The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 03

☆⁠Chapter 3 Is there something going on?☆

After complaining, there is still business to do. Lin Jianqing asked: "How much does Wei Ling like me now?"

"There is no favorability, only resentment." Silent Hill is born with an out-of-touch character. At first, he pretended to be aloof just to scare Lin Jianqing. Now that his true nature has been exposed, he is too lazy to hide it. He laughed and said: "Resentment is worth a hundred~"

Are you so happy, as if you can live alone after I die? Lin Jianqing glared at the panel and felt a little headache.

However, the tasks released by the Rules of Silence have been accurately calculated, and the possibility of completing the tasks cannot be 0. In other words, it is not absolutely impossible to eliminate Wei Ling's resentment towards the original owner in a short period of time.

It's just difficult.

With limited time, Lin Jianqing quickly went through the discharge procedures, and then decided to observe the seven-year-old version of Wei Ling first.

When reading the novel "For You", Lin Jianqing went there with a learning mentality, focusing mainly on the emotional line. She only had a rough stereotype of the male protagonist Wei Ling in the novel, roughly he is the kind of cold and domineering boss that is very common in romance novels, with a little bit of machismo, but the rest is not impressive at all.

What does seven-year-old Wei Ling look like?

Lin Jianqing was wearing a black sportswear, a black hat, sunglasses, and a mask. She was fully armed and hiding under a big tree outside the elementary school, watching the gate quietly.

Class 1, Grade 3.

In order to stir up trouble, Silent Hill also deliberately converted all of Wei Ling's resentment towards Lin Jianqing into aura, so Lin Jianqing spotted Wei Ling from the crowd at a glance - a child in school uniform, who was shorter than the classmates around him because of skipping a grade. He was smaller, with no expression on his delicate face. He lowered his head and was fiddling with his mobile phone. The black aura lingering around his body was the resentment he felt towards the original owner.

Most of the children next to him were in small groups, laughing and joking, but Wei Ling seemed to have his own barrier around him. No one talked to him, and he himself did not take the initiative to communicate with others, including when the teacher was talking at the assembly point, he did not raise his head. It wasn't until the teacher said it was time to dismiss that he put away his phone and walked towards the black car belonging to the Wei family parked on the roadside.

The driver's surname was Wang, and he was not very enthusiastic about Wei Ling.

"What are you going to do?" Silent Hill asked.

Lin Jianqing rubbed the tree bark: "One month is too short, but Wei Ling's resentment towards the original owner is as much as one hundred, which is difficult to handle." Thanks to Silent Hill, she saw that Wei Ling was surrounded by a thick black aura, you know that one hundred resentment points are definitely not just an empty number.

The original owner married Wei Sheng two years ago and treated Wei Ling well in the following year. However, when Wei Sheng was busy running around due to group affairs and the original starring actor's career in the entertainment industry was not going well, she vented all her anger on Wei Ling. Fortunately, the original owner is currently attacking Wei Ling mostly mentally, and has not increased the physical torture, so it won't be too ugly to clean up.

If she wants to win over Wei Ling, she must clear the name of the original owner.

Lin Jianqing was a novelist after all, so she had an outline at her fingertips. Just imagine, if the ultimate goal of her series of actions is to reduce Wei Ling's resentment towards the original owner, what should she do?

Flattery won't work. Regardless of whether Wei Ling believes it or not, the one-month deadline is imminent, and Lin Jianqing must seize the time.


Why did the original owner treat Wei Ling like that?

Thinking about it, Lin Jianqing showed a smile on her face.

Pervert Lin Jianqing is online.

Silent Hill, who had been observing her, trembled when he saw this smile. Why did he feel that this smile was a bit abnormal? Is it an illusion?

He was confused for a moment and then quickly put the question behind him. And if he really knew Lin Jianqing, he would know that the intuition at that moment was the most accurate intuition in his short life.

Lin Jianqing is a full-time writer at Dingmin Novel Network. When she writes, she is just an ordinary otaku, but when she is not writing, she is... an all-around drama queen.

A slightly neurotic one.


Wei Ling doesn't want to go home every day.

The school environment already makes people feel very uncomfortable, but that home is a place like a prison. There even lived inside a dog with a ferocious expression and barking all the time, which made Wei Ling feel very disgusted and upset.

He hated the woman named Lin Jianqing.

Even hate— he hated her!

He also resented his father. If it weren't for his cruelty, his mother would not have left. If it weren't for his lust, that woman wouldn't have the chance to marry into the Wei family.

When her father and mother divorced three years ago, Wei Ling once cried and prayed to his father, but his father ignored him; two years ago, when Wei Ling expressed to his father that he did not want a stepmother, his father also ignored him... So, little Wei Ling swore in his heart that he would never beg his father again in this life.

But now he is still too weak, and the only thing Wei Ling can do is to hang out in the bookstore for a while after school, and then go home. Although the driver belongs to the woman, he doesn't pay too much attention to such trivial matters, because every time the woman comes home at eight or nine in the evening, Wei Ling has already arrived home.

But today, there seems to be something different at home.

Normally at this time, Aunt Wei would have finished cooking dinner and then gone back to her home, but today was different. When he got home, Aunt Wei was still there, walking lightly, as if she was afraid of waking someone up. When he came back, Mrs. Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Young master, the madam fell down last night and is not feeling well. She is resting upstairs now. Are you hungry now? If so..." She thought for a moment , said: "I will bring dinner to your bedroom, okay?"

Had a fall? Why didn't she fall to death? Wei Ling thought sadly, it would be fine if she fell to death.

A child as young as seven years old resents someone, but has no way to punish others, so he can only place his hope in gods or anywhere else. Wei Ling thought about it in his mind, then agreed to Wei's suggestion and went upstairs gently, not wanting to attract the woman's attention.

If caught, there will be another round of swearing. If he stays in the room, he can put on headphones and lock the door so he can't hear anything.

After going upstairs, to return to his room, Wei Ling had to pass that woman's room.

He didn't deliberately walk lightly or step harder, and walked over as usual. As he passed by, he felt light coming from the crack in the door, and he glanced inside subconsciously.

At this glance, Wei Ling stopped in his tracks.

The woman in the bedroom had disheveled hair and was sitting at the desk with a dull look. She was holding a knife in her hand, with the blade pointing downwards, and it was pressed directly against her wrist!
