Chapter 9

Facing Shen Weiyue's question, Jin Sui'an was the first to refute.

"Miss Shen, you can't say that. In order to buy us time, Miss Gu risked her life to hold back the NPC. I believe that no one here has the courage. Your groundless accusation is unfair."

Lin Yao retorted in embarrassment and dissatisfaction: "Who said we don't have the guts? We just can't react as fast as her. Holding the NPC down is just a piece of cake. Finding a way to clear the level is the key to this link."

Lin Yao didn't want to admit that he was a man at all, but he was frightened to the point of utter embarrassment and shame by the NPC. He had to find some ground.

Jin Sui'an glanced at him helplessly, "But we neither held people back nor found a way. Facts speak louder than words."

"Hey, which side are you on?" Lin Yao wished he could throw him out, this scum who betrayed his male compatriots.

"I'm just stating the facts."

"Perhaps the real fact is that she had already figured out the tricks of the NPC before she put herself in danger. Her appearance of understanding the righteousness was just an act to gain attention and reputation."

Shen Weiyue made up her mind to discredit her and took advantage of every opportunity to target her.

Gu Xiaoxiao repeatedly steals her scenes and task cards, which is unbearable!

Yue Xinran beat her sore legs and said warmly: "I think it's all a team task anyway, so there's no need to take credit. It's good if you can pass the level. Xiaoxiao has won three consecutive victories, which has proven her strength. We should feel fortunate to have such an excellent teammate, and it is wise to work together to clear the level as soon as possible.”

Jin Sui'an: "Miss Yue is right. Our ultimate goal is to successfully pass the level. During this period, each of us can use our strengths and work together to clear the level. It is the best arrangement. As for who gets the task card, what does it matter? All information is shared." 

[I didn’t expect that Jin Sui’an’s outlook on life was as spot-on as his facial features]

[I also think that Shen Weiyue is too targeted at Gu Xiaoxiao. She is obviously afraid and messed up, but in the end she even beat her up. What kind of flourishing white lotus is this?]

[That is, I am afraid that before others steal the limelight, you should stand up for me. It’s nothing if you can only scream and run away]

[Rumors say that Gu Xiaoxiao is a coward and weirdo, why doesn’t it look like this to me]

[It’s not all Heizi’s slander. Our Xiaoxiao has been working hard and we hope this variety show can clear her name]

[Judging from her current performance, she is indeed courageous and wise, and she scares NPCs into a daze, which is quite interesting]

[It’s too early to conclude. As far as the current situation is concerned, the NPCs in the side missions are not powerful at all. Gu Xiaoxiao is just lucky. As the main missions unfold, the NPCs may not be so easy to fool. Just wait and see what happens.]

Seeing that Gu Xiaoxiao's reputation among the guests has improved, Shen Weiyue felt angry and resentful in her heart. However, no one was on her side, so she had to swallow the bad breath bitterly and vowed not to do it again in the next level. She has little chance!

Qi Yan, who had been silent all this time, said: "Time is limited, let's see what the prompts are for the main mission?"

Gu Xiaoxiao is right, this is just a game, if you take it seriously you will lose.

The reason why he failed repeatedly was because he took the NPC seriously. Next time, he would definitely not be scared again.

Gu Xiaoxiao handed the task card to everyone to circulate in an obedient manner. There were only four words on the card— test in class.

Lin Yao said in surprise: "What kind of mission is this? Is there a test?"

Qi Yan concluded: "The four clues of the candidates, the senior high school class (1), the in-class test, and the candidates' wishes are all added together, and the exam is undoubtedly certain."

Jin Sui'an: "Not only do you have to take exams, but you also have to get high scores, right?"

"Ah~ It's been so many years since I graduated. I have returned all the knowledge points to the teacher, and I still have to get high marks in the test. Shouldn't I be out if I fail?" Yue Xinran looked hopeless.

Shen Weiyue couldn't hide the confidence in her eyes, smiled and reassured: "It's okay, it shouldn't be too difficult. Compared with being chased by NPCs, the exam is easy."

[Hahaha, this scene is real, the scumbag and the top student feel the same way]

[Should Ranbao’s reaction be so real, it’s like looking in a mirror]

[Great, finally there is a project that Yueyue is good at. The top student Yueyue is trying to cheat, so everyone gets out of the way]

[This is a haunted house variety show, any unconventional operation is possible, maybe you will suffer disaster if you do well in the exam]

[Shut up, I just think you are jealous that our top student Yueyue is about to kill everyone]


Gu Xiaoxiao stood up, patted the ashes on her butt, and walked straight to the second floor: "Let's go. It's a blessing, not a curse, and you can't avoid it."

Yue Xinran followed closely behind her: "Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Maybe the question is simple?"

Lin Yao also stepped upstairs and said pessimistically: "I see you are thinking about Peach. The senior year of high school has brought together the most perverted simulation tests in history. The easiest one is the name column, just waiting to be tortured."

Jin Sui'an: "What if it's easy?"

[Hahaha, the reactions of the bad students are really surprisingly similar]

[This scene is very similar to the daily routine of my gay friends and I taking exams]

[On the other hand, looking at Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue's calmness, it seems that they have something in their stomachs]

[So, you are now involved to the point where you are a scumbag and will be tortured even for playing a game?]

[Hahaha, roll it up, roll it up, we wouldn’t be able to watch this kind of heartbreaking variety show if we didn’t roll it up]

Upstairs, the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3.

The students from the film school had put on their makeup and sat down in their respective seats.

They were wearing uniforms, both male and female, sitting upright but with their heads drooped. They hid their scary makeup in the dark to create a sense of atmosphere.

While waiting for the guests to arrive, everyone couldn't help but discuss in a low voice.

"Judging from the screams coming from downstairs just now, those NPCs are quite powerful. As students in the acting department, we can't lose to those wild people. If our acting skills are outstanding, a talent scout may come to our door. "

"Wake up, we are all wearing makeup. What talent scout would scout us with this look?"

"The makeup is just a bonus, the key depends on the NPC's body language and emotional expression."

"Come on, we are static NPCs. We just use our expressions to scare people. How many shots can we create for ourselves!"

"The layout is too small. For actors, no matter how many roles there are, they have to do their best to perform."

"Then you should behave well in a moment. I'm just here to make fun of myself. I just want to finish recording and leave. This place is too damn scary."

"Me too. If I had known this place was so spooky, I wouldn't scare people just for fun."

As she spoke, she looked around. Besides them, there were more than twenty dummies dressed like them on the seats, which was indescribably weird.

"Zi~Zi!" The light tube above the head suddenly flickered.

Just as everyone was looking up in confusion, a person suddenly appeared on the originally empty podium.

Wearing a white dress, her long hair was flowing, her head was drooped so that she could not see clearly, and she had a lesson plan under her arm.

"Fuck, how did she appear in just one second?"

"No, you don't know?"

"No need to ask, there must be a mechanism installed on the podium."

After finishing speaking, the person on the podium slowly raised her head and looked at the crowd.

Her skin was extremely pale, making her black and white pupils extremely cold. When her cold eyes swept over the NPCs present one by one, everyone felt that wherever their eyes passed, there was a layer of bone-chilling chill. One glance sent shivers down everyone's spine for no reason.

The woman in white raised her index finger to her bloody lips and let out a long "shh".

When the sound hit their ears, it was as if someone blew a breath of cool air into their ears, causing dense goosebumps starting from the auricles and spreading all over the body.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, this NPC was too scary!

When passing by the corridor entrance on the second floor, Qi Yan subconsciously glanced at the place where the NPC was standing.

Those sinister and malicious eyes came to his mind again. He closed his eyes and described the NPC's appearance in detail in his mind, trying to make himself immune in this way.

He firmly believes that through recalling and remembering again and again, he can always develop his composure in times of crisis and no longer be affected by the atmosphere created by the program crew.

The corridors on the second floor were brightly lit, the classroom doors were open, and the faint sound of students reading could be heard vaguely in their ears. Combined with the dilapidated and cold environment around them, it was indescribably weird.

Yue Xinran stroked the goose bumps on her arms and moved closer to Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Although the lights are on, I always feel scarier than when the lights are turned off. Do you feel the coldness on the back of your neck?"

"It's a bit cold, probably because of the air conditioning. Don't be afraid, there are no ghosts in this world."

"I don't believe there are ghosts in the world, but the atmosphere created by the show crew is so strong that I can't help but believe in evil. By the way, you just had close contact with the long-tongued ghost. Is he really an NPC?"

"Of course he is played by a human being, but the special effects and props are made more realistic. If it was really a ghost, I would have received a box lunch a long time ago." Gu Xiaoxiao said firmly.

"I don't believe this when others say it, but I believe you. After all, you have already dealt with three NPCs."

"Okay, the purpose of this variety show is to scare the audience and guests into screaming. If you really get into the fun, then you will be fooled by them. Stay calm, don't be afraid."

[I knew that the fans were right, Gu Xiaoxiao was really fearless, she couldn’t say anything she said]

[She has always been trying to catch people's attention by speaking in a tone-deaf manner, but this time she is even risking her life to get attention. She is an old peddler.]

[Even if it is hype, people are doing it based on their ability. The strength of winning the mission card three times is obvious to everyone]

[We’ll see, she will overturn the car in the next level! ! ! !]

Faced with Gu Xiaoxiao's self-righteous remarks, Lin Yao sneered and said: "It's easy to say, but in practice, only someone like you who wants the limelight rather than her life will be calm."

Gu Xiaoxiao spread her hands: "If you think so, I can't help it. Anyway, it's not me who makes a fool of myself!"

"You!" Lin Yao was heartbroken.

He also wanted to take it calmly, but this unscrupulous program team did not give him this chance at all. Whether it was the NPC or the atmosphere of the scene, they were all too real. Screaming and running away were all driven by instinct, and he could not help but calm down!


Following Qi Yan's prompt, everyone stopped at the door of Class 1, Grade 3.

Compared with the wide open state of other classrooms, the doors and windows of Class 3 (1) were tightly closed. Looking inside through the fence on the door, it was completely dark.

On the wall at the entrance of the classroom, a beam of cold white light shines directly on the blackboard, with the content of the main mission written in red fonts on it.

Lin Yao read in a deep voice: "Points and scores are the lifeblood of students. Test papers are the teacher's magic weapon. The college entrance examination is coming soon. Everyone is preparing hard for high scores. Some students do not hesitate to engage in feudal superstition in order to take shortcuts. Inviting gods and immortals has become a widely circulated secret among students. It is said that as long as you can invite the paper fairy to come, whatever you write will be the correct answer. Faced with such a huge temptation, someone took action, and she successfully invited the paper fairy. I also gained supernatural powers, but my test scores are still difficult to see. What is the reason for this result? Please find out the answer..."

As soon as Lin Yao finished reading, the fonts on the blackboard disappeared, the surrounding light sources dimmed, and the previously dark classroom suddenly lit up with a bloody light.

At the same time, the broadcast came out again: ""The Candidate's Wish", the clearance time is 30 minutes, the timer starts now."
