Chapter 10

[Oh my god, the color of this light is amazing, it looks evil at first glance]

[Ah ah ah, I'm so scared, but I can't help but want to continue watching]

[Guess how many NPCs there will be in the classroom (dog heads)]

[Of course, the more, the better. Taking exams with NPCs is so refreshing just thinking about it]

Lin Yao looked at the closed classroom door in front of him and swallowed, raised his hand to hold the door handle, and looked back at everyone.

"I'm opening the door."

After asking for permission, he turned his wrist and opened the door.

What they see is a wide podium with four bright red characters "Quiz" on the blackboard. The thin paint outlines the wet and fluid feeling, and paired with the red lights, it is indescribably weird.

There are neat desks and chairs under the podium, and the NPC seats are almost full. They are wearing the same school uniforms with Linglan High School printed on them. They sit in standard postures and have thin bodies. On their pale faces, black pupils are staring blankly in front of them, and their red lips are slightly raised. The smile they pulled out had no emotion at all, but was actually creepy.

"Are these people real or fake?" Yue Xinran huddled behind Gu Xiaoxiao and asked timidly with half of her head sticking out.

"The light is too dark to see clearly. It looks a bit fake." Shen Weiyue looked at her "classmate" carefully.

"Damn, they won't let us sit with them, right?" Lin Yao's heart rang with alarm bells.

Jin Sui'an analyzed: "I counted the empty seats, and there were exactly six. If we don't sit with them, how can we take the test standing up?"

"Whether it's true or not, these people look so evil." Lin Yao said while touching his neck, and the cold air that followed him never stopped.

Qi Yan said solemnly: "You can know whether it is true or false by testing it yourself."

Under everyone's horrified and anxious gazes, Qi Yan walked towards the NPC closest to them, stretched out his hand to touch the other person's hand on the table.

"This is fake."

Jin Sui'an also touched the NPC closest to him, "This one is also fake."

"Both of them are fake? Let me take a look at this." Lin Yao was encouraged and walked to the window, raised his hand and touched the NPC.

As soon as his hand touched the other person's arm, when the warmth came, the other person's drooping head also raised, and he gave him a weird and sinister smile.

"Ahhhh! Fuck..."

Lin Yao was so frightened that he jumped up and quickly rushed to Qi Yan's side, shaking his hands to indicate the direction of the NPC, "That's true!!"

The timid Yue Xinran was immediately frightened and cried: "Wow~ It turned out to be a real NPC mixed with fakes. The program team is so bad. If there is a real NPC sitting next to you, how can you even think about answering the test? Woohoo, I'm scared!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Whether it's true or false, it's all for the sake of the show's effect. The more you fear the NPCs, the more excited they will be. If you are more calm, they will have no intention of scaring you." Gu Xiaoxiao spoke of her own experience and patted her back to comfort her.

Yue Xinran shook her head and hid in her arms. Her mind was now filled with the twin fears of exams and NPCs, and she couldn't even hear a word of comfort.

She continued to sob: "But the fear in my heart is real. I have to pay attention to the movements of NPCs during the exam. This is too much torture. It's amazing if I can do well in the exam."

[Should I say it or not, this variety show is really the most immoral variety show in history. I really don’t dare to come if I don’t have the courage.]

[The program team is constantly making tricks, and the mixture of real and fake NPCs like this one really tests people’s courage]

[It’s such an atmosphere, but it still requires people to calm down and take the exam. It’s really cool]

[But what should I do? I like this variety show more and more, Modo Modo]

[I have called many friends to come and watch, just waiting to see these big stars who are usually so famous, so frightened that their faces turn pale and their image is completely gone]

"Zi~Zi!" The familiar sound of electricity sounded again, and the hearts of the real NPCs on the seats tightened inexplicably.

As the lights went out, everyone held their breath.

The guests looked around cautiously.

When the red light lit up again, a white figure suddenly appeared on the podium, and it was next to Lin Yao in an instant.

The corners of her lips curled up in an arc without any emotion, her pale face reflected the red light, and she looked straight at Lin Yao.

"Ah... fuck me!"

Lin Yao and the audience in the live broadcast room were so frightened that they screamed and screamed.

The people lined up behind him were also broken into cold sweats, and their screams were choked in their throats by her sinister glance.

"What are you doing standing there? Why don't you go to your seat to take the exam? Do you want me to invite you?" The gentle tone, coupled with the high-pitched voice, made people inexplicably frightened.

When everyone heard this, they all hurriedly walked to their seats. Lin Yao cursed as he walked: "Why are you just pointing at me to scare me? Do you think I am easy to be taken advantage of?"

Under the teacher's death gaze, everyone walked to their seats step by step. Qi Yan and Jin Sui'an chose the nearest empty seats.

The timid Yue Xinran immediately went straight to the corner of the last row. Although there were NPCs everywhere, having a corner to support her was barely a psychological comfort.

Shen Weiyue made up her mind to shine in this game and chose the empty seat in the center of the classroom without any suspense, while Lin Yao sat by the window across the aisle from Jin Sui'an.

Because Gu Xiaoxiao didn't want to walk, she simply sat in the empty seat in the first row, facing the podium.

[Gu Xiaoxiao is so brave that she sits in the first row. Not only are there NPCs around her, but she also has to get up close and personal with the teacher. The teacher looks like the big boss of the main mission, and it’s a level where she is expected to become a monster.]

[If you really want to show off your grades, Gu Xiaoxiao, the college scumbag of the century, will soon show her true colors]

[What’s funny to me is that Yue Xinran’s eyes were clear when she sat in the corner where the scumbag loved the most. When she looked up at the NPC beside her, she immediately withered, and her face changed completely in a second]

[Our Yuebao is still calm wherever she sits. The burden of clearing this level is all on her.]

[I know you guys are top students in steam cooking, so you don’t need to keep building your presence. It’s just a game session. You’re addicted to showing off, so be careful to get slapped in the face]

[It’s impossible to slap someone in the face, just wait and see, scumbags!]

After everyone was seated, a mathematics test paper appeared out of thin air on the table in front of them— Bai Gang's simulated test paper, mathematics sprint training.

Compared with the test paper that suddenly appeared, the word "mathematics" dominated everyone's hearts.

Except for Qi Yan, Shen Weiyue and Gu Xiaoxiao, everyone else's eyes widened.

"Mathematics is actually the thing I'm most afraid of. This, isn't this forcing others to do something difficult!" Yue Xinran wailed in a low voice.

Lin Yao put on a mask of pain: "That's great, I'm really only worthy of writing my name."

Jin Sui'an lowered his eyes and looked at the test paper, his brows could kill a fly, and said, "No one else is so lucky."

Compared with the despair of the scumbags, Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue both looked calm and even started to make calculations in their hearts.

As for Gu Xiaoxiao, she is a bad student, but she is even more fearless. Moreover, she has long wanted to be eliminated. Maybe this round will be an opportunity.

Looking at the person with a desperate expression, the smile on the teacher's lips seemed to become warmer. She said with a bright smile: "The test questions are not difficult. They are all multiple choice questions. The full score is 150, and a passing score is 90."

"90 points, isn't this deliberately making things difficult for others?" Lin Yao exclaimed.

"Making things difficult for you?" The teacher's lips curved in an astonishing way, even showing her back molars, "Do you think this is the teacher making things difficult for you?"

Before Lin Yao could recover from the special effect of her sudden change of face, the teacher on the podium was in front of him in the blink of an eye, her cold and bone-chilling forehead pressed against his, and a cold smile continued in their gaze.

The sudden posture scared the audience in the live broadcast room to the ground and kicked their legs wildly, and the barrage immediately started to protect their bodies.

Lin Yao was even more frightened by her teleportation. His heart was beating wildly. Fear froze his whole body. He lost the ability to speak and could only shake his head stiffly.

The teacher seemed satisfied with his reaction. She slowly retracted her head, smiled and asked, "Do you really think the teacher is making things difficult for you?"

Lin Yao was chilled by the smile that did not reach her eyes, and he said calmly: "No, it's not making things difficult, it's me, it's me who doesn't work hard enough."

These words successfully warmed up the teacher's smile. She straightened up, patted Lin Yao's shoulder, and praised: "Well, you are a teachable kid!"

After finishing her words, she reached the podium in the blink of an eye and said again: "Ten minutes, one hundred multiple-choice questions, 90 points to pass, hurry up."

"Ten, ten minutes?!" Jin Sui'an couldn't help shouting, and then suddenly remembered Lin Yao's fate, immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth, and looked at the teacher with a look of fear.

The teacher gave everyone a small but warm smile, and said softly: "Look, this is called making things difficult, let's get started."

With a long "tick" sound, the red clock above the blackboard started running ruthlessly. The ticking sound effect seemed to tremble directly at the top of the heart, making people panic for no reason.

Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue, as top academics, had already started working on the test papers after receiving them. The small friction between Lin Yao and the teacher did not attract their attention at all.

At this moment, they can't hold anything in their eyes except test questions.

In contrast, the expressions of the other three people were different.

Yue Xinran bit her fingers with tears in her eyes throughout the whole process, writing quickly without guessing.

Jin Sui'an relied on his eyesight and chose whichever answer suited his eyes.

Lin Yao adheres to the simple and crude principle and chooses C all the time.

Seeing everyone writing furiously, the teacher on the podium finally showed a happy smile. With an inadvertent glance from the corner of her eye, the smile that had not yet bloomed suddenly froze at the corners of her lips.

Gu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the first row, was holding a pen in one hand and supporting her chin in the other. Although her eyes were looking at the test paper, her head was drooping every now and then, as if she was dozing off.

This arrogant and provocative scene made Bai Jing laugh out loud.

If she guessed correctly, this person was probably the culprit who successively made her friends become transparent!

Thinking of this, Bai Jing's gentle expression turned ferocious in an instant, and her heavy and cold eyes were covered with a layer of terrifying murderous intent, staring straight at Gu Xiaoxiao.

She slowly approached her target with light steps.

[One thing to say, Gu Xiaoxiao’s test-taking reaction is so real, just like this scumbag’s love for math difficulties]

[The teacher finally noticed that Gu Xiaoxiao was such a badass]

[Everyone else was selflessly studying the questions, but she kept her chin in a daze from beginning to end. Such an obvious move clearly meant that she was deliberately attracting attention]

[Oh, I’m afraid that if I steal the chicken but lose the rice, I will kill myself]

[Waiting for Gu Xiaoxiao to be attacked by the teacher, scared into a mop, falling to the ground and kicking her legs wildly]
