

Yan Li didn't understand the connection: "When they fight, do you still have to go and lock them up? What's wrong with being hurt? Do you think you can turn the tide if you go? Or do you think they can avoid fighting if you go there? "

This kid looks like he loves to fight, and he might be able to fight even harder.

The young man lowered his long eyelashes and sat on a chair, his face full of sadness: "If I go, then those people's target will not be them."

Yan Li suddenly understood why he felt guilty: "If you go, you will be a target, right?"

She was about to laugh to death from this guy.

"First of all, you didn't go. I think you are not wrong in this matter. You were not the one who caused trouble at the beginning, and you were not the one who fought with them this time. They are about the same age as you. To put it bluntly, they also have the ability to think independently. If at that time If you don't want to fight, they can completely avoid it. It doesn't matter whether your friend gets hurt or not, it's not your responsibility. The ones who are responsible are those who hurt them."

"Then, who's child is not the treasure of their parents? Their parents care about their children, and your father will also care about you. If something happens to you, do you think your father will feel better?"

"Besides, when they asked you out that day, you didn't know you were going to meet that group, so what does their injury have to do with you? Why do you need to feel guilty?"

"If it's because of the good relationship between the brothers, I think you can think of a way now to help them find a better doctor to see if your friend's leg can still be cured."

The only way Gu Yiyi could think of was to ask his father to help find a doctor.

However, he found it difficult to speak.

"I don't know how to tell my dad about this..."

Yan Li also understood, and found it a bit funny: "You dare to fight, but don't dare to tell your parents? Have your dad ever been invited by the school before?"

"My dad used to arrange for people to go to school."

Yan Li understood.

"Then you can think of a solution yourself." She refused to accompany him.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she met the young man's pleading eyes: "Auntie... can you... help me tell my father."

Gu Yiyi's sudden words "aunt" made Yan Li couldn't help but get goosebumps. She rubbed the raised spots on her arms, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although she is over thirty years old, whenever the teenagers call her aunt, she... There is always a feeling that she is very old, although she is indeed not young either.

Facing the young man's dark, watery and sincere gaze, Yan Li refused without hesitation, showing a somewhat coquettish expression.

"Well... I do want to help you, but I think it's better for you to tell him yourself. After all, I don't know much about this matter, and I don't understand your needs."

"You should keep your mouth shut and tell your father yourself!"

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Just kidding, she wasn't that familiar with Gu Heng, so she didn't want to help her cheap stepson talk about it.

After Yan Li left, Gu Yiyi sat in the room for a while, picked up the mobile phone on the table, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed his father's number.

The person on the other end quickly answered the phone, his voice a bit tired, but his voice still sounded clearer and better: "What's wrong?"

Gu Yiyi didn't know how to speak about this matter and was silent for a long time.

Gu Heng urged impatiently: "Speak!"

Gu Yiyi then said: "Dad, I have something to tell you."

"I'm not free now. If it's urgent, tell your Uncle Shen Yan. If it's not urgent, wait until I finish."

Then he hung up the phone directly.

The courage Gu Yiyi had mustered up suddenly seemed to be deflated, and he stopped calling Uncle Shen.

The next day, Yan Li called Gu Heng. It was nothing more than that she felt that Gu Yiyi's awkward personality might not necessarily listen to her words.

When she met him at breakfast in the morning, she felt that he had not changed much, and his hair was not cut during the day.

Yan Li wanted to ask.

After all, he put on a dead fish face and looked slovenly all day long, which made her feel unhappy just looking at him.

Gu Heng had been busy with very difficult things these past two days, which made him have a bad temper. As soon as he finished his work and was about to go to rest, he received a call from Yan Li.

He looked at his tired appearance in the mirror, washed his hands, dried them with a towel, and then answered the phone.


The man's voice sounded as good as ever.

Yan Li's ears twitched and she got straight to the point: "Did Yiyi call you yesterday and tell you about that?"

Gu Heng had already been busy and forgot about it. When he heard Yan Li's words, he said, "I asked him to tell Shen Yan, what's the matter?"

Yan Li relayed it to him.

Gu Heng nodded: "Okay, I understand."

After finishing the phone call with Yan Li, Gu Heng asked Shen Yan and learned that Gu Yiyi had not called him. After his face darkened, he took the initiative to call Gu Yiyi and said, "About your friend's treatment. I can help you arrange it, but I hope you can give me a passable grade next semester."


  1. Now I understand why he offers so much when Yan Li asks for divorce, his paternal streak is really null without an intermediary their relationship just wouldn't exist 😩

    Thanks for the chapters!!


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