DSHSN - 07

Gu Yiyi walked out of the door aggressively and walked on the road outside the community. Looking at the wide square and the endless road, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Where would he go?

He touched his pocket and wanted to call his good friend Yu Chen, but his pocket was empty. He rummaged through his schoolbag and there was no trace of his cell phone.

Gu Yiyi's face seemed a little stiff when he said that the phone seemed to be placed by the bedside. He just said angrily that he wanted to leave, but turned around and went back... If the woman saw it, she would laugh out loud.

But if he doesn't have his phone, he can't contact his friends, so how can he go out?

Besides, that home is his home, what if he goes back and asks the driver to take him out? Does that woman dare to say no?

He dared to say that he would complain to his father! Let his dad know how vicious this woman is!

So he went back angrily.

When he got home, he happened to meet the mother and daughter in the garden. The little guy was waiting for her by the car. Her big eyes were watery. When she saw her mother coming, she reminded her: "Mom, check again. And what else did you forget?"

Gu Yiyi heard Yan Beibei's words and guessed that the reason they hadn't gone out for so long was because this woman was too reckless and wasted so long.

Just now he heard them talking about going to the park to play upstairs, and he thought maliciously that if this woman was so careless, what if she lost her child outside...

Thinking of this, Gu Yiyi quickly shook the thoughts away from his head.

Although he hated the existence of this child, she was his sister after all, how could he think so.

His eyes swept over Yan Beibei's bright little face, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he hates this woman, he has to admit that Yan Beibei is really happy to be her daughter. Yan Li dresses her up beautifully and often takes her out to play. He has not had this treatment since he was a child. 

So when he looked at Yan Beibei's innocent and childish face, he suddenly felt a little confused.

He didn't know whether what he did was right or not. Would Yan Beibei be pitiful if he drove Yan Li away?

Just when his heart softened, the little devil in Gu Yiyi's heart crawled out again and told him: He just drove his eyes out of this family. If his father divorced her, it would only mean that she was not worthy of him. Yu Chen is also a child whose parents divorced. If Yan Li really loved her, she would definitely not stop visiting Yan Beibei.

And he doesn't necessarily want them to divorce, he just wants to drive the mother and daughter out of this villa. This is his and his father's home. Although his father doesn't come back often, this is their father and son's territory, and he doesn't want them to live in here.

Gu Yiyi clenched his fists and strengthened his belief.

As long as they leave and don't appear in front of him, even if Yan Li doesn't divorce his father, it doesn't matter to him.

He felt that this was a concession on his part.

The young man once again glanced at the mother and daughter who were about to go out, then took long strides and walked towards the door in a majestic manner.

Of course, it was just a performance. Gu Yiyi's mood was quite complicated. He even made random guesses whether Yan Li would feel in her heart that he was not serious when she saw him leaving and coming back.

But Gu Yiyi was indeed serious.

After he leaves, he will turn off his cell phone so that his father cannot contact him. In a few days, his father will know that his son is important.

With this in mind, he went upstairs to get his cell phone. After getting it from under the pillow in the room, he went to dig out the cash he had left at home, stuffed it into his bag together, and went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, the mother and daughter had already left, and the housekeeper was making a phone call downstairs.

He has been reporting the affairs of this family to his master. Just now he called the husband and told him that the young master was running away from home. Now that the young master is back, he wanted to call his husband to tell him.

When Gu Yiyi arrived downstairs, he saw the butler talking on the phone in the living room. Who else could the butler talk to at this time besides his father?

In order to show his determination, he walked over and said loudly: "Anyway, this family has them or not me, you can do whatever you want. I'm going out now and I won't come back in the future!"

After Gu Yiyi said this, he walked out of the door, which made the housekeeper who was answering the phone extremely nervous and his voice trembled.


Gu Heng had already heard what he said. In his opinion, Gu Yiyi was just having a little temper and would not cause any trouble. He did need an adaptation process, so he did not force him. Instead, he said: "Let him go out if it's okay. That’s good, after all, he's not young anymore and he needs to learn to be independent.”

The housekeeper was speechless. He thought the husband would be worried, but he actually said this. He didn't know whether he cared about the child or not.

After all, he had watched Gu Yiyi grow up. This child had been irritable since he was a child. He tried to persuade him with a few words: "Sir, the fact that the wife came here is indeed a bit sudden."

Gu Heng agreed very much with what he said: "So now I let him go out to calm down and let him think clearly."

The housekeeper didn't want to say anything.

Gu Yiyi asked the driver to take him out. There was only one driver at home. Just now he thought the mother and daughter wanted the driver to take them out, but in the end it was the woman who drove.

He happened to meet a woman who was driving unsteadily on the road. She almost hit him when she was turning a corner. Fortunately, the driver braked quickly and a car accident was avoided.

When he was deliberately confused, the appearance of the woman Yan Li suddenly flashed in my mind. Many people said that female drivers are not very good at driving, and they don't know how good that woman's driving skills are? Could he be as frizzy as this woman?

Yan Li didn't know that he cared about her so much, otherwise she would have to praise herself for her stable driving skills.

Gu Yiyi took a car to Times Square, where he made an appointment with Yu Chen. After getting off the car, the driver went back, while he was waiting for his friend on the roadside.

Ten minutes later, Yu Chen came over. He saw the young man carrying a schoolbag and lowering his head as if he was a lost dog. Yu Chen asked strangely: "Why did you come out with your luggage? Why were you chased away by your stepmother?"

Gu Yiyi gave him a slap in the face with a cold expression: "She wants to kick me out? I came out on my own! Not only that, I also have to turn off my phone so that my dad can't find me recently.”

Yu Chen wanted to remind his good friend that if your dad really wants to find you, even if you hide in the distance, your dad can still find you. After all, the Gu family has a huge industry and a wide range of contacts, not to mention Gu Yiyi's father's job also involves advanced technology. If he can't find Gu Yiyi, then his father might as well pack up his things and go home to retire.

However, seeing his good brother's dejected look, Yu Chen was still willing to comfort him and help him adjust his mood.

"Okay... then do you want to come and stay at my house soon?"

Gu Yiyi rolled his eyes at him: "Are you stupid? If I go to live at your house, my dad will know that I'm at your house! I'm going to rent a house and change my mobile phone card, so my dad won't know that I'm here. Where is it?"

Gu Yiyi originally thought about turning off his cell phone, but after all, he was used to the existence of his cell phone. Being disconnected from the Internet every day was not as uncomfortable as dying, so he gave up the plan in the end.

Yu Chen was very supportive of his brother: "Okay, let's rent a house now! I'll rent it for you!"

The house Yu Chen rented must be one of those in a mid-to-high-end community. Gu Yiyi didn't want to go. His father could easily find him in those places, so he wouldn't go!

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll look for it myself later."

"I'm starving, let's go have breakfast first."

Yu Chen didn't expect this guy to come out without even eating breakfast. He immediately put his hand on his shoulder and said with a playful smile: "Brother, why don't you be so serious? After all, you are your father's eldest son. Even if he cares about those two people, you will still inherit the company from now on. Why do you have to vent your anger on them?! You have to make your father happy. When you inherit your company in the future, you will kick these two people out. Wouldn’t you feel good?!"

Gu Yiyi actually didn't care much about his father's wealth. After all, he felt that he was not as good as his father. His father could work around the company 24 hours a day, but Gu Yiyi couldn't. He just wanted to squander his wealth while he was young.

He slapped Yu Chen's hand away in disgust, and walked towards the shopping mall inside Times Square, with a somewhat unhappy tone: "I can't tolerate them now, you ask me to wait until later... Even adulthood seems so damn far away to me, you still want me to wait until I inherit my dad's company, who knows if he will think I'm worthless and won't give me the company."

When Yu Chen thought about it, it seemed to make sense.

"Your father is so capable, he might live to work till he is old and still be at his job when he is seventy years old."

The young man was smiling, but Gu Yiyi next to him had an extremely stinky look on his face.

Entering the mall, as soon as he saw the breakfast shop, Gu Yiyi pounced on it like a hungry wolf, and started gobbling up the food as soon as he got it.

Although those at home ate some bread, it was too little and not enough to fill the young man's stomach.

Yu Chen had already had breakfast, and was playing games with his legs crossed. He occasionally looked up to see how the boy opposite who was eating fried dough sticks and drinking soy milk was doing.

Halfway through the game, there was a call from a friend. After Yu Chen answered the phone, he asked Gu Yiyi: "Old Liu and the others invited you to play table games. Billiards, are you going or not? "

"No! I'll look for a house later."

"Should I go with you?"

The house Gu Yiyi was looking for was a house that was hidden away from the city. A young master like Yu Chen would definitely not want to set foot in it, so he refused without hesitation: "No! You go play billiards with them!"

Yu Chen felt a little aggrieved when he saw the young man's attitude: "Yiyi, I'm not your stepmother, so you won't take your anger out on me, right? Our relationship has lasted for so many years."

Gu Yiyi felt that what he said seemed to be right, and finally agreed reluctantly: "Okay... just don't let the time come when you can't stand a place like that."

After arriving at the place, Yu Chen understood what kind of house Gu Yiyi wanted to rent.

Surrounded by the old city, the walls are cracked, and there are dense trees overhead, like green umbrellas. Although the ground under your feet is clean, there is still a lot of gray dirt, which is not so different from the city center.

Yu Chen saw the young man calmly walking in front with a black schoolbag on his back, and asked incomprehensibly: "I said you run away from home, just run away from home. Are you going to abuse yourself like this? This place is shabby and old!"

Gu Yiyi walked in front with long strides. The fallen leaves of the big tree were floating on his shoulders. The young man had a good figure. This kind of background was quite suitable for shooting.

"Can't I experience life in advance? My dad is already practicing trumpet. In the future, I may have to be self-reliant as soon as I graduate. There is nothing wrong with adapting to the environment in advance."

Yu Chen was almost confused by the young man's thinking. Before he came back, he booked a flight ticket aggressively and said with great ambition that he must drive the mother and daughter out of their house. What about now?


  1. Children 😩

    Thanks for the update!! 🤣🤣🤣


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