The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 02

☆⁠Chapter 2 Rules of Silence☆

As mentioned earlier, Lin Jianqing is a full-time online writer.

As mentioned earlier, "Silent Peak" is her masterpiece.

In this novel, the "Silent Ones", centered on the two protagonists, are chosen by God. Whenever midnight comes, their souls will attach themselves to the puppets on the Peak of Silence and complete various tasks issued by God, such as those who fail to complete the task will face the punishment of humane removal.

The so-called god calls himself "Silent Hill".

When Lin Jianqing heard the "ding—" sound, she immediately felt something was wrong. A panel appeared in front of her eyes. The main tasks on the panel were garbled, and the sub-tasks had two branches...

Branch task one, win over Wei Ling (0).

Branch task two, rescue Lin Ran.

Lin Jianqing's head panicked: "Silent..."

"Silent Hill." A voice said coldly in Lin Jianqing's mind: "The God of Silence."

"...Brother, don't joke around." Lin Jianqing's head was dizzy, feeling that either she was crazy or the world was crazy. Come on, Silent Peak, how could it be Silent Hill? What's going on now, is the system perfect?

The voice that spoke in Lin Jianqing's mind was a childish young voice. He said coldly: "Who is kidding you? Lin Jianqing, you are already dead. You had a heart attack. Have you forgotten?"

As soon as the word "death" came out, Lin Jianqing was so frightened that she suddenly woke up.

The young voice continued: "You are already dead, and your mental energy after death is wandering around the two-dimensional world at a loss. I saved you."

"But every two-dimensional world has its own rules. In "Silent Peak", I am the rule of the world, but in "For You", there is another more powerful and local rule. Lin Jianqing, for the continuation of our respective lives, we must completely suppress this local rule. Otherwise, Lin Jianqing, who has two-dimensional mental power, will be excluded by the rules, and will naturally be pushed out of the world in the book. You will only die, and I will be swallowed up by the local rules.”

"You mean, I died of a heart attack in the real world, became two-dimensional for some unknown reason, traveled through the two-dimensional world, and was then saved by you? You..." She paused and said : "Then you and I were pulled into the world of "For You"?"

Yes, Lin Jianqing is indeed his creator. Silent Peak, who looked aloof on the surface, thought a little proudly that her IQ was barely one thousandth of his.

The amount of information in these words was so great that Lin Jianqing felt a headache. The complaining maniac and Little White Flower had been so frightened that they huddled in the corner and shivered. Silent Hill continued: "We can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the rules of the local world. When you completely change the fate of the host, I will become stronger—"

Lin Jianqing immediately went offline: "So you are weak now?"

Silent Hill, who had always been calm and pretentious, stumbled and almost fell: "It's not very weak, but if you want to compare with me in "Silent Peak", then it must..." It will definitely not be comparable.

He thought of something else and tried to make up for it: "I am the most powerful regular entity. I am the only one in the entire two-dimensional world who has developed independent consciousness. If you hadn't been involved, the world of "Silent Peak" would have evolved sooner or later!"

The more Silent Hill talked, the more he felt justified, saying: "It's all your fault!"

Lin Jianqing was suspicious: "Then how did you discover me?"

Silent Hill: "What?"

"I traveled through the two-dimensional space after my death. How did you discover me, and why were the two of us drawn into this novel world?"



"I don't know either." Silent Hill said quickly: "Anyway, it's quite inexplicable. I developed self-awareness, jumped out of "Silent Peak" and saw a series of two-dimensional light waves, and then you appeared, glowing like a small rubber ball, and then... then there was a flash of white light, yes, it was a flash of white light, and we came in!"

The wise Lin Jianqing immediately went online: "So before you came in, you didn't know who I was."

That must be unknown.

Not long after Silent Hill gained self-awareness, he left the world of "Silent Peak" to play wildly. He saw the white light and felt curious. He ran over and kicked her. Unexpectedly, the guy was so elastic that she was kicked far away. Entering the world of "For You", Silent Hill was somehow implicated and pulled into this world together.

So in the final analysis, it was Lin Jianqing who harmed him. If it weren't for her, he would still be a free man now. How could he leave his hometown, be so miserable, and be suppressed by a rule that has no sense of self at all?

Thinking of this, Silent Hill, who was a little guilty at first, felt confident again. He said, "Do you know what the difference is? Anyway, it's all because of you. If it weren't for you, how could I be so miserable?"

"..." There is no three hundred taels of silver here, absolutely no three hundred taels of silver here! Could it be that Lin Jianqing doesn’t know what the cub she wrote looks like? Silent Hill said so, so it’s obvious that there is something fishy about it.

She wanted to continue asking, but Silent Hill quickly changed the subject and said, "Okay, okay, stop thinking about these meaningless questions. You first solve the tasks assigned to you by the Silent Rules!"

Lin Jianqing exclaimed: "Aren't you the Rule of Silence?"

In "Silent Peak", Silent Hill has no self-awareness. He is a ruthless and somewhat evil "god". Because he felt bored, he gathered a group of extremely vicious criminals to upgrade and fight monsters. He himself controls the rules of silence....

The young voice said "Oops", feeling that this question was a bit difficult to explain. He thought for a moment and said, "Let me explain it to you. [Silent Peak] was originally just a two-dimensional image created by you, but after the evolution of this image, it gave birth to self-awareness is like a robot that has the desire to live and becomes a human. I am that consciousness, but I cannot control the rules." He said: "It's like a person has both rational and emotional sides, and I am the emotional one, the rule of silence is reason. We are one, but different. Do you understand?"

Lin Jianqing: "...I understand." In other words, you are just a mascot, and the Rule of Silence is the boss.

But the Rules of Silence have no emotions. Now, the first priority of the Rules of Silence is to strengthen themselves in this strange world and suppress the local rules. If Lin Jianqing can't help him do this, it doesn't matter whether she "created" him as the Author, she will be eliminated.

In response, Lin Jianqing said to Silent Hill: "No problem, I'll go!"

I'll mess your grandma's legs!


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