FVB - 025

Chapter 25 Everything will come to nothing

After Jiang Jin finished speaking, there was silence in the room.


Li Xichen sneered.

He put his two hands into his pockets, his small face was cold and cool, and his whole body exuded an aura of keeping strangers away.

"Young lady should not say such unreasonable things in order to shirk responsibility."

Zhang Ma's lips trembled angrily, "Sir, he is a vegetative person. This life is already pitiful and miserable. Why would the young madam attack a patient? If the young madam is angry, you can come at me. I'll give you this old bone..."

Jiang Jin didn't want to explain too much.
She sat on the sofa next to her and said coldly: "You will know whether I lied when the doctor comes."
Zhang Ma wiped away her tears and lowered her head to help Li Yunting stop the bleeding.
Li Beixiao stood beside the bed and handed Zhang Ma gauze and disinfectant without saying a word...
Li Xichen leaned against the balcony window, anger flashing in his eyes.

Ten minutes later, the personal doctor hurried over.

The doctor checked the wound, prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs, and warned: "Mr. Li is fine. Change the gauze once a day. Remember not to let the wound touch the water..."
Zhang Ma nodded repeatedly and wrote down the doctor's words carefully.
Jiang Jin then slowly spoke: "Doctor Sun, Li Yunting just woke up."

One sentence broke the tranquility in the room.
Li Xichen finally couldn't bear it anymore and said coldly: "Forget it if you talk nonsense in front of us, why are you still going crazy in front of outsiders?"
Jiang Jin said calmly: "Dr. Sun should be able to tell after an examination."
This is the room where Li Yunting recuperates, and all medical equipment is available.
Dr. Sun also wanted to know Li Yunting's current situation, and without saying a word, he began to conduct a comprehensive physical examination, mainly brain and cardiopulmonary function tests...

"The congestion on Mr. Li's head has disappeared..." Dr. Sun looked in disbelief. "The heart and lung function are also the same as normal people..."
Li Beixiao was startled: "My dad is really awake?"
"It's impossible to tell." Dr. Sun shook his head. "Mr. Li has been in coma for too long. It is not easy to wake up. However, his body is developing in a good direction. It can take as long as one year or as short as two months." You should be able to wake up in three months.”
Jiang Jin pursed her lips and said nothing.
In fact, this man should have woken up, but he was knocked unconscious by her again...
The plot line of the original book was advanced three months.
The first thing Li Yunting did when he woke up was to kill her. When he really woke up, he would probably go to get the divorce certificate with her immediately.
The original owner had a huge divorce.
She seems to be a little restless now.
If she gets divorced like this, she will most likely end up with the same miserable end as the original owner...
Jiang Jin let out a long sigh and walked out of the master bedroom without saying a word.
"We still need to find a professional doctor to do an in-depth examination on Mr. Li..."
After Dr. Sun explained a few more words, he left with the medical kit.
"Amitabha, God bless you, the master is finally waking up."

 Zhang's mother clasped her palms together and cried with joy, "The good days for these young masters are finally coming. It's great, it's so great..."

Compared to Zhang Ma's excitement, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were very calm.

"Xiao Bei, have you seen that, that woman has not changed at all." Li Xichen's every word was filled with air-conditioning, "Because dad endured her tyranny, we were able to have a short-term peaceful coexistence with her."
Li Beixiao pursed his lips: "I understand."
He would have no more illusions about that woman.
What it was like before, it will be like in the future.
Dad had his head broken by that woman today, and he would never let that woman have an easy time.
Li Beixiao had a cold look on his face and walked out of the master bedroom.
At this time, Jiang Jin sighed for the unknown number of times.
Li Yunting woke up, it was really a fatal thing.

She and Lin Yichi still don't have a clean break, and her child-abusing persona has not yet been reversed, and she secretly sold the shares of the Li Group...

All kinds of messy things were enough to make Li Yunting murder her.
What to do?
Jiang Jin let out another long sigh.
Just then, her phone rang again.
She glanced at the caller ID, and the words Lin Yichi kept flashing.

If Lin Yichi hadn't called her suddenly, would she have been able to say those fatal words in front of Li Yunting?

If she hadn't said those things about cheating on him, how could Li Yunting suddenly choke her?
Jiang Jin connected the phone and scolded him: "Lin Yichi, you crazy scumbag, I've had enough of you! You are a big man, you want money but no money, you want face, you have taken advantage of me again and again. You're here to swindle money and encourage me to divorce and divide the Li family's property. I have to be crazy to believe you!

Let me tell you, I don’t want the 30 million yuan anymore, I’ll give it to you as a coffin book! Get out of my life and never appear in front of me again!"
What a movie investment!
What a huge return on capital!
As soon as Li Yunting wakes up, everything will come to nothing.
Jiang Jin sat blankly in front of the dressing mirror.
Two text messages came in on the phone.
"Jinjin, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have kept asking for things from you. I was really wrong. Can you forgive me?
I have already collected 30 million, and I will send the money to you right now. You must not ignore me.
Jinjin, I love you more than myself. Don't be angry after receiving the money. I will come to you tomorrow and take you to eat your favorite Japanese food. Good night, I love you. Yichi. "
"Your bank card has received 30 million yuan..."

Jiang Jin: "..."
If she had known that Lin Yichi had masochistic tendencies, she should have scolded him long ago.
Now, all 60 million have been collected.
Regardless of whether Li Yunting wakes up or not, her life must go on.
That movie was her last resort.
Jiang Jin yawned, got up and walked to the bed.
She lifted the quilt and just fell asleep on the bed when her toes touched something soft, like hair.
She grabbed the thing between her toes and pulled it over.
When this thing appeared in front of her eyes, she was so frightened that she immediately rolled off the bed.

A Barbie doll with hollow eyes, a weird smile on the lips, and blood all over her body, like a ghost doll.
Jiang Jin rolled and crawled straight towards the door.
She pulled the door hard, but couldn't open it. The door was locked from the outside.
"Li Xichen, little bastard, open the door!"
"Li Beixiao, I know you are outside, open the door for me!" Jiang Jin roared angrily.
As soon as she finished speaking, the lights in the room flickered twice and suddenly went dark.
In the darkness, the ghost doll's eyes actually glowed faintly green.
Jiang Jin is really going crazy.

When she goes out tomorrow, she must let these two bastards know how to write the word regret.
