Chapter 17

Will Gu Xiaoxiao die?

In response to this question from the enthusiastic audience, Gu Xiaoxiao gave an answer with strength.

As early as after the true appearance of each NPC was revealed, Gu Xiaoxiao knew in her heart that no matter how realistic the makeup was or how terrifying the atmosphere, it was all acting after all.

This is a routine operation performed by the program team to increase the audience's expectations, to create confusion among the participants, and to satisfy the audience's curiosity.

The essence of a game like Scary, which is full of pranks and anecdotes, is to watch others make a fool of themselves.

After Gu Xiaoxiao traveled through the book, she changed from the one who scares to the one who is scared. This transformation made her unable to complain. She really couldn't accept the fake as real.

For example, the sinister and evil curse-type NPC in front of her has long hair that covers her entire face and body. She is muttering words and staring straight at her with a pair of black eyes. She is even worse than Sadako in The Grudge. A hundred times more evil.

But so what, she was just pretending to be and is a human being, and no matter how good her acting skills were, she couldn't deceive Gu Xiaoxiao.

When the other guests were so frightened by the NPC's various tricks that they screamed and fell in confusion, Gu Xiaoxiao could only sigh and regret that she was once again thrown into a trap by the damn atmosphere of the program team.

As the guests were eliminated one after another, Gu Xiaoxiao's stable mood suddenly had an idea. If she was also eliminated, wouldn't the show be completely wiped out and there would be no recording?

Thinking of this, she suddenly resurrected with full health. Looking at the NPC opposite who only created a sinister atmosphere and cooperated with the people behind the scenes to poke and scratch the back of her neck, leaving a little blood, her patience quickly ran away.

She changed her previous casual attitude, raised her hand to touch the back of her neck, looked at the thin blood on her palm and sighed softly: "It's useless for you to do so many little tricks. My heart rate has always been lower than yours. If you continue to use it like this, you will definitely lose. We don’t have much time, how about you think of another way and use some unique skills to scare me, otherwise I will be scared?”


Xiulan's mouth that was constantly opening and closing suddenly paused, and her sinister eyes that had been locked on Gu Xiaoxiao were covered with a touch of resentment after hearing these arrogant arguments.

She suddenly reached out her hand, crossed the table 40 centimeters away, and grabbed her throat.

Isn’t this damn woman just bad at teaching? Why is she always provocative?

She has learned the lesson from the previous echelon's annihilation. She personally stepped out to give them a showdown in the first game. Others had great results. Why did it fail when it came to her? She was the MVP of this game!

This scene made the guests present and the audience in the live broadcast room gasp.

"Do you really think this is just a game?" Xiulan's voice was like the sound of nails scraping on a blackboard, making people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

"No, what?" Gu Xiaoxiao's face turned red when she pinched her, and the veins on her forehead bulged when she spoke, but her eyes showed no fear.

! ! ! 

Xiulan was really angry with her. She had done so well. Such a breed that was not afraid of death was really rare!

She strangled her throat harder, and because of her anger, the number on the heart rate monitor continued to rise.

[Come, come, the familiar feeling is here again, I’m so anxious]

[Wow, this NPC is really evil, is it really okay to anger her?]

[The rule of the game is that the person with the lowest heartbeat value wins. Is there any other way besides irritating you?]

[Speaking of which, Gu Xiaoxiao is really the most daring person I have ever seen. Even though she was pinched by the throat, she remained so calm and had no choice but to give in]

"You, why are you so anxious? You, you will lose like this." Gu Xiaoxiao spoke with difficulty, her eyes that were red due to suffocation still showed no fear at all.

Xiulan was angry, she gritted her teeth and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head with difficulty and said intermittently: "Everyone will die. The time and place are not up to you. Take my life, don't hesitate!"

Anyway, we are all people who have died once, not least this time.

"Roar~~~" Xiulan let out a deafening scream, and the sound directly shattered the surrounding glass and ceiling lights.

The scattered debris hit the people and ghosts present indiscriminately. The guests screamed in horror. Shen Weiyue and Yue Xinran were so frightened that they hid under the table, hugging each other and crying.

The ghost members were also shocked by Xiulan's wave of anger, and completely forgot to absorb the surging fear energy around them.

[Ah ah ah ah, the NPC's anger is incredible. I am so frightened by the black energy.]

[Even if I die, I don’t believe this is a special effect. Other NPCs were also shocked, okay?]

[I directly suspect that this is her true character.]

Xiulan was so angry that she was trembling at Gu Xiaoxiao's provocation. The energy she had finally absorbed in her body began to flow around because of this anger, and the pain was as if her veins were flowing backwards.

The force that was holding Gu Xiaoxiao's neck quickly disappeared, and she began to pant heavily after regaining her breath.

As the heart rate monitor continued to increase, Xiulan's mouth felt a touch of fishy sweetness. She hurriedly held it back, and while she was distracted to calm down the disordered aura, her sinister and evil eyes were still staring at Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked around at the mess around her and said earnestly: "You shattered so many glasses and ceiling lights. Apart from increasing the workload of the props and the cleaning lady, it really has no frightening effect. It's just work. There's no need to be serious."

"This is not a prop, this is real ghost energy. Do you know ghost energy?!!!" Xiulan was so angry that she broke her voice.

"Yeah, you know, I know, it's ghostly, I understand." Gu Xiaoxiao gave the other party a gentle smile, which was a way of comforting her for not being recognized for her hard work.


The heart rate monitor on Xiulan's wrist sounded an urgent alarm, but the person involved only felt weak, not because the energy was not enough to kill her, but because no matter how hard she tried to intimidate her, the other party couldn't get anything done.

"I appreciate your dedication, but I don't agree with your excessive exertion, because it is meaningless. You are so angry because you didn't scare me. If you accidentally get a heart attack or cerebral infarction out of anger, it will not be worth the loss, because in your line of work, if there is any accident that happens on the job, your boss will not count it as a work-related injury. You have to bear all the consequences. It’s really not worthwhile. I also advised your previous colleagues to do the same. If you don’t believe me, just ask.”

Fortunately, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't meet the person in advance. The mere mention of it triggered Xiulan's strong forbidden area. She deliberately learned from the experience of the previous team to teach her a lesson. As a result, she was so angry that she would definitely be reduced to laughing stock.

Thinking of this, Xiulan spurted a mouthful of angry blood to the ground, and her heart rate exploded.

With a bang, the heart rate monitor shattered.

"It's really easy for you to die suddenly due to your mood swings. You'll be traveling to the hospital soon, and tonight's reward will be in vain. Hey~" Gu Xiaoxiao smelled the strong smell of blood, with a look of regret and worry on her face.

Xiulan pointed at her face with trembling hands, and began to mumble something in her mouth. Black blood kept pouring out of her mouth when she opened and closed it, so that Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't hear her words clearly, so she could only raise her neck and tilt her head to ask: "I can't hear what you said clearly."

In the eyes of the ghosts, this scene became an arrogant provocation. In order to prevent the captain from doing too much again, everyone hurriedly swarmed up and took her away.

As they walked, they comforted her: "Sister Lan, there's no need to be angry with this kind of person. Let's go back and recuperate and keep working hard."

"This kind of scum is not worth your anger!"

"Ugh! Ugh!"

Xiulan was helpless and vomited the long-lost black blood. The more her companions comforted her, the more heartbroken she became. She couldn't even scare the scum, so what's the use of floating!

Woo hoo, my eternal fame, my MVP of the whole game, woo wow! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Bit-- the timer is over. Congratulations to Gu Xiaoxiao for winning this game and getting a key."

When the broadcast sounded, the surrounding lights brightened, and the cold air that had been lingering on everyone dissipated.

[I was wrong. I want to apologize to Gu Xiaoxiao. I thought she was dead for a time, but it turned out that I was superficial. I had nothing to repay, so I could only send a yacht to express my feelings.]

[I give you ten copies of the gift to show my admiration for her like a torrential river. Gu Xiaoxiao is really a hero]

[I originally thought that no one would survive this level, but it turned out that this anchor really turned the tide, and I had to accept it]

[I thought I would ahhhh the whole time, but the result was ahhhh, hahaha, ahhhh, hahaha]

[The truth is revealed. When the NPC’s heartbeat increased, I smelled a familiar smell. At that moment, I knew that Master Xiao’s operation was stable.]

[Anyway, there are signs every time an NPC is going crazy. What’s funny to me is that Gu Xiaoxiao always uses the argument that the company will not reimburse her because of overwork, and drives away one NPC after another. It’s a bit too real]

[Hahahaha, in short, as long as you have Gu Xiaoxiao, any horror can turn into a fool in an instant, allowing you to switch smoothly between ahhhh and hahaha]

[I screamed and cried, but also laughed. When my grandma got up at night, she insisted on giving me the Talisman Water to drink, saying that I was possessed by an evil spirit:)]


With the end of this wave of games, the number of viewers in Gu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room has exceeded the three million mark, ranking third with more than one million viewers over Lin Yao, behind Shen Weiyue and Qi Yan.

This upset the manager's assistant Sheng Jingle, and she quickly grabbed her agent Xu Hui, who had just got into the car, to report the situation.

"Sister Hui, Xiaoxiao has really become famous this time. There are already more than three million viewers in the live broadcast room, and her personal Weibo has gained 400,000 followers, all of which are followers from Adventure House."

"Really?" Xu Hui checked the real-time data on the tablet.

Gu Xiaoxiao has been under her care since the day she debuted. She obviously has good looks and temperament, but she turns out to be a recruiter. Everything she says and does is wrong. Over time, the company also lost confidence in her, and they just waited for the end of the contract to send her away as soon as possible.

This time she participated in the Horror House because the director took a fancy to her ability to recruit black fans and used her as Shen Weiyue's control group to accompany her.

When they signed the contract, neither she nor Gu Xiaoxiao had high hopes. They just wanted to follow the contract, get paid and leave after recording, and didn't dare to think about becoming famous.

After Xu Hui read the data, she checked Weibo again. It was all filled with praise and admiration for Gu Xiaoxiao. As long as the hot search terms related to Gu Xiaoxiao, she read them all. After the initial excitement, the mood began to return to heaviness.

"Xiaoxiao's operation is completely illegal. Zhao Xin didn't stop it. Could he have deliberately set a trap for her?"

For this kind of joy that suddenly fell from the sky, Xu Hui was even more afraid after being happy. After all, Gu Xiaoxiao's black body trick is really rare in the industry. She has only been blackmailed. This kind of good thing is too unreal.
