FVB - 026

Chapter 26 Are you masochistic?

The dazzling sunlight shines in from the window.

Jiang Jin stretched her back, yawned and sat up.
Only then did she realize that she had slept on the carpet all night...
Her head was dizzy and her forehead felt a little hot, as if she had a fever.

Jiang Jin stood up and opened the door.

She walked to the railing of the stairs and saw Li Xichen and Li Beixiao sitting in the dining room having breakfast.

She wanted to curse them at the top of her lungs, but she found that her throat was very sore, it must be tonsillitis.

She was so weak that she couldn't even scold the two little bastards.

Jiang Jin put on a knitted sweater jacket, weakly walked downstairs, squatted on the floor and took out the medicine box from the cabinet. She rummaged around, but couldn't find antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

"Cough cough!"

She couldn't hold it back and coughed twice, covering her chest.

Li Beixiao put down his chopsticks and looked at Jiang Jin.

No matter when, this woman would dress up delicately and elegantly, never letting herself look so embarrassed.

His hair was messy and his face was pale, seeming a little sickly.
Li Beixiao said calmly: "What are you looking for?"
Jiang Jin was angry and said coldly: "It's none of your business."
She placed the medicine box heavily back in the cabinet and walked upstairs again.
"Why do you care about her?" Li Xichen's eyebrows were extremely cold, "Let's go to the Internet cafe."
He deliberately raised his voice, as if he was speaking to Jiang Jin on purpose.
Jiang Jin continued walking upstairs without even pausing.
She is too busy taking care of herself now, how can she have the energy to care about these two little brats anymore.
Moreover, Li Yunting has woken up and they will be educated by their biological father, so it is not her turn to take care of them...

Li Beixiao's face was filled with a touch of disappointment.

He pursed his thin pink lips and stood up with his schoolbag: "Let's go to the Internet cafe to kill a round."
Jiang Jin stood on the balcony on the second floor and watched the two children get into the car. The car disappeared on the road in front of the villa in an instant.
Li Yunting will probably wake up tonight or tomorrow. When this man wakes up, their marriage will end.
After the divorce, she and her four children should never have any interaction again.
Thinking of this, Jiang Jin felt a trace of reluctance in her heart.
Then, she pinched her face in disgust.
Jiang Jin, do you have masochistic tendencies? You can't bear to let go of these two little brats!
You have a fever and a sore throat now because you were tricked by these two naughty kids.
After the divorce, you become a single beautiful girl again, and these broken children have nothing to do with you anymore!
After Jiang Jin changed her clothes, she was going to go out to buy medicine, and then handed over the 60 million investment to Director Zhao.
When she passed the master bedroom, she saw that the door had been replaced with an electronic code lock.
This is obviously to guard against her!

Jiang Jin was so angry that a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat, unable to come up or go down.
She stepped on high heels and walked out of the villa without looking back.
At ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Jin drove to the Orange Film and Television office building.
As soon as she appeared in the office, she received a grand reception, and the assistant director Xiao Fang graciously served her a hand-ground latte coffee with a temperature of 40 degrees.
Director Zhao showed Jiang Jin the trailer that was edited overnight.

Jiang Jin glanced at it and was very satisfied. However, because the heroine resigned, the heroine in the trailer always had a blurry face.
"Has the new heroine been found?"
Director Zhao sighed: "The heroine of this drama is five years old on the surface, but is actually over a hundred years old. We need to find a little girl who looks innocent and innocent, but is actually dark and calm. It's really a bit bad. try to find...
Miss Jiang, why don't you invest an additional 20 million, for the sake of remuneration, I believe the original heroine will come over to film the finale..."
Jiang Jin put down the coffee cup and said righteously: "Director Zhao, you are also an old man in the entertainment industry. How can you have such an idea? The actors retained with high salary are all relatively powerful actors. How can you perfectly interpret the character of the heroine of this drama? I have a candidate. Director Zhao will see if she is suitable."

Director Zhao's mouth twitched.
Most investors would forcibly block people. He thought this Miss Jiang was an exception, but he didn't expect to wait here.

As a director, the most intolerable thing for him is that the choice of male and female protagonists is taken away by investors...
When he was about to argue, Jiang Jin clicked out Bai Ningshuang's photo on her phone and placed it in front of Director Zhao.
With just one glance, Director Zhao was captured.

The snow-white glutinous rice dumplings and thick eyelashes make her eyes clear and ethereal, which are simply tailor-made for this drama.
"Miss Jiang, where did you find this little girl?"

Jiang Jin curled her lips and said with a smile, "Does Director Zhao think it's appropriate?"
"One hundred percent suitable!" Director Zhao slapped his thigh, "Miss Jiang, please give me the phone number of this little girl's parents, and I will contact them personally."
Jiang Jin smiled and reported a series of mobile phone numbers.
She knew that no one could resist the aura of the heroine of the original book.
It was she who personally recommended Bai Ningshuang to star in this drama. So, when Bai Ningshuang became popular, the first person to thank was her.
Once she and the heroine of the original book are in the same camp, it shouldn't be that easy for Li Yunting to kill her...
Jiang Jin crossed her legs, finally feeling that her future was a little brighter.

With Bai Ningshuang's aura surrounding her, she wasn't afraid of Li Yunting and those four little bastards...

She took a leisurely sip of coffee.
In just half a day, the new male and female protagonists were quickly finalized. Since they were all amateurs, their combined salary did not exceed one million.
Director Zhao was so happy that he gave the entire crew a day off: "The crew is treating us tonight, let's all have a meal together."
Jiang Jin didn't want to go back to Li's house, so she stood up and said generously: "I've invited you to this meal. What do you want to eat?"
The crew has been working overtime for more than half a year. Not long ago, they were depressed because the crew was about to be disbanded, and they all wanted to go out and relax.

So, a team of forty or fifty people went to the bar in a mighty manner.
Jiang Jin has always been a good girl since she was a child. She goes to school, graduates and works, and her life is routine. To be honest, she has never been to a bar.

The bar was bustling with people, and there were boys and girls dancing wildly everywhere.

"Ms. Jiang, come on, come on, sit here, and we'll toast you a glass of wine one by one."
Director Zhao pulled Jiang Jin to sit down in the middle, and a group of people lined up to propose a toast.
Jiang Jin didn't know how to drink at all, but she couldn't refuse what these people said to each other. So, she drank glass after glass of wine inexplicably...

Not far away, a pair of piercing eyes stared at her with a chill.

Li Dongjing clenched his fists coldly: "Go and check the origins of the people who are fooling around with her."
