ADMKSF - 008.2

In the script of "Pastoral Life", guests like them can only grow their own vegetables. It is really difficult to eat meat. The program team has not been as generous as it is today.

Lin You put the old hen in the refrigerator and hung up the bacon ribs.

If the cured pork ribs arrive earlier, Lin You can cut a small piece and soak it in water to remove most of the salt and make porridge. However, she just saw a large box of preserved eggs in the corner, so making preserved egg porridge would not be a problem.

During breakfast, all five guests gathered. Bai Hang held a huge bowl that was bigger than his face and said while eating: "We met Uncle Gu just now and said that some bosses will come over to see the fish later. Should we go and join in the fun?"

Lin You wiped her mouth and replied: "Okay."

Zhao Ziqi and Qi Yu naturally agreed. Only Du Enqing shook her head and said: "I want to write a song today."

Last night, several of Lin You's entries were on the hot search list, and netizens' evaluation of her changed dramatically in a short period of time, which made Du Enqing feel particularly unhappy. After she talked with her agent, the agent suggested that she should not confront Lin You for the time being, otherwise she would be the one who would be disliked.

She thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case, but since she chose not to force Lai Lai with Lin You, she would use her talent as a woman.

When Qi Yu and others heard what she said, they didn't say much. After breakfast, the four of them headed towards Gu Abo's fish pond together. Although it was still early, there were already many people gathered around the fish pond. The fish pond was pumping water last night, and early this morning someone went down to catch fish. Bai Hang squeezed in and saw how easily the elder brothers caught a bucket full of fish, and he felt quite jealous.

"Think better, the biggest fish has been caught by us." Qi Yu comforted him with a smile, and said hello to Uncle Gu.

Uncle Gu was very happy to see them coming, and quickly introduced the new faces around him to them, "This is the general manager of the Songzhu Hotel in our city. I

They heard that there was a big black fish yesterday, so he came here specially today."

The man introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, big stars, my surname is Li."

Manager Li obviously came prepared today. Yesterday at the wine table, he heard someone say that a fish pond in Daxian Village caught a huge snakehead fish weighing more than fifteen kilograms during the filming of the program, and he had some ideas in his mind. He has specifically investigated the program "Pastoral Life". The popularity of each live broadcast room is generally two million or more, and the hot searches are seven or eight. It is extremely famous.

So...if he buys the fish in this fish pond, he will publicize it again—

Celebrities have tasted it and say it is delicious! Absolutely pure wild fish. If you don’t believe it, just watch the show and so on.

Won’t a lot of people come to dine in their restaurant?

By then, won’t he have to be taken seriously by the people above?

Lin You and others greeted Manager Li with a smile. Although everyone was smiling, Lin You didn't have much fondness for Manager Li. Compared with the honest Boss Zhou yesterday, this Manager Li's narrowed eyes seem to contain many complicated and deep thoughts, the kind of person who can even plot against you with a smile.

Bai Hang and Qi Yu have been chatting with Manager Li. Bai Hang has a piece of grass in his mouth and has a sense of generosity all over his body: "Manager Li, do you want to buy all the remaining fish here?"

"Yes. Director Bai may not know that our Songzhu Hotel is a national chain and is owned by the Pei family. There may seem to be a lot of fish in this fish pond, but in fact it is not enough for our stores."

Bai Hang said casually, but Lin You narrowed her eyes.

Isn't the Pei family the head of that cheap father and son's family?

No wonder the Pei family's properties are spread all over the country. She didn't expect that a small manager under him could be so good at business. Lin You twitched her lips, and her eyes darkened slightly as she thought of the original owner's bastard father and Pei Tianyuan's deal with her.

Zhao Ziqi, who was standing next to Lin You, didn't notice the change in her expression. She just heard the words 'Songzhu Hotel', raised her eyebrows, and said in Lin You's ear: "I know this hotel. There was a big problem some time ago...”

When she said the last few words, the woman's voice was so low that only Lin You could hear it.

Seeing Lin You turning her head curiously, Zhao Ziqi couldn't help laughing: "Are you interested?"

Lin You nodded.

The two of them turned to the side and asked the photographer to wait where they were. Zhao Ziqi spoke in a low voice: "My husband's company is also involved in the catering industry. I heard what he said. I heard there were some customers there a while ago that were sent to the hospital directly after eating in the store, more than one or two of them."

"Has the matter been suppressed?" Lin You asked.

It seems that she has never seen similar news.

Zhao Ziqi nodded: "They were willing to give up the money. They paid one hundred thousand yuan to each of the guests and signed the agreement. Naturally, no one spoke."

But then she changed her words, tugged her lips and said: "But I think according to Songzhu Hotel, or according to Pei's urine, they will still overturn."

Because neither the Pei family nor the Songzhu Hotel took this emergency incident seriously at all. Perhaps in their eyes, when something goes wrong, they can settle everything with money, but they don't think of solving the problem fundamentally.

Zhao Ziqi often heard her husband mention Mr. Pei, and her impression of Mr. Pei was particularly bad. This time, she even showed disdain and disgust on her face. She took a deep breath and calmed down. Turning her eyes, she saw Lin Youzheng touching her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. After a while, Lin You asked tentatively: "Senior Zhao, what is the name of your restaurant? Can you tell me?"

Zhao Ziqi couldn't help but laugh: "Is there anything that can't be said?"

In fact, if you want to eat dim sum, you can search it online.

"Nanjiang Restaurant is a national chain restaurant." Zhao Ziqi smiled, "My husband met me when he went to inspect the restaurant."

Lin You couldn't help but smile when she heard this: "That's fate."

Under Zhao Ziqi's narration, Lin You learned that Zhao Ziqi's husband's real name was Chen Yi, and the Chen family relied on restaurants to expand the family business. Later, Chen Yi met Zhao Ziqi, so he expanded the Chen family's business and followed Zhao Ziqi into the entertainment industry. Now more than ten years have passed, and the Chen family's Tianqi Entertainment has become a well-known media company in the entertainment industry, but Nanjiang Tower is losing ground step by step.

As for the reason for the defeat - we have to talk about the Songzhu Hotel.

Pei's first step in opening up the catering industry was to poach the veteran chef who had worked at Nanjiang Tower for decades. This old chef is familiar with various specialties of Nanjiang Tower. After going to Songzhu Restaurant, he even brought all the dishes from Nanjiang Tower there.

"The dishes at Songzhu Restaurant are generally cheaper than those at our Nanjiang Restaurant, and the old chef came forward for an interview and even spread rumors that he left Nanjiang Restaurant because the ingredients in Nanjiang Restaurant were not fresh. This way, everyone is more willing to go there." Zhao Ziqi couldn't help but sigh as she said that. When she saw her husband was so worried that his hair turned white at such a young age, she felt anxious but could not help.

Originally, something happened at the Songzhu Hotel, and she was a little gloating about it, but she didn't expect that Mr. Pei could easily suppress the public opinion.

"Then, what if the ingredients at Nanjiang Restaurant are better and the taste is better? Will customers abandon Songzhu Restaurant and choose Nanjiang Restaurant?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Ziqi realized something was wrong. She frowned and asked Lin You bluntly: "What do you want to say?"

Lin You smiled: "To be honest, I don't like Mr. Pei very much. So... should we cooperate and take down the Songzhu Hotel?"

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized something. Yes, the food cooked by Lin You is so delicious. As an anorexic patient, she is always looking forward to the arrival of the meal. Aren't others looking forward to it even more?


She asked: "You don't want to be an artist but you want to be a chef? Here, chefs don't earn as much as artists."

Lin You touched her chin: "That's not the case. I just have a plan for the time being, and I have to think about the details carefully. Just in time, senior, didn't you say we would have a meal at some time? We will talk about it in detail then, what do you think?"

"No problem. I don't understand business matters. You can talk to my husband then."

Lin You said, "Okay".

She looked back at the almost continuous fish ponds in Daxian Village. If they could be wrapped up and used to raise fish in Lingquan water, the quality of these fish would be thousands of times better than those on the market.

It's just that she may need to advance some of her capital from the directing team.

Thinking of this, Lin You straightened her back. She took out her mobile phone and said bluntly in the group chat of a loving family:

@py @ Pei Henan, I just thought of a good way to make money. When I make money, you two won’t have to work hard at odd jobs!

Pei Henan crossed his slender legs and leaned on the sofa, looking lazy.

After a few seconds.

Pei Henan: Looking forward to it [cute]

Pei Henan: Come on, my wife [clench your fists and work hard]
